Regarding Edward Caraballo

The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers Resolves to:

1. Call upon the Government of the United States to renew its commitment to preserve and protect the rights of all individuals to fair and transparent trials with the safeguards embodied in the language and spirit of the United States Constitution, its Bill of Rights and international covenants and treaties inspired by the United States Constitution and its Bill of Rights. ............


The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers holds as one of its basic tenets that all persons are entitled to fair, transparent trials with the safeguards embodied in the language and spirit of the United States Constitution, its Bill of Rights and international covenants and treaties inspired by the United States Constitution and its Bill of Rights.

That these rights are universal, applying equally to all persons, but deserving particular US attention when these rights are denied to anyone under US custody anywhere in the world and any US citizens detained or under custody anywhere in the world.

The only legitimate international mechanism for the protection of these rights is reciprocity through the scrupulous adherence to these rights by the US Government at home and by the consistent demands for these rights to be afforded to US citizens abroad.


These fundamental rights to fair and transparent trials are is being eroded at home and abroad, often by, or in collaboration with, representatives of the United States Government.


An erosion of these rights for those detained or under custody, however serious the allegations, represents a threat to the rights guaranteed to all Americans under the United States Constitution, its Bill of Rights and international covenants and treaties inspired by the United States Constitution and its Bill of Rights.

WHEREFORE: The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers Resolves to:

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1. Call upon the Government of the United States to renew its commitment to preserve and protect the rights of all individuals to fair and transparent trials with the safeguards embodied in the language and spirit of the United States Constitution, its Bill of Rights and international covenants and treaties inspired by the United States Constitution and its Bill of Rights.

2. Call upon the Government of the United States to cease its violations of the rights guaranteed to all persons under US custody anywhere in the world and to demand reciprocal rights for all US citizens in custody anywhere in the world.

3. Call upon the Government of the United States to investigate the case of Edward Caraballo et al, as set forth in a separate resolution specifically addressing that case.

New Orleans, Louisiana

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