Misidentified: The Challenges of Identifying and Litigating Facial Recognition Technology

This webinar discussed the functions, the scientific reliability and limitations, and the legal challenges of facial recognition technology for the criminal defense bar.

(Mis)identified: The Challenges of Identifying and Litigating Facial Recognition Technology in Criminal Cases

Police departments, federal agencies, and technology companies across the country are seeing revived scrutiny of facial recognition technology, which is capable of identifying people, sometimes without their knowledge or consent. Research has repeatedly demonstrated that some facial recognition systems perform differently depending on race and gender, and the use of such technology is not always disclosed to the defense when used to identify a suspect in a criminal case. How can defense lawyers identify a facial recognition case, and why is facial recognition technology so difficult to challenge in court?

The program from July 23, 2020 featured Clare Garvie, Senior Associate with the Center on Privacy & Technology at Georgetown Law, Phil Mayor, Senior Staff Attorney with the ACLU of Michigan, and Dr. Arun Ross, the John and Eva Cillag Endowed Chair in the College of Engineering and a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Michigan State University.

Presentation Slides

Presentation Slides from Clare Garvie
Georgetown Law's Center on Privacy & Technology

Presentation Slides from Arun Ross
Michigan State University

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