NACDL Annual Election

NACDL conducts elections annually. In 2025, NACDL will elect 13 directors as well as a President Elect, First and Second Vice Presidents, and Secretary.

The Nomination Process

Pursuant to Article VIII, Section 1, “Any member qualified to vote may be nominated as a candidate for any Officer or Director position. A member may be nominated by one of three means:

  1. By the Nominating Committee, as set forth in Article VII, Section 5 (a);
  2. Any Member of the Association qualified to vote may nominate by petition any other Member qualified to hold office; or
  3. Any Member qualified to vote may nominate by petition themselves.

Candidates for nomination by the Nominating Committee must submit materials via a form to be published on this page. Candidates who submit materials via other channels cannot be guaranteed that their submissions will be transmitted to the Nominating Committee.

Candidates seeking nomination by the Nominating Committee should note the following deadlines:

March 4 - March 21

The form to submit candidacy materials to the Nominating Committee will become available on this page. The form will go live no earlier than March 4 at 10:00 am ET. The submission window closes March 21 at 5:00pm ET.

Window to submit has closed. 

Nomination Submission

Candidates seeking nomination by the Nominating Committee must submit the following via web form posted on this page:

  1. A resume
  2. A statement of qualifications of up to 600 words
    1. The statement of qualifications should include a statement of service to NACDL.
    2. It may also include NACDL meetings attended, member recruitment efforts, and committee work and service to the legal profession (including work on behalf of criminal justice issues and for other professional associations), a description of the member’s practice (including areas of concentration and percentage of time devoted to criminal defense and pro bono work) and other relevant community service
  3. A headshot or photo
  4. A designation of the position(s) for which the member would like to be considered and why
  5. A statement that the member is a member in good standing of his or her respective bar
  6. Disclosure of any indictment or information for any felony or crime involving moral turpitude

Candidates must electronically sign the NACDL Code of Conduct and Personal Conduct Policy.

Week of March 24

Candidate interviews will take place virtually.

April 28

The Nominating Committee shall notify the Executive Director of its nominations.

May 5

The link to the Nominating Committee Report will be posted on this page.

May 14 - May 28

The form to submit petitions for Nomination will be posted on this page no earlier than May 14 at 10:00am ET. The submission window closes on May 28 at 5:00pm ET.

The submission window has not opened.

Candidates seeking nomination by the Nominating Committee must submit the following via web form posted on this page:

  1. A resume
  2. A statement of qualifications of up to 600 words
    1. The statement of qualifications should include a statement of service to NACDL.
    2. It may also include NACDL meetings attended, member recruitment efforts, and committee work and service to the legal profession (including work on behalf of criminal justice issues and for other professional associations), a description of the member’s practice (including areas of concentration and percentage of time devoted to criminal defense and pro bono work) and other relevant community service
  3. A headshot or photo
  4. A designation of the position(s) for which the member would like to be considered and why
  5. A statement that the member is a member in good standing of his or her respective bar
  6. Disclosure of any indictment or information for any felony or crime involving moral turpitude
  7. A petition form, or multiple forms, containing signatures of thirty (30) NACDL members qualified to vote, ten (10) of which must be from the candidate’s Federal Circuit.

Candidates must electronically sign the NACDL Code of Conduct and Personal Conduct Policy.

June 16 - June 27

Voting window, if necessary.

July 12

Election results announced at the NACDL Annual Meeting.

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