Ep.5 - Criminal Defense in Denmark and New Zealand

This week's podcast explores aspects of the criminal justice systems of both Denmark and New Zealand.

Ep.5 - Criminal Defense in Denmark and New Zealand +

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Ep.5 - Criminal Defense in Denmark and New Zealand -- This week's podcast explores aspects of the criminal justice systems of both Denmark and New Zealand. First, we speak with Henrik Stagetorn, chair of Denmark's National Association of Defense Lawyers. He recently led a delegation of nearly 40 Danish criminal defense attorneys who spent an afternoon at NACDL's Washington, DC headquarters. Then, we hear from NACDL member Greg King, a New Zealand barrister and defense lawyer, who is in the United States on an Eisenhower Fellowship studying the American Criminal Justice system. Learn more about NACDL. Music West Bank (Lezet) / CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 and Walkabout (Digital Primitives) / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0.

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