Advocacy Resource Library

Welcome to NACDL’s Advocacy Resource Library. The documents found on this page are provided to guide NACDL members and affiliate organizations through advocacy, outreach, and legislative initiatives at the state and federal level.

Grassroots Mobilization State Criminal Justice Network

As the preeminent organization representing the nation's criminal defense lawyers, NACDL seeks to ensure justice and due process for all persons accused of crime or other misconduct. To accomplish this mission, NACDL continuously monitors legislation and meets directly with legislators, various agencies, and other key stakeholders to ensure that NACDL's voice is heard at the state and federal levels of government.

But there is another critical element in the public policy success of NACDL and our affiliate organizations. On key issues on both the federal and state level, elected officials want to hear from you, their constituent. Legislators need to know what’s going on in their districts, and the best way to do that is by hearing it from those who live and work there.

As an attorney, your expertise on criminal justice issues is extremely valuable to lawmakers as they make policy decisions, build their agenda, and communicate with their colleagues in the legislature. You have unique and valuable insight into the criminal legal system and the experiences of your clients. Every day, you see the devastating impact of unjust policies on individuals, families, and communities.

With the resources provided here, NACDL hopes to lead our members, affiliates, and others in aggressively advocating for a rational and humane criminal legal system.

For additional guidance, comments, or questions, please contact Monica L. Reid, Senior Director of Advocacy. 

Intro to Advocacy
Communicate with Your Elected Officials

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