Adopting Powers and Duties of the Members of NACDL’s Board of Directors

The Board of Directors adopted this resolution specifying the duties and powers of Directors of NACDL.

The duties of the Directors of NACDL shall be as follows:

  • To support NACDL's Vision to promote a fair, rational, and humane criminal legal system.
  • To support NACDL's Mission to serve as a leader, alongside diverse coalitions, in identifying and reforming flaws and inequities in the criminal legal system, and redressing systemic racism, and ensuring that its members and others in the criminal defense bar are fully equipped to serve all accused persons at the highest level.
  • To understand and support NACDL's Strategic Plan.
  • To act as ambassadors for NACDL in their communities, including conveying NACDL's Vision and Mission to prospective members and supporters and to the public. 
  • To serve as liaisons between the affiliate criminal defense bar(s) in their localities and NACDL.
  • To recruit members, including diverse members, actively.
  • To use their connections and networks to support NACDL.
  • To prepare for, attend, and participate actively in Board meetings and committee meetings.
  • To serve on and participate actively in at least two NACDL committees, including participating in the reform and policy work of NACDL.
  • To comply with NACDL's code of conduct.
  • To fulfill all duties imposed on directors of not-for-profit corporations by the applicable law and precedent of the District of Columbia.

Resolution of the Board of Directors
October 9, 2021
District of Columbia

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