Refocusing NACDL's Legislative Program

The Association will not hold a 1997 Fly-In. Instead, the resources will be applied to helping members develop a better relationship with their representatives through state coordinators, and to those issues which require greater attention in Washington, D.C. 

It is the recommendation of the Legislative Committee, the Executive Committee and Staff, that we refocus the manner in which the Association's legislative program is implemented.

The Association needs to increase the amount of contact between NACDL members and their elected representatives. That can be done if the Association's members develop more frequent and closer contact with their representatives and staff at their home offices, rather than focusing on a one-day Fly-In Washington, D.C. The Legislative Committee, Executive Committee and staff believe that NACDL can in this manner develop a more effective legislative program.

At the same time NACDL recognizes that there are occasions and issues which must be addressed by members appearing in Washington, D.C. In refocusing the Association's efforts, it is intended that we will contiune to rise to these occasions. The advantages of this effort include the more efficient and concentrated use of our resources.

To accomplish this, the Association will not hold a 1997 Fly-In. Instead, the resources will be applied to helping members develop a better relationship with their representatives through state coordinators, and to those issues which require greater attention in Washington, D.C. 

San Antonio, Texas

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