
Florida State Jury Compensation Data

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Juror Compensation Explicitly Addressed State Law

"(5) The Justice Administrative Commission shall provide funds to the clerks of the court to compensate jurors, to pay for meals or lodging provided to jurors, and to pay for jury-related personnel costs as provided in this section. Each clerk of the court shall forward to the Justice Administrative Commission a quarterly estimate of funds necessary to compensate jurors and pay for meals or lodging provided to jurors during the upcoming quarter. The Florida Clerks of Court Operations Corporation shall forward to the Justice Administrative Commission a quarterly estimate of the amount necessary to reimburse each clerk of the court for its personnel and other costs related to jury management. Upon receipt of such estimates, the Justice Administrative Commission shall determine the amount deemed necessary for payment to the clerks of the court during the upcoming quarter and submit a request for payment to the Chief Financial Officer. If the Justice Administrative Commission believes that the amount appropriated by the Legislature is insufficient to meet such costs during the remaining part of the state fiscal year, the commission may apportion the funds appropriated in the General Appropriations Act for those purposes among the several counties, basing the apportionment upon the amount expended for such purposes in each county during the prior fiscal year, in which case, the Chief Financial Officer shall issue the appropriate apportioned amount by warrant to each county. The clerks of the court are responsible for any compensation to jurors, for payments for meals or lodging provided to jurors, and for jury-related personnel costs that exceed the funding provided in the General Appropriations Act for these purposes." (Fla. Stat. § 40.29)

"Fla Stat § 40.24. Compensation and reimbursement policy.

(1) The compensation policy of this chapter shall be to prevent financial hardship being imposed upon any juror because of performance of juror service.

(2) Juror service constitutes being summoned and reporting for jury service as well as actual service on a jury. Juror service does not include days for which the juror was notified before reporting that his or her presence was not required. Regular employment includes full-time employment and part-time, temporary, and casual employment, as long as the employment hours of a juror can be reasonably determined by a schedule or by custom and practice established during the 3-month period preceding the term of service as a juror.


(a) Jurors who are regularly employed and who continue to receive regular wages while serving as a juror are not entitled to receive compensation from the clerk of the circuit court for the first 3 days of juror service.

(b) Jurors who are not regularly employed or who do not continue to receive regular wages while serving as a juror are entitled to receive $15 per day for the first 3 days of juror service.

(4) Each juror who serves more than 3 days is entitled to be paid by the clerk of the circuit court for the fourth day of service and each day thereafter at the rate of $30 per day of service.

(5) Jurors are not entitled to additional reimbursement by the clerk of the circuit court for travel or other out-of-pocket expenses.

(6) A juror who receives reemployment assistance benefits does not lose such benefits because he or she receives compensation for juror service.

(7) Any juror who is excused from jury service at his or her own request is not entitled to receive any compensation under subsection (3).

(8) In circuits that elect to allow jurors to donate their jury service fee upon conclusion of juror service, each juror may irrevocably donate all of the juror’s compensation to the 26 U.S.C. s. 501(c)(3) organization specified by the guardian ad litem program or to a domestic violence shelter as specified annually on a rotating basis by the clerk of court in the circuit for the juror’s county of residence. The funds collected may not reduce or offset the amount of compensation that the guardian ad litem program or domestic violence shelter would otherwise receive from the state. The clerk of court shall ensure that all jurors are given written notice at the conclusion of their service that they have the option to so donate their compensation, and that the applicable program specified by the guardian ad litem program or a domestic violence shelter receives all funds donated by the jurors. Any guardian ad litem program receiving donations of juror compensation must expend such moneys on services for children for whom guardians ad litem have been appointed."

Only State Funds Pay

"(5) The Justice Administrative Commission shall provide funds to the clerks of the court to compensate jurors, to pay for meals or lodging provided to jurors, and to pay for jury-related personnel costs as provided in this section. Each clerk of the court shall forward to the Justice Administrative Commission a quarterly estimate of funds necessary to compensate jurors and pay for meals or lodging provided to jurors during the upcoming quarter. The Florida Clerks of Court Operations Corporation shall forward to the Justice Administrative Commission a quarterly estimate of the amount necessary to reimburse each clerk of the court for its personnel and other costs related to jury management. Upon receipt of such estimates, the Justice Administrative Commission shall determine the amount deemed necessary for payment to the clerks of the court during the upcoming quarter and submit a request for payment to the Chief Financial Officer. If the Justice Administrative Commission believes that the amount appropriated by the Legislature is insufficient to meet such costs during the remaining part of the state fiscal year, the commission may apportion the funds appropriated in the General Appropriations Act for those purposes among the several counties, basing the apportionment upon the amount expended for such purposes in each county during the prior fiscal year, in which case, the Chief Financial Officer shall issue the appropriate apportioned amount by warrant to each county. The clerks of the court are responsible for any compensation to jurors, for payments for meals or lodging provided to jurors, and for jury-related personnel costs that exceed the funding provided in the General Appropriations Act for these purposes." (Fla. Stat. § 40.29)

Fla. Stat. § 40.31. Justice Administrative Commission may apportion appropriation.

If the Justice Administrative Commission has reason to believe that the amount appropriated by the Legislature is insufficient to meet the expenses of witnesses during the remaining part of the state fiscal year, the commission may apportion the money in the treasury for that purpose among the several counties, basing such apportionment upon the amount expended for the payment of witnesses in each county during the prior fiscal year. In such case, each county shall be paid by warrant, issued by the Chief Financial Officer, only the amount so apportioned to each county, and, when the amount so apportioned is insufficient to pay in full all the witnesses during a quarterly fiscal period, the clerk of the court shall apportion the money received pro rata among the witnesses entitled to pay and shall give to each witness a certificate of the amount of compensation

Fla. Stat. § 40.32. Clerks to disburse money; payments to jurors and witnesses.

(1) All moneys drawn from the treasury under the provisions of this chapter by the clerk of the court shall be disbursed by the clerk of the court as far as needed in payment of witnesses, except for expert witnesses paid under a contract or other professional services agreement pursuant to ss. 29.004, 29.005, 29.006, and 29.007, for the legal compensation for service during the quarterly fiscal period for which the moneys were drawn and for no other purposes.

(2) The payment of jurors and the payment of expenses for meals and lodging for jurors under the provisions of this chapter are court-related functions that the clerk of the court shall fund from filing fees, service charges, court costs, and fines.

(3) Jurors and witnesses shall be paid by the clerk of the court in cash, by check, or by warrant within 20 days after completion of jury service or completion of service as a witness.

(a) If the clerk of the court pays a juror or witness by cash, the juror or witness shall sign the payroll in the presence of the clerk, a deputy clerk, or some other person designated by the clerk.

(b) If the clerk pays a juror or witness by warrant, he or she shall endorse on the payroll opposite the juror’s or witness’s name the words “Paid by warrant,” giving the number and date of the warrant.

State Reimburses Counties Juror Compensation Fees

County Local Funds Solely Pay

Amount Involves Supplement

Per Diem Amount

"(5) The Justice Administrative Commission shall provide funds to the clerks of the court to compensate jurors, to pay for meals or lodging provided to jurors, and to pay for jury-related personnel costs as provided in this section. Each clerk of the court shall forward to the Justice Administrative Commission a quarterly estimate of funds necessary to compensate jurors and pay for meals or lodging provided to jurors during the upcoming quarter. The Florida Clerks of Court Operations Corporation shall forward to the Justice Administrative Commission a quarterly estimate of the amount necessary to reimburse each clerk of the court for its personnel and other costs related to jury management. Upon receipt of such estimates, the Justice Administrative Commission shall determine the amount deemed necessary for payment to the clerks of the court during the upcoming quarter and submit a request for payment to the Chief Financial Officer. If the Justice Administrative Commission believes that the amount appropriated by the Legislature is insufficient to meet such costs during the remaining part of the state fiscal year, the commission may apportion the funds appropriated in the General Appropriations Act for those purposes among the several counties, basing the apportionment upon the amount expended for such purposes in each county during the prior fiscal year, in which case, the Chief Financial Officer shall issue the appropriate apportioned amount by warrant to each county. The clerks of the court are responsible for any compensation to jurors, for payments for meals or lodging provided to jurors, and for jury-related personnel costs that exceed the funding provided in the General Appropriations Act for these purposes." (Fla. Stat. § 40.29)

"Fla Stat § 40.24. Compensation and reimbursement policy.

(1) The compensation policy of this chapter shall be to prevent financial hardship being imposed upon any juror because of performance of juror service.

(2) Juror service constitutes being summoned and reporting for jury service as well as actual service on a jury. Juror service does not include days for which the juror was notified before reporting that his or her presence was not required. Regular employment includes full-time employment and part-time, temporary, and casual employment, as long as the employment hours of a juror can be reasonably determined by a schedule or by custom and practice established during the 3-month period preceding the term of service as a juror.


(a) Jurors who are regularly employed and who continue to receive regular wages while serving as a juror are not entitled to receive compensation from the clerk of the circuit court for the first 3 days of juror service.

(b) Jurors who are not regularly employed or who do not continue to receive regular wages while serving as a juror are entitled to receive $15 per day for the first 3 days of juror service.

(4) Each juror who serves more than 3 days is entitled to be paid by the clerk of the circuit court for the fourth day of service and each day thereafter at the rate of $30 per day of service.

(5) Jurors are not entitled to additional reimbursement by the clerk of the circuit court for travel or other out-of-pocket expenses.

(6) A juror who receives reemployment assistance benefits does not lose such benefits because he or she receives compensation for juror service.

(7) Any juror who is excused from jury service at his or her own request is not entitled to receive any compensation under subsection (3).

(8) In circuits that elect to allow jurors to donate their jury service fee upon conclusion of juror service, each juror may irrevocably donate all of the juror’s compensation to the 26 U.S.C. s. 501(c)(3) organization specified by the guardian ad litem program or to a domestic violence shelter as specified annually on a rotating basis by the clerk of court in the circuit for the juror’s county of residence. The funds collected may not reduce or offset the amount of compensation that the guardian ad litem program or domestic violence shelter would otherwise receive from the state. The clerk of court shall ensure that all jurors are given written notice at the conclusion of their service that they have the option to so donate their compensation, and that the applicable program specified by the guardian ad litem program or a domestic violence shelter receives all funds donated by the jurors. Any guardian ad litem program receiving donations of juror compensation must expend such moneys on services for children for whom guardians ad litem have been appointed."

Per Diem Rate Increases After Certain Number of Days

"(5) The Justice Administrative Commission shall provide funds to the clerks of the court to compensate jurors, to pay for meals or lodging provided to jurors, and to pay for jury-related personnel costs as provided in this section. Each clerk of the court shall forward to the Justice Administrative Commission a quarterly estimate of funds necessary to compensate jurors and pay for meals or lodging provided to jurors during the upcoming quarter. The Florida Clerks of Court Operations Corporation shall forward to the Justice Administrative Commission a quarterly estimate of the amount necessary to reimburse each clerk of the court for its personnel and other costs related to jury management. Upon receipt of such estimates, the Justice Administrative Commission shall determine the amount deemed necessary for payment to the clerks of the court during the upcoming quarter and submit a request for payment to the Chief Financial Officer. If the Justice Administrative Commission believes that the amount appropriated by the Legislature is insufficient to meet such costs during the remaining part of the state fiscal year, the commission may apportion the funds appropriated in the General Appropriations Act for those purposes among the several counties, basing the apportionment upon the amount expended for such purposes in each county during the prior fiscal year, in which case, the Chief Financial Officer shall issue the appropriate apportioned amount by warrant to each county. The clerks of the court are responsible for any compensation to jurors, for payments for meals or lodging provided to jurors, and for jury-related personnel costs that exceed the funding provided in the General Appropriations Act for these purposes." (Fla. Stat. § 40.29)

"Fla Stat § 40.24. Compensation and reimbursement policy.

(1) The compensation policy of this chapter shall be to prevent financial hardship being imposed upon any juror because of performance of juror service.

(2) Juror service constitutes being summoned and reporting for jury service as well as actual service on a jury. Juror service does not include days for which the juror was notified before reporting that his or her presence was not required. Regular employment includes full-time employment and part-time, temporary, and casual employment, as long as the employment hours of a juror can be reasonably determined by a schedule or by custom and practice established during the 3-month period preceding the term of service as a juror.


(a) Jurors who are regularly employed and who continue to receive regular wages while serving as a juror are not entitled to receive compensation from the clerk of the circuit court for the first 3 days of juror service.

(b) Jurors who are not regularly employed or who do not continue to receive regular wages while serving as a juror are entitled to receive $15 per day for the first 3 days of juror service.

(4) Each juror who serves more than 3 days is entitled to be paid by the clerk of the circuit court for the fourth day of service and each day thereafter at the rate of $30 per day of service.

(5) Jurors are not entitled to additional reimbursement by the clerk of the circuit court for travel or other out-of-pocket expenses.

(6) A juror who receives reemployment assistance benefits does not lose such benefits because he or she receives compensation for juror service.

(7) Any juror who is excused from jury service at his or her own request is not entitled to receive any compensation under subsection (3).

(8) In circuits that elect to allow jurors to donate their jury service fee upon conclusion of juror service, each juror may irrevocably donate all of the juror’s compensation to the 26 U.S.C. s. 501(c)(3) organization specified by the guardian ad litem program or to a domestic violence shelter as specified annually on a rotating basis by the clerk of court in the circuit for the juror’s county of residence. The funds collected may not reduce or offset the amount of compensation that the guardian ad litem program or domestic violence shelter would otherwise receive from the state. The clerk of court shall ensure that all jurors are given written notice at the conclusion of their service that they have the option to so donate their compensation, and that the applicable program specified by the guardian ad litem program or a domestic violence shelter receives all funds donated by the jurors. Any guardian ad litem program receiving donations of juror compensation must expend such moneys on services for children for whom guardians ad litem have been appointed."

Extended Lengthy Trial Fund Specific Fund

Are Jobs Protected

Fla Stat § 40.271. Jury service.

(1) No person summoned to serve on any grand or petit jury in this state, or accepted to serve on any grand or petit jury in this state, shall be dismissed from employment for any cause because of the nature or length of service upon such jury.

(2) Threats of dismissal from employment for any cause, by an employer or his or her agent to any person summoned for jury service in this state, because of the nature or length of service upon such jury may be deemed a contempt of the court from which the summons issued.

(3) A civil action by the individual who has been dismissed may be brought in the courts of this state for any violation of this section, and said individual shall be entitled to collect not only compensatory damages, but, in addition thereto, punitive damages and reasonable attorney fees for violation of this act.

Jurors Entitled to Both Juror Compensation

Juror Either Paid by Employer or by State

Fla. Stat. § 40.24. Compensation and reimbursement policy.

(1) The compensation policy of this chapter shall be to prevent financial hardship being imposed upon any juror because of performance of juror service.

(2) Juror service constitutes being summoned and reporting for jury service as well as actual service on a jury. Juror service does not include days for which the juror was notified before reporting that his or her presence was not required. Regular employment includes full-time employment and part-time, temporary, and casual employment, as long as the employment hours of a juror can be reasonably determined by a schedule or by custom and practice established during the 3-month period preceding the term of service as a juror.


(a) Jurors who are regularly employed and who continue to receive regular wages while serving as a juror are not entitled to receive compensation from the clerk of the circuit court for the first 3 days of juror service.

(b) Jurors who are not regularly employed or who do not continue to receive regular wages while serving as a juror are entitled to receive $15 per day for the first 3 days of juror service.

Transportation Transit Reimbursement

Parking Provided Full

Childcare Provided Full

Juror can Return Juror Fees


Explicit Rule


Only state funds to pay for jury compensation


State reimburses county


Only county/local funds to pay for jury compensation


County/local funds can supplement state compensation


Extent of Payment

Explicit employer protections


Juror entitled to both juror compensation and regular employment wages


Juror can only receive one: Juror compensation or regular employment wages


Per diem amount


Per diem rate increases after certain number of days


Extended/Lengthy Trial Fund: Specific Funding Source for this additional, extended funding


Other Provisions

Transportation/Transit reimbursement


Parking provided


Child care provided/reimbursed


Juror can return juror fees, or waive per diem



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