NACDL - National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
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Concerning the Coronavirus
April 17, 2020, Message from NACDL President Nina J. Ginsberg
April 17, 2020
Dear Colleague,
I hope you, your loved ones, and your colleagues are well. While we have all been working hard on so many fronts, far too many of our clients who are in government custody remain in significant danger of infection and sickness in America’s detention facilities. That is unacceptable and NACDL is working every day on the local, state, and federal levels to spur authorities into the swift and bold action that is clearly required of them.
To see so many of you, NACDL’s members and Liberty’s Last Champions, working tirelessly on behalf of your clients in this most difficult of times has been incredibly heartening and empowering. One need look no further than to NACDL’s listserves, where you all are sharing information and court papers, or to the NACDL Coronavirus Resource, where thousands of you have visited to download motions, briefs, affidavits, court orders, and other resources, and to keep apprised of vital information to help your clients. You all inspire me every single day and make me so proud to be a part of the NACDL family.
Just yesterday, NACDL aired a free webinar for its members, available on demand here, providing assistance, specific tips, and strategies to help maximize productivity and aid clients, while maintaining mental and physical well-being. This is a part of the “Work from Home Resources” that NACDL is making available to you during this crisis. And in the next couple of days, NACDL will provide free webinars for its members on human resources issues and as well as federal assistance for lawyers in various practice settings.
In addition to serving as NACDL’s President, I have for some years served as a Trustee of the NACDL Foundation for Criminal Justice (NFCJ). In that capacity, I also want to share this video that was recorded last weekend and shared with NFCJ’s supporters. Hearing first-hand about NFCJ’s role in supporting the work of NACDL that we have all come to rely on may inspire you, too, to support the Foundation, if you don’t already.
In this challenging time, please consider helping NACDL continue to serve you and your clients during this public health crisis and into the future. Click here to donate to the NACDL Foundation for Criminal Justice. You can make a one-time contribution, or an ongoing monthly commitment. You have my word, every dollar makes a difference.
As I have said before, NACDL will remain in close contact with you throughout this crisis, keeping you updated about the Association’s work, its educational programs as well as its legal and policy efforts. Now more than ever, we need to come together as the criminal defense bar and support one another and the mission and vision we all hold so dear.