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NACDL President's Page

Christopher A. Wellborn is the 66th President of NACDL. The President guides the Association for a one-year term.

President Christopher Wellborn's Inaugural Remarks

Christopher Wellborn was sworn in as NACDL's 66th President at the Albert J. Krieger Annual Meeting on July 27, 2024.

Meet Chris

Christopher A. Wellborn is a former York County, South Carolina prosecutor who has had a private state and federal criminal defense practice since 1990.

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Native Justice Task Force

Tribal courts in the U.S. A tribal court is a judicial system for Native Americans that can handle both civil and criminal cases within a tribe's jurisdiction to provide justice and uphold culture and values for its members. Court of Indian Offenses (CFR Courts) are established under the Code of Federal Regulations and serve tribes without their own justice system.

Notable tribal courts: Navajo Nation Judicial Branch: The Navajo Nation Judicial Branch is the largest and most well-known tribal court system in the United States, serving the Navajo Nation, which spans parts of Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah. It has a three-tier court system with trial courts, a Supreme Court, and a Peacemaker Court system for traditional dispute resolution. Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Court: The Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Court is the judicial branch of the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation in Connecticut. It has jurisdiction over civil and criminal matters within the Mashantucket Pequot Reservation, and is known for its efforts to incorporate traditional Pequot values and practices into its court proceedings. Tulalip Tribal Court: The Tulalip Tribal Court serves the Tulalip Tribes of Washington and has jurisdiction over criminal, civil, and juvenile cases arising within the Tulalip Indian Reservation. It is known for its efforts to promote restorative justice and traditional dispute resolution methods. Cherokee Nation District Court: The Cherokee Nation District Court is the judicial branch of the Cherokee Nation, one of the largest Native American tribes in the United States. It has jurisdiction over civil, criminal, and juvenile cases within the Cherokee Nation's territorial boundaries in northeastern Oklahoma. Hopi Tribal Courts: The Hopi Tribal Courts serve the Hopi Tribe in northeastern Arizona. They are known for their efforts to incorporate traditional Hopi values and customs into their judicial processes, including the use of traditional peacemaking methods and village criers.  


E-Discovery Task Force

NACDL eDiscovery Task Force mission statement: Our criminal legal system guarantees that all accused persons shall defend their liberty by exercising numerous rights established in the Bill of Rights. These rights include confronting the prosecution’s evidence and conducting an independent investigation, both of which require the prosecution to provide information gathered during its investigation with limited exceptions. Increasingly, however, this information (discovery) is so voluminous, and provided in formats, that the defense lacks the resources to review, analyze, and develop this discovery consistent with the rights of Due Process, Confrontation, Effective Assistance, and Compulsory Process. Multi-terabyte “discovery dumps” in varying electronic formats have become the norm, leaving defenders with the impossible job of locating relevant and exculpatory evidence. The Task Force will document this modern trend, analyze the challenges it poses to a just, fair, and humane criminal legal system, and explore solutions to these challenges, including legislation, policies, and practices. 


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