De-Facto Disenfranchisement: Ensuring the Freedom to Vote in Jail

Though many individuals incarcerated in local jails retain the right to vote, they often cannot exercise it in practice. This de-facto disenfranchisement is caused by a wide range of barriers including difficulty registering to vote, challenges with casting a ballot, and misinformation pertaining to eligibility. In this webinar, we delve into the causes of jail-based disenfranchisement and highlight strategies that advocates and elected officials can employ to ensure that eligible voters who are being detained are not denied their right to vote.


This discussion was be moderated by Blair Bowie, Legal Counsel and Restore Your Vote Manager at the Campaign Legal Center, and featured Naila Awan, Director of Advocacy for the Prison Policy Initiative; Tatyana Hopkins, student at the UDC Law Youth Justice Clinic; and BeKura W. Shabazz, President of the Criminal Injustice Reform Network.

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