2003 News Release Archive

NACDL’s Public Affairs & Communications Department issues news releases on behalf of the association concerning developing news events as well as announcements and policy positions of the association.

News Release ~ 12/16/2003 A

NACDL presents gift to National Constitution Center - Philadelphia, PA (December 16, 2003) -- Philadelphia criminal defense lawyer Theodore (Ted) Simon presented a gift of over $25,000 to National Constitution Center President Joseph M. Torsella today on behalf of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. The money was raised from individual NACDL members in a fundraising drive organized by Simon in honor of the new Center and the role of criminal defense lawyers in defending the constitution and individual rights.

News Release ~ 12/10/2003

NACDL survey: U.S. attorneys deny that Ashcroft policy affects pleas - Washington, DC (December 10, 2003) -- A new “get tough” plea bargaining policy issued by Attorney General John Ashcroft in September has not resulted in any major changes in the courtroom, according to a recent poll of U.S. attorney’s offices around the country conducted by the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.

News Release ~ 11/05/2003 B

Criminal defense lawyers represent Bill of Rights, judge says - Washington, DC (November 5, 2003) – Characterizing criminal defense as “a very patriotic profession,” a New Orleans federal judge noted that a criminal defense lawyer “represents the United States of America, because the criminal defense lawyer represents the Bill of Rights – and the Bill of Rights is the essence of the United States of America.”

News Release ~ 11/05/2003 A

Gary Parker of Columbus receives Champion of Indigent Defense award from national criminal defense bar - Washington, DC (November 5, 2003) -- On October 31, at the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers’ 2003 Fall Meeting in New Orleans, criminal defense attorney, former Georgia state senator, and lifelong civil rights activist Gary Parker received the prestigious Champion of Indigent Defense award. 

News Release ~ 10/31/2003

Remarks of U.S. District Judge Helen "Ginger" Berrigan

News Release ~ 10/24/2003

Speech by Judge Berrigan, ABA panel on defense of poor highlight NACDL fall meeting - Washington, DC (October 24, 2003) -- Criminal defense bar meets at Royal Sonesta Oct. 29-Nov. 1  

News Release ~ 10/17/2003

Analysis of changes to federal sentencing guidelines points to fallacies behind Feeney Amendment - Washington, DC (October 17, 2003) -- The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers' Federal Sentencing Guidelines Committee has released its analysis of changes to the sentencing guidelines by the U.S. Sentencing Commission, passed October 7 in response to Congressional directives contained in the Feeney Amendment to the PROTECT Act.

News Release ~ 10/03/2003

Improved access to DNA testing, standards for capital representation addressed in Innocence Protection Act - Washington, DC (October 3, 2003) -- The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyer (NACDL) commends the sponsors of the Innocence Protection Act of 2003 for their commitment to ensuring greater accuracy and fairness in our criminal justice system. 

News Release ~ 09/23/2003

NACDL applauds Judicial Conference statement on judicial sentencing discretion - Washington, DC (September 23, 2003) -- The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers welcomes today's decision by the federal courts' policy-making body to seek repeal of recent restrictions on judicial sentencing discretion.

News Release ~ 09/11/2003

Bush anti-terror proposals would undermine civil liberties, judicial oversight of investigations - Washington, DC (September 11, 2003) -- E.E. "Bo" Edwards, president of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, today issued the following statement in response to President Bush's remarks yesterday calling for new measures which would further prevent judges from exercising discretion and oversight over the Justice Department's already-questionable handling of terrorism investigations and suspects:

News Release ~ 09/03/2003

Ninth Circuit decision affirms importance of jury input, attempts to limit arbitrariness in death sentences - Washington, DC (September 3, 2003) -- E.E. "Bo" Edwards, president of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, today issued the following statement in response to the Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals decision in Summerlin v. Stewart, which made the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Ring v. Arizona (finding death sentences by judges, rather than juries, unconstitutional) retroactive in its application:

News Release ~ 08/21/2003

New criminal defense bar president decries policy of shooting down suspected drug planes - Washington, DC (August 21, 2003) -- E.E. "Bo" Edwards, new president of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, today issued the following statement in response to recent reports that the United States will resume cooperation with South American governments in shooting down planes of suspected drug runners:

News Release ~ 08/06/2003

2003-2004 Executive Committee officers and newly elected Board of Directors members sworn in at Annual Meeting

News Release ~ 08/05/2003

James A.H. Bell receives top award from national criminal defense bar - Washington, DC (August 5, 2003) -- James A.H. Bell, a criminal defense attorney in Knoxville, TN, was awarded the twenty-third Robert C. Heeney Memorial Award by the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers at their 2003 Annual Meeting in Denver, CO, last week. 

News Release ~ 07/25/2003

Criminal defense bar annual meeting to include Hart address, discussion of ethical issues related to military tribunal rules -- Washington, DC (July 25, 2003) -- The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers’ annual meeting July 30-Aug. 2 will include formal action regarding ethical issues surrounding the Bush Administration’s rules governing conduct of trials of “enemy combatants” in military tribunals. The meeting will take place at the Westin Tabor Center in Denver.

News Release ~ 07/11/2003

Criminal defense bar to address ethical issues of tribunal rules - Washington, DC (July 11, 2003) -- The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers’ board of directors will formally take up ethical issues surrounding the Bush Administration’s rules governing conduct of trials of “enemy combatants” in military tribunals at the association’s annual meeting in Denver August 2.

News Release ~ 06/11/2003

Comments lead criminal defense bar to oppose nomination of Alabama AG to federal bench - Washington, DC (June 11, 2003) -- The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers has voiced its opposition to the nomination of Alabama Attorney General William Pryor to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit.

News Release ~ 06/05/2003

Judicial discretion leads to merciful sentence, but federalism, state rights ignored in California medical marijuana prosecution - Washington, DC (June 5, 2003) -- In response to yesterday’s disposition of the Ed Rosenthal medical marijuana case in San Francisco, in which Rosenthal was sentenced to one day in prison, National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers President Lawrence Goldman issued the following statement:

News Release ~ 06/03/2003

Inspector General report on post-9/11 detentions highlights result of denial of effective oversight - Washington, DC ( June 3, 2003) -- In response to yesterday’s release of a report on the treatment of post-9/11 detainees by the Office of Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Justice, National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers president Lawrence Goldman issued the following statement:

News Release ~ 05/25/2003

The Justice Department has slashed access to the alternative penal facilities, causing dozens of people to serve rest of their terms in prison. 

By Richard B. Schmitt

Los Angeles Times Staff Writer

Washington, DC (May 25, 2003) --

WASHINGTON -- The Justice Department's two-year crackdown on corporate crime has snared a number of high-flying executives for cheating investors out of billions of dollars.

News Release ~ 04/28/2003 A

Team behind "The Exonerated" to receive NACDL's Champion of Justice award - Washington, DC (April 28, 2003) -- The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers will present its Champion of Justice award to the writers, director, and lead producer of “The Exonerated,” the hit off-Broadway play which depicts the stories of six innocent persons released after spending between two and 20 years in prison for crimes they did not commit.

News Release ~ 04/28/2003 B

Mike Tigar on Lynne Stewart, ethics panel on client cooperation highlight NACDL spring meeting - Washington, DC (April 28, 2003) -- Criminal defense bar meets at Marriott Marquis Times Square April 30-May 3 PLUS: awards to producers, writers of “The Exonerated,” Friday 12:00, followed by luncheon address by Congressman Charles Rangel (D-NY)

News Release ~ 04/01/2003

Sneak amendments to Amber Alert bill would strip discretion from federal judges - Washington, DC (April 1, 2003) -- Criminal defense lawyers, judges, and civil rights groups want the U.S. Senate to knock out last-minute House amendments to the Amber Alert bill that would strip federal judges of the last remaining vestiges of discretion in sentencing federal offenders.

News Release ~ 03/28/2003

NACDL members fill leadership roles, contribute training, ethics to ICB - Washington DC (March 28, 2003) -- A delegation of 17 members of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers has just returned from Berlin, where they attended the first full-membership session of the International Criminal Bar, an organization created to represent and regulate lawyers who will appear before the International Criminal Court.

News Release ~ 03/07/2003

Criminal defense bar cites tribunal rules' threat to U.S. military personnel's safety abroad - Washington, DC (March 7, 2003) -- Citing a concern, among others, that U.S. military personnel could face danger due to its provisions, criminal defense bar leaders filed comments today with the Department of Defense General Counsel’s Office commenting on the DoD’s draft Instruction pertaining to crimes and their elements, as well as procedures, for use by military commissions. The proposed Instruction was issued on February 28th.

News Release ~ 03/05/2003

Today's Supreme Court decisions feed wrong-headed punitive frenzy - Washington DC (March 5, 2003) -- In response to two decisions each in cases addressing Megan’s laws and three-strikes laws by the U.S. Supreme Court today, Lawrence Goldman, president of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, issued the following statement:

News Release ~ 03/03/2003

Sen. Arlen Specter to deliver luncheon keynote for right-to-counsel anniversary commemoration - Washington, DC (March 3, 2003) -- Symposium March 18 to focus on indigent defense shortcomings, solutions 

News Release ~ 02/20/2003

Mexican President Fox to receive award from NACDL for advocacy against death penalty - Washington, DC (February 20, 2003) -- The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers will present its Champion of Justice award to Mexican President Vicente Fox at a ceremony tomorrow during its annual Spring Meeting, being held this year in Cancun, Mexico.

News Release ~ 02/07/2003

Mobile lawsuit seeks injunction against Ashcroft order overriding judges' recommendations - A group of Mobile defense lawyers has sued the Federal Bureau of Prisons on behalf of clients whom federal authorities are sending to prison rather than the halfway houses recommended by judges in their cases.

News Release ~ 02/05/2003

U.S. should follow World Court order to stay executions of Mexican nationals - Washington, DC (February 5, 2003) -- In response to news that the International Court of Justice at the Hague has ordered the United States to stay the next three pending executions of Mexican nationals until they prove that the defendants were given access to consular assistance, as required by international law, Lawrence Goldman, president of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, issued the following statement:

News Release ~ 01/28/2003

Washington DC, (January 28, 2003) --


  • NACDL comments regarding the BOP's proposed halfway house rule change 

News Release ~ 01/22/2003

Maryland death penalty moratorium evaporates to bolster political position of new governor - Washington, DC (January 22, 2003) -- In response to today's news that a Maryland judge has signed or will soon sign a death warrant for Steven Oken, thereby bringing a de facto end to Maryland's eight-month-old moratorium on the death penalty, Lawrence Goldman, president of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, issued the following statement:

News Release ~ 01/14/2003

Sattazahn decision is step back from fair justice; will make those spared death penalty face it again - Washington, DC (January 14, 2003) -- In response to today's U.S. Supreme Court decision allowing defendants who have received a life sentence to be re-subjected to the death penalty if the jury vote for life was not unanimous, Chris Adams, Death Penalty Counsel for the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, issued the following statement:

News Release ~ 01/11/2003

Illinois commutations can benefit even victims, lead to better U.S. international relations - Washington, DC (January 11, 2003) -- In response to today's commutation by Illinois Gov. George Ryan (who received NACDL's Champion of Justice award and addressed the luncheon at NACDL's Fall Meeting in Chicago this past November) of the remaining 156 death sentences in that state to life without parole, Lawrence Goldman, president of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, issued the following statement:

News Release ~ 01/03/2003

Web page offers information on history of right to counsel in commemoration of Gideon v. Wainwright - Washington, DC (January 1, 2003) -- In preparation for the 40th anniversary of Gideon v. Wainwright, the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers has launched a special Web page of materials for journalists, lawyers, teachers, students, and the general public to learn about the right to counsel for the accused.

News Release ~ 2003 (1)

NACDL Executive Committee passes resolution in support of judge threatened with subpoena by Congress - (2003, exact date unknown)When the House Judiciary Committee recently began to consider adoption of an unprecedented resolution allowing it to subpoena a sitting federal judge and force him to locate and produce information regarding his sentencing decisions, NACDL leadership stepped up to provide support.

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