Retargeting and Audience Extension Program

Increase your exposure and target your exact audience through NACDL's audience extension program. We will leverage a programmatic ad network to display your banner ad as NACDL site visitors browse the web.

How does it work?  

  1. An internet user visits 
  2. Once a user lands on our site, their visit is captured and their journey on the web is tracked   
  3. After browsing, the user leaves  
  4. As they browse the web later, your ad follows them and displays on other sites capturing interest and remaining top of mind  

Sites in the network include: CNN, Wall Street Journal, NY Times, Facebook, Fox News, BBC, YouTube (video can be enabled but by default banner ad only), and Local News Sites 

+ Add 200,000 audience extension impressions to your banner ad program: $6,000 

+ Add 300,000 audience extension impressions to your banner ad program: $7,500 

Audience Extension Banner Specs: Client submits 300 x 250 pixels, 728 x 90 pixels, and 160 x 600 pixels banners 

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