JaneAnne Murray

Executive Committee, Board Representative, Representative Term 2025
Board of Directors, Director, Second Term, Class of 2025

JaneAnne Murray Photo

A former state and federal public defender, JaneAnne Murray has spent most of professional career as a criminal defense attorney. Currently, she splits her time between her private practice and her role as professor of practice at the University of Minnesota Law School, where she teaches criminal procedure and sentence advocacy. She has been co-chair of the NACDL Sentencing Committee for approximately four years, and was a member of the Steering Committee of Clemency Project 2014, for which she also drafted training materials and assisted volunteers in the drafting of their clemency applications. She was a member of the ABA taskforce to reform the federal economic fraud guideline, and she currently sits on the NACDL Trial Penalty Task Force, as well as the Attorney Advisory Group of NACDL’s State Clemency Project. She is a native of Ireland and obtained her law degree from University College Cork, and her masters degree in law from the University of Cambridge.

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