Board Access Fund Policy

Each year, the Budget Committee will be encouraged to include an allocation in the annual budget that will be designated for use as a board access fund. The purpose of the board access fund is to assist qualifying board members to help them defray the cost of attending board meetings.

The NACDL board of directors, at its May 6, 2017 meeting, adopted the following policy governing applications to utilize the board access fund.

Each year, the Budget Committee will be encouraged to include an allocation in the annual budget that will be designated for use as a board access fund. The purpose of the board access fund is to assist qualifying board members to help them defray the cost of attending board meetings. If a board member applicant to the fund certifies that at least 75% of his/her practice hours are devoted to court-appointed matters (whether as a public defender or as a panel or contract lawyer) AND that his/her income in the preceding year was under $150,000, the applicant will be eligible to apply for reimbursement for reasonable travel and hotel expenses (not meals or other incidentals). If a board applicant to the fund makes the former representation, but not the latter, he or she will be eligible to apply for reimbursement for reasonable travel expenses (not hotel, meals, or incidentals). All applications for the year beginning with the annual meeting shall be submitted no later than May 15th preceding the annual meeting. Available funds will be disbursed equally among all eligible applicants. Following the annual meeting, applicants will be advised as to the level of support available to the applicant for the coming year.

Adopted by carried motion
May 6, 2017
Las Vegas

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