Who We Are

The Justice for All: Strengthening the Sixth Amendment grant is aimed at enhancing the capacity of state and local jurisdictions to protect the core rights enshrined in the Sixth Amendment. The interconnectedness of the problem necessitates a project design with a holistic approach to finding, implementing, and assessing solutions.  

Understanding the need for this collaborative framework, the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers  (NACDL) has partnered with the Association of Prosecuting Attorneys (APA), the National Center for State Courts (NCSC), and RTI International (RTI), each of whom has a specialized area of expertise, and all of whom bring a wealth of experience in providing TTA and programmatic assessments in collaborative environments to a full range of jurisdictions and criminal justice systems.



Association of Prosecuting Attorneys: Provides TTA to federal, state, local, and tribal prosecutors and their criminal justice partners. In the last 5 years, APA responded to over 10,000 TTA requests, organized 125 national webinars and conferences, and issued 20 publications. They have a network of more than 2,200 subject matter experts (SMEs) and regularly communicate with 17,000 prosecutors and law enforcement partners.

NACDL logo

National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers: NACDL is the preeminent organization in the United States advancing the goal of the criminal defense bar to ensure justice and due process for persons charged with a crime or wrongdoing. NACDL envisions a society where all individuals receive fair, rational, and humane treatment within the criminal justice system. Founded in 1958, NACDL has a rich history of promoting education and reform through myriad projects at the state, local, and federal levels, regularly collaborating with partners across the criminal justice system to safeguard due process rights.

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National Center for State Courts: As the nation’s preeminent judicial reform organization, NCSC works to improve the administration of justice through leadership and service to state courts and justice systems. For decades NCSC has provided research, education, information, technology, and consultations to state and local court systems. NCSC has a network of current and former state court judges, court administrators, and data professionals. It regularly provides technical assistance, consultations, research and systemic evaluation relating to all aspects of court operations, including caseload management, jury management, and access to justice.

RTI International: Using evidence-based practices and data-driven strategies, RTI regularly works with criminal justice stakeholders to develop and evaluate various interventions to improve justice outcomes. Working with court systems, law enforcement, prosecutors, defenders, judges, court administrators, and technology innovators, RTI currently provides TTA, research, and evaluation support for several BJA grants including site visits, e-learning, webinars, one-on-one consultations, and reports. RTI utilizes research action partnerships to identify needs, develop solutions, and evaluate outcomes.

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