Honoring the Extraordinary Legacy of NACDL Past President Murray J. Janus

The Membership of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers adjourns its 2013 Midwinter Meeting in honor and memory of Past President Murray J. Janus.

WHEREAS; The Membership of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL) remembers Murray J. Janus, NACDL president from 1981-1982, for:

  • His leadership of the nation’s criminal defense bar and his lifelong commitment to the principles and values that define NACDL;
  • His exemplary intellect, hard work, and keen knowledge of the law;
  • His mentorship, strength and guidance through the challenge of practicing the most difficult work in the law;
  • His tireless commitment to making NACDL a growing, vibrant organization committed to its role as “Liberty’s Last Champion," its public education efforts about the nature and importance of the defense function in the criminal justice system, and its role as a defender of the Fourth Amendment;
  • His fierce defense of his clients and unparalleled work ethic in defense of the accused;
  • His consummate devotion to the support of younger lawyers;
  • His lifetime as a passionate voice for justice; and
  • His steadfast devotion to fundamental constitutional principles.

THEREFORE, Be it Resolved this 23rd day of February 2013 in Washington, DC that the Membership of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers adjourns its 2013 Midwinter Meeting in honor and memory of Past President Murray J. Janus.

Resolution of the Board of Directors
February 23, 2013
District of Columbia

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