Become an NACDL Affiliate

Affiliation is granted to membership-based and policy-oriented organizations which qualify for affiliate status as outlined in Article IX of NACDL's ByLaws below.

Important Notice: Affiliation is not open to private businesses. If you are interested in aligning your company with NACDL as an "Affinity Partner," please contact our Sales & Marketing Department.  

Section 1.-Other Associations

The Board of Directors may establish procedures by which other voluntary bar associations may affiliate with this Association.

Section 2.-Qualifications of Affiliate Associations
To be eligible to become an Affiliate Association, a voluntary bar association must:
(a) Be comprised of persons of professional competence, integrity and good moral character who are actively engaged in the defense of criminal cases, and who would otherwise qualify for Membership in this Association.
(b) Have objectives and purposes, as part of its own Bylaws or operating rules, which are consistent with the Bylaws, objectives, and purposes of this Association, as determined by the Board of Directors.
(c) Not accept or allow members who are employed by any city, state or federal government or other entity as a prosecutor of the criminal law, or who work in any other capacity which is in conflict with the objectives and purposes of the Association. Notwithstanding this provision, affiliate associations may accept or allow members who accept an appointment as a temporary prosecutor or as a temporary police legal advisor, so long as their acceptance of that position is not inconsistent with the Objectives and Purposes of this Association as set forth in Article II of these Bylaws. This provision shall not place a more restrictive membership requirement on Affiliate Associations than the Association places on itself under Article IV, Section 16 of these Bylaws.

Section 3.-Application for Affiliation
(a) Voluntary bar associations may request affiliation with this Association by submitting an application, on a form available from the National Office, to the Executive Director.
(b) An application for affiliation shall be referred by the Executive Director to the Council of Affiliates, which shall review it and make a recommendation for approval or denial to the Board of Directors.
(c) Approval or denial of an application for affiliation shall be by majority vote of the Board of Directors.

Section 4.-Rights and Privileges of Affiliate Associations
(a) The Board of Directors of this Association may, by a majority vote, grant such rights and privileges to Affiliate Associations as it deems necessary and proper, but said rights and privileges shall be no greater than that contained within the Bylaws of the Association.
(b) Any rights and privileges granted to Affiliate Associations shall be reduced to writing as a Standing Board Policy, and shall be made available to any Member or Affiliate Association upon request.

Section 5. -Revocation of Affiliation
Affiliate Association status may be revoked after due notice and opportunity to be heard, for cause, by three quarters (3/4) majority vote of the Board of Directors at any lawfully called meeting.

Section 6. -Contested Revocation, Procedure
In the event an Affiliate Association is revoked for cause, the following procedures shall govern if the Affiliate Association contests its revocation:
(a) The Secretary shall notify that association of its revocation by certified United States Mail. A written petition for reinstatement and request for personal representative appearance must be submitted to the National Office within thirty (30) days from the date the notice was mailed.
(b) Copies of the petition shall be transmitted to the Board of Directors. The matter will be remanded to the President or his designee to conduct an inquiry, in which the petitioner will have the burden of proof to show good and just cause why the petitioner is entitled to reinstatement.
(c) The President shall forthwith prepare and file a report to the Board of Directors, with a non-binding recommendation for sustaining the petition or rejecting the petition.
(d) The Board of Directors shall vote to reinstate or to uphold the revocation. A three-quarters (3/4) vote of the Board of Directors shall be final. 

Interested in submitting an application for Affiliation? 

How to apply: Send an email to NACDL's Associate Director for Strategic Marketing, Jessica Stepan at with the following information: 

Required information: 

1) The full contact information for your organization's Executive Director and/or President
2) Your membership contact list in Excel format
3) Web site address
4) Date of Incorporation
5) A copy of your Bylaws
6) A copy of your Articles of Incorporation

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