
The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers is committed to effective and transparent governance in full compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and best practices.

The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers is committed to effective and transparent governance in full compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and best practices.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors oversees the business and affairs of the organization and sets organization policy. The Board meets at least four times per year. It is comprised of 35 directly elected Directors and 4 Affiliate Representatives, all serving three-year terms of office. The seven officers of the association and the past presidents are also voting members at meetings of the Board of Directors. In addition, a parliamentarian, who is appointed by the president, serves as a non-voting participant at all Board meetings. Read more about NACDL's Board of Directors.

Officers and Executive Committee

The Executive Committee meets at least monthly and acts on Association business during the interim period between Board of Directors Meetings. It consists of the Officers of the Association (President, President Elect, First and Second Vice Presidents, Treasurer, Secretary, and Immediate Past President) and two representatives of the Board of Directors. The Executive Committee also includes a Parliamentarian, appointed by the President, who serves as a non-voting participant at all committee meetings. Read more about NACDL's Officers.

NACDL Committees

NACDL's many standing and ad hoc committees are involved in nearly all of NACDL's governance and policy issues. The standing committees are the Audit, Budget, Bylaws, Elections, Investment, Nominating and Executive Committees. Other committees are appointed by the president on an ad hoc basis to respond to policy-related issues as the need arises. In some circumstances, charters or operating procedures are required of committees.

For more information, consult NACDL's governance documents for available committee charters.

Governance Documents 

NACDL's leadership and staff are committeed to strongest standards of association governance. Toward this end, NACDL's Board of Directors has adopted the following governance documents and committee charters.

For more information, consult NACDL's governance documents.

Minutes and Resolutions

Minutes are kept of all meetings of NACDL's Membership and of NACDL's Board of Directors. Upon adoption at the following meeting, minutes are available on NACDL's website to members.

The Board of Directors will frequently adopt resolutions relating to governance or significant policy issues. Those resolutions are made available on NACDL's website as soon as possible after adoption.

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