Recognizing and Remembering Robert Fogelnest

The Board of Directors remembers past president Robert Fogelnest

The NACDL Board of Directors honors Past President Robert “Fogie” Fogelnest, dear friend, teacher, advocate, and prankster who passed on February 6, 2022.

Larger than life, often profane, and always irrepressible, Fogie opened our world by refusing the limitations that the profession, judges, and the public opinion would otherwise impose on us.

Therefore, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers honors Past President Robert Fogelnest, dear friend, teacher, advocate, and prankster for his contributions to our profession, our community, and our criminal legal system including:

His dedication, compassion, and commitment to the constitutional rights of those he represented;

His patience, insight, and generosity as a teacher;

His willingness to champion lost causes until they were won; His mischievous, quirky, and constant sense of humor; and

His dedication to justice, reform, and to the Mission of NACDL.

Resolution of the Board of Directors
February 26, 2022
Austin, Texas

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