
Indiana State Jury Compensation Data

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Juror Compensation Explicitly Addressed State Law

ind. Code 33-37-10-1. Jurors — Entitlement to payment for attendance and mileage.

(a) A juror of a circuit, superior, county, or probate court or a member of a grand jury is entitled to the sum of the following:

(1) Except as provided in subsection (f), an amount for mileage at the mileage rate paid to state officers and employees for each mile necessarily traveled to and from the court.

(2) Payment at the rate of:

(A) fifteen dollars ($15) for each day the juror is in actual attendance in court until the jury is impaneled; and

(B) forty dollars ($40) for each day the juror is in actual attendance after impaneling and until the jury is discharged.

(b) A county fiscal body may adopt an ordinance to pay from county funds a supplemental fee in addition to the fees prescribed by subsection (a)(2).

(c) A juror of a city or town court is entitled to the sum of the following:

(1) Except as provided in subsection (f), an amount for mileage at the mileage rate paid to state officers and employees for each mile necessarily traveled to and from the court.

(2) Fifteen dollars ($15) per day while the juror is in actual attendance.

(d) A city or town fiscal body may adopt an ordinance to pay from city or town funds a supplemental fee in addition to the fee prescribed by subsection (c)(2).

(e) For purposes of this section, a prospective juror who is summoned for jury duty and who reports to the summoning court on the day specified in the summons is in actual attendance on that day.

(f) A county, city, or town fiscal body may adopt an ordinance providing for the payment by the county, city, or town of the parking fees incurred by jurors of circuit, superior, county, and probate courts and members of grand juries. If a county, city, or town fiscal body adopts an ordinance under this subsection, the county, city, or town may pay the parking fees incurred by a juror of a circuit, superior, county, or probate court or a member of a grand jury instead of paying the juror or grand jury member an amount for mileage at the rate provided in subsection (a)(1) or (c)(1).

Ind. Code 36-2-6-3. Publication of allowances made by courts of county — Exceptions — Penalty for violation.

(a) This section does not apply to claims for salaries fixed in a definite amount by ordinance or statute, per diem of jurors, and salaries of officers of a court.

(b) The county auditor shall publish all allowances made by courts of the county. Court allowances shall be published at least three (3) days before the issuance of warrants in payment of those allowances. Allowances subject to this section shall be published as prescribed by IC 5-3-1 except that only one (1) publication in two (2) newspapers is required.

(c) A county auditor who issues warrants in payment of allowances made by a court of the county, before compliance with subsection (b), commits a Class C infraction.

(d) A county auditor shall publish one (1) time in accordance with IC 5-3-1 a notice of all allowances made by a circuit or superior court. The notice must be published within sixty (60) days after the allowances are made and must state their amount, to whom they are made, and for what purpose they are made.

Only State Funds Pay

State Reimburses Counties Juror Compensation Fees

County Local Funds Solely Pay

Ind. Code 33-37-11-2. Establishment — Purpose — Source of funds.

(a) A jury pay fund is established for each county to supplement the cost of paying jury fees. The jury pay fund is administered by the county auditor.

(b) The jury pay fund consists of amounts deposited by the county auditor under IC 33-37-8-5(c) and the fees collected under IC 33-37-5-19 from defendants who:

(1) committed a crime;

(2) violated a statute defining an infraction; or

(3) violated an ordinance of a municipal corporation.

Amount Involves Supplement

Ind. Code 33-37-11-2. Establishment — Purpose — Source of funds.

(a) A jury pay fund is established for each county to supplement the cost of paying jury fees. The jury pay fund is administered by the county auditor.

(b) The jury pay fund consists of amounts deposited by the county auditor under IC 33-37-8-5(c) and the fees collected under IC 33-37-5-19 from defendants who:

(1) committed a crime;

(2) violated a statute defining an infraction; or

(3) violated an ordinance of a municipal corporation.

Ind. Code 33-37-10-1. Jurors — Entitlement to payment for attendance and mileage.

(a) A juror of a circuit, superior, county, or probate court or a member of a grand jury is entitled to the sum of the following:

(1) Except as provided in subsection (f), an amount for mileage at the mileage rate paid to state officers and employees for each mile necessarily traveled to and from the court.

(2) Payment at the rate of:

(A) fifteen dollars ($15) for each day the juror is in actual attendance in court until the jury is impaneled; and

(B) forty dollars ($40) for each day the juror is in actual attendance after impaneling and until the jury is discharged.

(b) A county fiscal body may adopt an ordinance to pay from county funds a supplemental fee in addition to the fees prescribed by subsection (a)(2).

(c) A juror of a city or town court is entitled to the sum of the following:

(1) Except as provided in subsection (f), an amount for mileage at the mileage rate paid to state officers and employees for each mile necessarily traveled to and from the court.

(2) Fifteen dollars ($15) per day while the juror is in actual attendance.

(d) A city or town fiscal body may adopt an ordinance to pay from city or town funds a supplemental fee in addition to the fee prescribed by subsection (c)(2).

(e) For purposes of this section, a prospective juror who is summoned for jury duty and who reports to the summoning court on the day specified in the summons is in actual attendance on that day.

(f) A county, city, or town fiscal body may adopt an ordinance providing for the payment by the county, city, or town of the parking fees incurred by jurors of circuit, superior, county, and probate courts and members of grand juries. If a county, city, or town fiscal body adopts an ordinance under this subsection, the county, city, or town may pay the parking fees incurred by a juror of a circuit, superior, county, or probate court or a member of a grand jury instead of paying the juror or grand jury member an amount for mileage at the rate provided in subsection (a)(1) or (c)(1).

**$15 for attending + $40 while actually serving, according to this secondary source** "In Indiana, jurors receive nominal compensation for each day spent at jury selection, or while serving on a jury. While other states provide jurors with mileage reimbursement for travel, this is not available in Indiana.

$15.00 per diem of attendance; $40.00 per diem while actually serving. Mileage varies by county." (,per%20diem%20while%20actually%20serving.)

Per Diem Amount

Ind. Code 33-37-10-1. Jurors — Entitlement to payment for attendance and mileage.

(a) A juror of a circuit, superior, county, or probate court or a member of a grand jury is entitled to the sum of the following:

(1) Except as provided in subsection (f), an amount for mileage at the mileage rate paid to state officers and employees for each mile necessarily traveled to and from the court.

(2) Payment at the rate of:

(A) fifteen dollars ($15) for each day the juror is in actual attendance in court until the jury is impaneled; and

(B) forty dollars ($40) for each day the juror is in actual attendance after impaneling and until the jury is discharged.

(b) A county fiscal body may adopt an ordinance to pay from county funds a supplemental fee in addition to the fees prescribed by subsection (a)(2).

(c) A juror of a city or town court is entitled to the sum of the following:

(1) Except as provided in subsection (f), an amount for mileage at the mileage rate paid to state officers and employees for each mile necessarily traveled to and from the court.

(2) Fifteen dollars ($15) per day while the juror is in actual attendance.

(d) A city or town fiscal body may adopt an ordinance to pay from city or town funds a supplemental fee in addition to the fee prescribed by subsection (c)(2).

(e) For purposes of this section, a prospective juror who is summoned for jury duty and who reports to the summoning court on the day specified in the summons is in actual attendance on that day.

(f) A county, city, or town fiscal body may adopt an ordinance providing for the payment by the county, city, or town of the parking fees incurred by jurors of circuit, superior, county, and probate courts and members of grand juries. If a county, city, or town fiscal body adopts an ordinance under this subsection, the county, city, or town may pay the parking fees incurred by a juror of a circuit, superior, county, or probate court or a member of a grand jury instead of paying the juror or grand jury member an amount for mileage at the rate provided in subsection (a)(1) or (c)(1).

Per Diem Rate Increases After Certain Number of Days

Extended Lengthy Trial Fund Specific Fund

Are Jobs Protected

Ind. Code 33-28-5-24.3. Prohibited actions by employer of person summoned to serve as juror.

(a) If a person:

(1) is summoned to serve as a juror; and

(2) notifies the person’s employer of the jury summons within a reasonable period:

(A) after receiving the jury summons; and

(B) before the person appears for jury service;

the person’s employer may not subject the person to any adverse employment action as the result of the person’s jury service.

(b) An employee may not be required or requested to use annual leave, vacation leave, or sick leave for time spent:

(1) responding to a summons for jury service;

(2) participating in the jury selection process; or

(3) serving on a jury.

This subsection does not require an employer to provide annual leave, vacation leave, or sick leave to an employee who is not otherwise entitled to these benefits.

(c) If:

(1) a prospective juror works for an employer with not more than ten (10) full-time employees (or their equivalent);

(2) another employee of the employer described in subdivision (1) is performing jury service; and

(3) the prospective juror or the person performing jury service notifies the court that they both work for the same employer;

the court shall reschedule the prospective juror’s jury service for a date that does not overlap with the jury service of the other employee.

Jurors Entitled to Both Juror Compensation

Juror Either Paid by Employer or by State

Transportation Transit Reimbursement

"(a) A juror of a circuit, superior, county, or probate court or a member of a grand jury is entitled to the sum of the following:

(1) Except as provided in subsection (f), an amount for mileage at the mileage rate paid to state officers and employees for each mile necessarily traveled to and from the court.

(2) Payment at the rate of:

(A) fifteen dollars ($15) for each day the juror is in actual attendance in court until the jury is impaneled; and

(B) forty dollars ($40) for each day the juror is in actual attendance after impaneling and until the jury is discharged.

(b) A county fiscal body may adopt an ordinance to pay from county funds a supplemental fee in addition to the fees prescribed by subsection (a)(2).

(c) A juror of a city or town court is entitled to the sum of the following:

(1) Except as provided in subsection (f), an amount for mileage at the mileage rate paid to state officers and employees for each mile necessarily traveled to and from the court.

(2) Fifteen dollars ($15) per day while the juror is in actual attendance.

(d) A city or town fiscal body may adopt an ordinance to pay from city or town funds a supplemental fee in addition to the fee prescribed by subsection (c)(2).

(e) For purposes of this section, a prospective juror who is summoned for jury duty and who reports to the summoning court on the day specified in the summons is in actual attendance on that day. (f) A county, city, or town fiscal body may adopt an ordinance providing for the payment by the county, city, or town of the parking fees incurred by jurors of circuit, superior, county, and probate courts and members of grand juries. If a county, city, or town fiscal body adopts an ordinance under this subsection, the county, city, or town may pay the parking fees incurred by a juror of a circuit, superior, county, or probate court or a member of a grand jury instead of paying the juror or grand jury member an amount for mileage at the rate provided in subsection (a)(1) or (c)(1)." (Burns Ind. Code Ann. § 33-37-10-1)

Parking Provided Full

"(a) A juror of a circuit, superior, county, or probate court or a member of a grand jury is entitled to the sum of the following:

(1) Except as provided in subsection (f), an amount for mileage at the mileage rate paid to state officers and employees for each mile necessarily traveled to and from the court.

(2) Payment at the rate of:

(A) fifteen dollars ($15) for each day the juror is in actual attendance in court until the jury is impaneled; and

(B) forty dollars ($40) for each day the juror is in actual attendance after impaneling and until the jury is discharged.

(b) A county fiscal body may adopt an ordinance to pay from county funds a supplemental fee in addition to the fees prescribed by subsection (a)(2).

(c) A juror of a city or town court is entitled to the sum of the following:

(1) Except as provided in subsection (f), an amount for mileage at the mileage rate paid to state officers and employees for each mile necessarily traveled to and from the court.

(2) Fifteen dollars ($15) per day while the juror is in actual attendance.

(d) A city or town fiscal body may adopt an ordinance to pay from city or town funds a supplemental fee in addition to the fee prescribed by subsection (c)(2).

(e) For purposes of this section, a prospective juror who is summoned for jury duty and who reports to the summoning court on the day specified in the summons is in actual attendance on that day. (f) A county, city, or town fiscal body may adopt an ordinance providing for the payment by the county, city, or town of the parking fees incurred by jurors of circuit, superior, county, and probate courts and members of grand juries. If a county, city, or town fiscal body adopts an ordinance under this subsection, the county, city, or town may pay the parking fees incurred by a juror of a circuit, superior, county, or probate court or a member of a grand jury instead of paying the juror or grand jury member an amount for mileage at the rate provided in subsection (a)(1) or (c)(1)." (Burns Ind. Code Ann. § 33-37-10-1)

Childcare Provided Full

Juror can Return Juror Fees


Explicit Rule


Only state funds to pay for jury compensation


State reimburses county


Only county/local funds to pay for jury compensation


County/local funds can supplement state compensation


Extent of Payment

Explicit employer protections


Juror entitled to both juror compensation and regular employment wages


Juror can only receive one: Juror compensation or regular employment wages


Per diem amount


Per diem rate increases after certain number of days


Extended/Lengthy Trial Fund: Specific Funding Source for this additional, extended funding


Other Provisions

Transportation/Transit reimbursement


Parking provided


Child care provided/reimbursed


Juror can return juror fees, or waive per diem



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