2005 News Release Archive

NACDL’s Public Affairs & Communications Department issues news releases on behalf of the association concerning developing news events as well as announcements and policy positions of the association.

News Release ~ 12/21/2005

When the Government Becomes a Lawbreaker - Washington, DC (December 21, 2005) -- Contrary to the White House’s assertions, neither Congress nor the Supreme Court has ever explicitly given the Executive Branch a green light to conduct domestic electronic eavesdropping without a warrant in “national security” matters.

News Release ~ 11/09/2005

Criminal Defense Lawyers Support Cameras in Court with Consent of Parties - Washington, DC (November 9, 2005) – Prof. Barbara Bergman, President of the 13,000-member National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, surprised some members of the Senate Judiciary Committee today when she expressed the bar association’s general support for televising federal court proceedings in many criminal proceedings and in all Supreme Court arguments.

News Release ~ 09/15/2005

Nordyke Hired as Katrina Disaster Relief Liaison - Washington, DC (September 15, 2005) – The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers is pleased to announce the appointment of Keith B. Nordyke, a defense lawyer in Baton Rouge, La., with outstanding contacts throughout Louisiana and the Gulf region, as our new Katrina Disaster Relief Liaison.

News Release ~ 09/02/2005

Lawyers Groups Organize for Katrina Relief - Washington, DC (September 2, 2005) – National and state bar associations are rallying to provide hurricane relief to an estimated 5,000 displaced Gulf Coast lawyers and their families, coordinating offers of housing, office space, equipment, and support services to help re-establish their practices and contact with their clients, firms and relatives.

News Release ~ 08/04/2005

U.S. Rep. Bobby Scott to Be Honored by Criminal Defense Lawyers in Portland Aug. 5 - Washington, DC (August 4, 2005) -- Congressman Robert C. “Bobby” Scott (D-VA) will be the keynote speaker at the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers’ Annual Luncheon Aug. 5 where NACDL President Barry Scheck will present him with the association’s 2005 Champion of Justice Legislative Award.

News Release ~ 07/07/2005

Truth in Sentencing? The Gonzales Cases - Washington, DC (July 7, 2005) – Speaking at the National Center for Victims of Crime in Washington, D.C. on June 21, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales sharply criticized federal sentencing practices since the Supreme Court handed down its opinion in United States v. Booker, 125 S. Ct. 738 (2005) last January.1 The Attorney General expressed concern that the now-advisory guidelines had resulted in a “drift toward lower sentences” resulting in the loss of a “critical law enforcement tool.”

News Release ~ 06/23/2005

Denial of Counsel on Appeal Denies Poor Due Process of Law - Washington, DC (June 23, 2005) -- The United States Supreme Court today held unconstitutional a Michigan law that greatly restricted the right to counsel on appeal for poor people who wish to challenge their sentence after pleading guilty. The decision in Halbert v. Michigan, No. 03-10198, is an important victory for proponents of a fair criminal justice system.

News Release ~ 06/08/2005

NACDL Urges Louisiana and Michigan to Follow Montana's Example and Pass Indigent Defense Reform - Washington, DC (June 8, 2005) – Today, in Helena, Montana, legislators, activists, and litigators have gathered to celebrate the passage of legislative reform to overhaul the indigent defense system in that state. 

News Release ~ 06/06/2005

Statement of Barbara E. Bergman on the Supreme Court's 6-3 medical marijuana decision in Gonzales v. Raich, No. 03-1454 - Washington, DC (June 6, 2005) – “If our Constitution means anything, it should mean that the ''war on drugs'' cannot be made to be a war on the quality of life of chronically or terminally ill Americans. Sadly, the federal government embraces and promotes a constitutional regime that enables federal law enforcement to enforce policies which add to patients’ pain contrary to state laws and fundamental notions of federalism.

News Release ~ 05/18/2005

Lawyers Criticize Secret Patriot Mark-up in Senate - Washington, DC (May 18, 2005) – The Senate Intelligence Committee has announced that tomorrow’s scheduled mark-up of USA-PATRIOT Act amendments will be closed to the public and the media.

News Release ~ 02/11/2005

Chicago Tribune Writers Named "Champions of Justice" - Washington, DC (February 11, 2005) – The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers will present three investigative reporters for the Chicago Tribune with Champion of Justice Awards for Distinguished Journalism at the association’s Midwinter Meeting at the Royal Sonesta Hotel in New Orleans on Saturday, February 12. The award recognizes outstanding reporting in print and electronic media advancing public awareness in criminal justice issues.

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