
Colorado State Jury Compensation Data

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Juror Compensation Explicitly Addressed State Law

Colo. Rev. Stat. 13-71-134. Penalties and enforcement remedies for harassment by employer

(1) An employer shall not deprive an employed juror of employment or any incidents or benefits thereof, nor shall an employer harass, threaten, or coerce an employee because the employee receives a juror summons, responds thereto, performs any obligation or election of juror service as a trial or grand juror, or exercises any right under any section of this article. An employer shall make no demands upon any employed juror which will substantially interfere with the effective performance of juror service. The employed juror may commence a civil action for such damages or injunctive relief or both, as may be appropriate, for a violation of this section. The court may award treble damages and reasonable attorney fees to the juror upon a finding of willful misconduct by the employer. Any trial of such an action shall be to the court without a jury.

(2) Any employer who willfully violates this section commits willful harassment of a juror by an employer, as defined in section 18-8-614, C.R.S., which is a class 2 misdemeanor punishable as provided in section 18-1.3-501, C.R.S.


Colo. Re+J16v. Stat. 13-71-133. Enforcement of employer's duty to compensate jurors

Any employer who fails to compensate an employed juror under the applicable provisions of this article and who has not been excused from such duty of compensation shall be liable to the employed juror. If the employer fails to compensate a juror within thirty days after tender of the juror service acknowledgment information, the juror may commence a civil action in any court having jurisdiction over the parties. Extreme financial hardship on the part of the employer shall not be a defense to such an action. The court may award treble damages and reasonable attorney fees to the juror upon a finding of willful misconduct by the employer.


Colo. Rev. Stat. 13-71-132. Juror service acknowledgment information - requests - payment

(1) The juror service acknowledgment shall contain the following information: The name of the juror; the jury co+B7mmissioner contact information and the number of days of juror service performed; a declaration of the duty of the employer to compensate an employed juror for the first three days, or any part thereof, of juror service; the right of an employer to be excused from such duty by the court upon a showing of extreme financial hardship; and any other information deemed appropriate by the jury commissioner. The jury commissioner shall retain juror service acknowledgment information for each juror and make it available electronically via the internet for twelve months after the juror completes his or her service.

Only State Funds Pay

CRS 13-33-103. Mileage fees of jurors and witnesses

(1) All jurors entitled to compensation for mileage in accordance with the "Colorado Uniform Jury Selection and Service Act", article 71 of this title, and all witnesses shall receive, in counties of every class, the same base mileage allowance amount as provided for state officers and employees under section 24-9-104, C.R.S., for each mile actually and necessarily traveled in going from his or her place of residence to the place named in the summons or subpoena and in returning to such place of residence.

(2) No officer of the courts, in which the cause is pending and on which he is in actual attendance in his official capacity, including clerks, sheriffs, bailiffs, jurors, and police officers, shall be entitled to witnesses' fees or mileage as a witness in any criminal case.

(3) No witness before a coroner, commissioner, or magistrate shall be allowed fees unless such witness claims the same under oath before the adjournment of the court.

(4) No witness in any court of record shall be allowed fees unless such witness claims the same under oath, then only for the number of days such witness actually attended such court in the capacity of a witness.

(5) No witness testifying in more than one criminal case on the same day shall be entitled to receive fees as a witness for more than one day by reason thereof, nor more than one day's attendance on any day, though attending in several cases.

(6) The mileage fee shall not be paid to any witness who at the time of testifying is in the legal custody of any state or federal agency or any local law enforcement agency and whose transportation to court is provided at government expense.


"(3) Trial juror payments for each juror's service shall be processed by the state by check or electronic funds transfer within ten days after the conclusion of the juror's service. The state shall process grand juror payments at least on a monthly basis. Each payment shall include all compensation for juror service and reimbursement for authorized expenses incurred by the juror during the previous time period. The state court administrator shall prepare and disburse these payments based upon information received from jury commissioners." (C.R.S. 13-71-132)


13-71-128. Reimbursement of unemployed jurors during first three days of service



Each trial or grand juror who is unemployed may apply to the jury commissioner on the first day of juror service and shall be reimbursed by the state for reasonable travel, child care, and other necessary out-of-pocket expenses, except food, for the first three days of juror service or any part thereof. The state court administrator shall establish guidelines for the reimbursement of unemployed trial and grand jurors. No award for an unemployed juror shall exceed fifty dollars per day of juror service, and the court shall approve, prior to reimbursement, any award which is outside the guidelines. Any juror who is not regularly employed, including, but not limited to, retired persons, homemakers, students, unemployed persons, and persons receiving unemployment benefits, shall be entitled to reimbursement under this section. Juror service shall not cause a person to lose unemployment benefits.



State Reimburses Counties Juror Compensation Fees

County Local Funds Solely Pay

Amount Involves Supplement

Per Diem Amount

Colo. Rev. Stat. 13-71-126. Compensation of employed jurors during first three days of service

All regularly employed trial or grand jurors shall be paid regular wages, but not to exceed fifty dollars per day unless by mutual agreement between the employee and employer, by their employers for the first three days of juror service or any part thereof. Regular employment shall include part-time, temporary, and casual employment if the employment hours may be determined by a schedule, custom, or practice established during the three-month period preceding the juror's term of service.

Per Diem Rate Increases After Certain Number of Days

Colo. Rev. Stat. 13-71-126. Compensation of employed jurors during first three days of service

All regularly employed trial or grand jurors shall be paid regular wages, but not to exceed fifty dollars per day unless by mutual agreement between the employee and employer, by their employers for the first three days of juror service or any part thereof. Regular employment shall include part-time, temporary, and casual employment if the employment hours may be determined by a schedule, custom, or practice established during the three-month period preceding the juror's term of service.


Colo. Rev. Stat.

13-71-129. Compensation of jurors after first three days of service


The state shall pay each trial or grand juror who serves more than three days for the fourth day of service and each day thereafter at the rate of fifty dollars per day. A trial or grand juror receiving payment under this section shall not be entitled to additional reimbursement for travel or other out-of-pocket expenses.

Extended Lengthy Trial Fund Specific Fund

Are Jobs Protected

Colo. Rev. Stat. 13-71-134. Penalties and enforcement remedies for harassment by employer

(1) An employer shall not deprive an employed juror of employment or any incidents or benefits thereof, nor shall an employer harass, threaten, or coerce an employee because the employee receives a juror summons, responds thereto, performs any obligation or election of juror service as a trial or grand juror, or exercises any right under any section of this article. An employer shall make no demands upon any employed juror which will substantially interfere with the effective performance of juror service. The employed juror may commence a civil action for such damages or injunctive relief or both, as may be appropriate, for a violation of this section. The court may award treble damages and reasonable attorney fees to the juror upon a finding of willful misconduct by the employer. Any trial of such an action shall be to the court without a jury.

(2) Any employer who willfully violates this section commits willful harassment of a juror by an employer, as defined in section 18-8-614, C.R.S., which is a class 2 misdemeanor punishable as provided in section 18-1.3-501, C.R.S.


Colo. Rev. Stat. 13-71-133. Enforcement of employer's duty to compensate jurors

Any employer who fails to compensate an employed juror under the applicable provisions of this article and who has not been excused from such duty of compensation shall be liable to the employed juror. If the employer fails to compensate a juror within thirty days after tender of the juror service acknowledgment information, the juror may commence a civil action in any court having jurisdiction over the parties. Extreme financial hardship on the part of the employer shall not be a defense to such an action. The court may award treble damages and reasonable attorney fees to the juror upon a finding of willful misconduct by the employer.


Colo. Rev. Stat. 13-71-132. Juror service acknowledgment information - requests - payment

(1) The juror service acknowledgment shall contain the following information: The name of the juror; the jury commissioner contact information and the number of days of juror service performed; a declaration of the duty of the employer to compensate an employed juror for the first three days, or any part thereof, of juror service; the right of an employer to be excused from such duty by the court upon a showing of extreme financial hardship; and any other information deemed appropriate by the jury commissioner. The jury commissioner shall retain juror service acknowledgment information for each juror and make it available electronically via the internet for twelve months after the juror completes his or her service.

Jurors Entitled to Both Juror Compensation

Colo. Rev. Stat. 13-71-133. Enforcement of employer's duty to compensate jurors

Any employer who fails to compensate an employed juror under the applicable provisions of this article and who has not been excused from such duty of compensation shall be liable to the employed juror. If the employer fails to compensate a juror within thirty days after tender of the juror service acknowledgment information, the juror may commence a civil action in any court having jurisdiction over the parties. Extreme financial hardship on the part of the employer shall not be a defense to such an action. The court may award treble damages and reasonable attorney fees to the juror upon a finding of willful misconduct by the employer.

Juror Either Paid by Employer or by State

**Employer doesn't have pay employee/juror if EMPLOYER facing financial hardship**

Colo. Rev. Stat. 13-71-127. Financial hardship of employer or self-employed juror


The court shall excuse an employer or a self-employed juror from the duty of compensation for trial or grand juror service upon a finding that it would cause financial hardship. When such a finding is made, a juror shall receive reasonable compensation in lieu of wages from the state for the first three days of juror service or any part thereof. Such award shall not exceed fifty dollars per day of juror service. A court hearing on an employer's extreme financial hardship shall occur no later than thirty days after the tender of the juror service acknowledgment information to the employer. The request for a court hearing shall be made in writing to the jury commissioner.

Transportation Transit Reimbursement

CRS 13-33-103. Mileage fees of jurors and witnesses

(1) All jurors entitled to compensation for mileage in accordance with the "Colorado Uniform Jury Selection and Service Act", article 71 of this title, and all witnesses shall receive, in counties of every class, the same base mileage allowance amount as provided for state officers and employees under section 24-9-104, C.R.S., for each mile actually and necessarily traveled in going from his or her place of residence to the place named in the summons or subpoena and in returning to such place of residence.

(2) No officer of the courts, in which the cause is pending and on which he is in actual attendance in his official capacity, including clerks, sheriffs, bailiffs, jurors, and police officers, shall be entitled to witnesses' fees or mileage as a witness in any criminal case.

(3) No witness before a coroner, commissioner, or magistrate shall be allowed fees unless such witness claims the same under oath before the adjournment of the court.

(4) No witness in any court of record shall be allowed fees unless such witness claims the same under oath, then only for the number of days such witness actually attended such court in the capacity of a witness.

(5) No witness testifying in more than one criminal case on the same day shall be entitled to receive fees as a witness for more than one day by reason thereof, nor more than one day's attendance on any day, though attending in several cases.

(6) The mileage fee shall not be paid to any witness who at the time of testifying is in the legal custody of any state or federal agency or any local law enforcement agency and whose transportation to court is provided at government expense.


CRS 13-71-129.5. Public transportation for jurors


In all judicial districts with one or more publicly owned or operated systems of public transportation, the office of the state court administrator shall work with officials of the public transportation system or systems to create and implement a plan whereby each juror may obtain transportation at no cost to the juror to the vicinity of the courthouse or other place of juror service, and return, using the regular routes and schedules of the public transportation system.

Parking Provided Full

CRS 13-71-128. Reimbursement of unemployed jurors during first three days of service


Each trial or grand juror who is unemployed may apply to the jury commissioner on the first day of juror service and shall be reimbursed by the state for reasonable travel, child care, and other necessary out-of-pocket expenses, except food, for the first three days of juror service or any part thereof. The state court administrator shall establish guidelines for the reimbursement of unemployed trial and grand jurors. No award for an unemployed juror shall exceed fifty dollars per day of juror service, and the court shall approve, prior to reimbursement, any award which is outside the guidelines. Any juror who is not regularly employed, including, but not limited to, retired persons, homemakers, students, unemployed persons, and persons receiving unemployment benefits, shall be entitled to reimbursement under this section. Juror service shall not cause a person to lose unemployment benefits.

Childcare Provided Full

CRS 13-71-128. Reimbursement of unemployed jurors during first three days of service


Each trial or grand juror who is unemployed may apply to the jury commissioner on the first day of juror service and shall be reimbursed by the state for reasonable travel, child care, and other necessary out-of-pocket expenses, except food, for the first three days of juror service or any part thereof. The state court administrator shall establish guidelines for the reimbursement of unemployed trial and grand jurors. No award for an unemployed juror shall exceed fifty dollars per day of juror service, and the court shall approve, prior to reimbursement, any award which is outside the guidelines. Any juror who is not regularly employed, including, but not limited to, retired persons, homemakers, students, unemployed persons, and persons receiving unemployment benefits, shall be entitled to reimbursement under this section. Juror service shall not cause a person to lose unemployment benefits.

Juror can Return Juror Fees


Explicit Rule


Only state funds to pay for jury compensation


State reimburses county


Only county/local funds to pay for jury compensation


County/local funds can supplement state compensation


Extent of Payment

Explicit employer protections


Juror entitled to both juror compensation and regular employment wages


Juror can only receive one: Juror compensation or regular employment wages


Per diem amount


Per diem rate increases after certain number of days


Extended/Lengthy Trial Fund: Specific Funding Source for this additional, extended funding


Other Provisions

Transportation/Transit reimbursement


Parking provided


Child care provided/reimbursed


Juror can return juror fees, or waive per diem



The information provided on this website does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice.