Concerning Judicial Pay Legislation

NACDL will urge Congress to speedily pass H.R. 3753 and S. 1638 to increase federal judicial compensation.

*Approved by the Executive Committee of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers as consistent with action taken by the Board of Directors on February 24, 2007.

To read NACDL's Letter to Senate and House Party and Judiciary Committee Leaders Regarding Federal Judicial Compensation, click here.

January 14, 2008*

WHEREAS, NACDL recognizes that appropriate compensation is essential to maintaining an independent and capable federal judiciary.

WHEREAS, NACDL concurs with Chief Justice Roberts, as stated in his 2007 Year-End Report on the Federal Judiciary, that “salary restoration legislation is vital now that the denial of annual increases over the years has left federal judges . . . earning about the same as (and in some cases less than) first-year lawyers at firms in major cities, where many of the judges are located.”

WHEREAS, NACDL strongly supports legislation pending before the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives to adjust the salaries of federal judges to reflect the same cost-of-living pay adjustments that other federal employees have received since 1989.


RESOLVED, that NACDL will urge Congress to speedily pass H.R. 3753 and S. 1638 to increase federal judicial compensation.

*Approved by the Executive Committee of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers as consistent with action taken by the Board of Directors on February 24, 2007.

To read NACDL's Letter to Senate and House Party and Judiciary Committee Leaders Regarding Federal Judicial Compensation, click here.

Washington, DC

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