Strategies for Keeping Youth Out of Adult Jails and Prisons [webinar]

Age Matters: Strategies for Representing Juveniles in Adult Court

Pre- and post-trial custody can have a tremendous effect on a teenager's development, physical and mental health, and likelihood of offending in the future. In this webinar, we address strategies for obtaining pre-trial release, avoiding placement of a teen in adult jail, incorporating psychological and social scientific evidence into sentencing proceedings, and post-sentencing advocacy.



Presenters provide data and research on juvenile versus adult facilities, tips on investigation and document collection, techniques for obtaining and presenting evidence in support of your client's wishes to avoid adult jail / prison, and suggestions for things a lawyer can do to help minimize the harm to the incarcerated client.

In a series of decisions involving youth facing criminal charges, the United States Supreme Court has recognized the legitimacy and relevance of scientific research relating to adolescent brain and behavioral development.  These opinions, and the underlying science, confirm that there are biological differences between adolescents (defined as 10-24 years old) and adults. Adolescents tend to lack impulse and emotional control, are more susceptible to peer and other external influences, they generally do not engage in long term planning, and have difficulty foreseeing and appreciating consequences and assessing risks.  Abuse, neglect, mental illness, and trauma can exacerbate these challenges.  Because adolescence is a transitory time, young offenders are more likely to "age out" of errant behavior and are more amenable to rehabilitation.  In this webinar series presented in partnership with the National Juvenile Defender Center, Juvenile Law Center, and the Campaign for the Fair Sentencing of Youth, presenters seek to help educate lawyers on how these differences factor into their communication with, and representation of, young clients.  Lawyers will be taught about ways to contextualize youth behavior and help judges understand why a defendant may have engaged in a specific act (ranging from the underlying criminal act to waiving Miranda). Lawyers will be exposed to research, law, and investigative tips to help the court educate judges so they can appreciate how the differences between adolescents and adults should factor into every decision the court makes.

Speakers: Erin Davies, Public Policy Attorney, Children's Law Center, Inc. (Kentucky); Deborah St. Jean, Director, Juvenile Protection Division, Maryland State Public Defender; and Cathryn Crawford (moderator), Defense Attorney/Juvenile Justice Expert

Presented by the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and the Foundation for Criminal Justice in partnership with The National Juvenile Defender Center, Juvenile Law Center, and the Campaign for the Fair Sentencing of Youth
Supported by funding from the Foundation for Criminal Justice and the Ford Foundation

See more sessions in this series

Check out the preceding series, Representing Juveniles at Sentencing in Adult Court in the Post-Roper, -Graham, and -Miller Era

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