
Iowa State Jury Compensation Data

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Juror Compensation Explicitly Addressed State Law

Iowa Code 607A.8 Fees and expenses for jurors.

1. A grand juror and a petit juror in all courts shall receive thirty dollars as compensation for each day’s service or attendance, including attendance required for the purpose of being considered for service. The supreme court may adopt rules that allow additional compensation for jurors whose attendance and service exceeds seven days.

2. A grand juror and a petit juror in all courts shall receive reimbursement for mileage expenses at the rate specified by the supreme court for each mile traveled each day to and from the residence of the juror to the place of service or attendance, and shall receive reimbursement for actual expenses of parking, as determined by the clerk of the district court. A juror who is a person with a disability may receive reimbursement for the costs of alternate transportation from the residence of the juror to the place of service or attendance. A juror shall not receive reimbursement for mileage expenses or actual expenses of parking when the juror travels in a vehicle for which another juror is receiving reimbursement for mileage and parking expenses.

3. A grand juror or a petit juror in all courts may waive the right of the juror to receive compensation under subsection 1 or reimbursement under subsection 2.

Only State Funds Pay

" A revolving fund is created in the state treasury for the payment of jury and witness fees, mileage, costs related to summoning jurors by the judicial branch, costs and fees related to the management and payment of interpreters and translators in judicial branch legal proceedings and court-ordered programs, and attorney fees paid by the state public defender for counsel appointed pursuant to section 600A.6A. The judicial branch shall deposit any reimbursements to the state for the payment of jury and witness fees and mileage in the revolving fund. In each calendar quarter the judicial branch shall reimburse the state public defender for attorney fees paid pursuant to section 600A.6B. Notwithstanding section 8.33, unencumbered and unobligated receipts in the revolving fund at the end of a fiscal year do not revert to the general fund of the state. The judicial branch shall on or before February 1 file a financial accounting of the moneys in the revolving fund with the legislative services agency. The accounting shall include an estimate of disbursements from the revolving fund for the remainder of the fiscal year and for the next fiscal year." (Iowa Code § 602.1302)

Iowa Code 607A.8 Fees and expenses for jurors.

1. A grand juror and a petit juror in all courts shall receive thirty dollars as compensation for each day’s service or attendance, including attendance required for the purpose of being considered for service. The supreme court may adopt rules that allow additional compensation for jurors whose attendance and service exceeds seven days.

2. A grand juror and a petit juror in all courts shall receive reimbursement for mileage expenses at the rate specified by the supreme court for each mile traveled each day to and from the residence of the juror to the place of service or attendance, and shall receive reimbursement for actual expenses of parking, as determined by the clerk of the district court. A juror who is a person with a disability may receive reimbursement for the costs of alternate transportation from the residence of the juror to the place of service or attendance. A juror shall not receive reimbursement for mileage expenses or actual expenses of parking when the juror travels in a vehicle for which another juror is receiving reimbursement for mileage and parking expenses.

3. A grand juror or a petit juror in all courts may waive the right of the juror to receive compensation under subsection 1 or reimbursement under subsection 2.

State Reimburses Counties Juror Compensation Fees

County Local Funds Solely Pay

Amount Involves Supplement

Per Diem Amount

Iowa Code 607A.8 Fees and expenses for jurors.

1. A grand juror and a petit juror in all courts shall receive thirty dollars as compensation for each day’s service or attendance, including attendance required for the purpose of being considered for service. The supreme court may adopt rules that allow additional compensation for jurors whose attendance and service exceeds seven days.

2. A grand juror and a petit juror in all courts shall receive reimbursement for mileage expenses at the rate specified by the supreme court for each mile traveled each day to and from the residence of the juror to the place of service or attendance, and shall receive reimbursement for actual expenses of parking, as determined by the clerk of the district court. A juror who is a person with a disability may receive reimbursement for the costs of alternate transportation from the residence of the juror to the place of service or attendance. A juror shall not receive reimbursement for mileage expenses or actual expenses of parking when the juror travels in a vehicle for which another juror is receiving reimbursement for mileage and parking expenses.

3. A grand juror or a petit juror in all courts may waive the right of the juror to receive compensation under subsection 1 or reimbursement under subsection 2.

Per Diem Rate Increases After Certain Number of Days

Iowa Code 607A.8 Fees and expenses for jurors.

1. A grand juror and a petit juror in all courts shall receive thirty dollars as compensation for each day’s service or attendance, including attendance required for the purpose of being considered for service. The supreme court may adopt rules that allow additional compensation for jurors whose attendance and service exceeds seven days.

2. A grand juror and a petit juror in all courts shall receive reimbursement for mileage expenses at the rate specified by the supreme court for each mile traveled each day to and from the residence of the juror to the place of service or attendance, and shall receive reimbursement for actual expenses of parking, as determined by the clerk of the district court. A juror who is a person with a disability may receive reimbursement for the costs of alternate transportation from the residence of the juror to the place of service or attendance. A juror shall not receive reimbursement for mileage expenses or actual expenses of parking when the juror travels in a vehicle for which another juror is receiving reimbursement for mileage and parking expenses.

3. A grand juror or a petit juror in all courts may waive the right of the juror to receive compensation under subsection 1 or reimbursement under subsection 2.

Extended Lengthy Trial Fund Specific Fund

Are Jobs Protected

Iowa Code 607A.45 Employer prohibited from penalizing employee — penalty — action for lost wages.

1. An employer shall not deprive an employee of employment or threaten or otherwise coerce an employee with respect to the employee’s employment because the employee receives a notice to report, responds to the notice, serves as a juror, or attends court for prospective juror service. An employer who violates this subsection commits contempt.

2. If an employer discharges an employee in violation of subsection 1, the employee may within sixty days of the discharge bring a civil action for the recovery of wages lost as a result of the violation and for an order requiring the reinstatement of the employee. Damages recoverable shall not exceed lost wages for a period of six weeks. If the employee prevails, the employee shall be allowed reasonable attorney fees as determined by the court.

Jurors Entitled to Both Juror Compensation

Juror Either Paid by Employer or by State

Transportation Transit Reimbursement

Iowa Code

607A.8 Fees and expenses for jurors.

1. A grand juror and a petit juror in all courts shall receive thirty dollars as compensation for each day’s service or attendance, including attendance required for the purpose of being considered for service. The supreme court may adopt rules that allow additional compensation for jurors whose attendance and service exceeds seven days.

2. A grand juror and a petit juror in all courts shall receive reimbursement for mileage expenses at the rate specified by the supreme court for each mile traveled each day to and from the residence of the juror to the place of service or attendance, and shall receive reimbursement for actual expenses of parking, as determined by the clerk of the district court. A juror who is a person with a disability may receive reimbursement for the costs of alternate transportation from the residence of the juror to the place of service or attendance. A juror shall not receive reimbursement for mileage expenses or actual expenses of parking when the juror travels in a vehicle for which another juror is receiving reimbursement for mileage and parking expenses.

3. A grand juror or a petit juror in all courts may waive the right of the juror to receive compensation under subsection 1 or reimbursement under subsection 2.

IOwa Code 815.12 Trial jury expenses.

The clerk of the district court shall pay fees and mileage due petit jurors, and the costs of food, lodging, and transportation when provided for petit jurors.

Parking Provided Full

"2. A grand juror and a petit juror in all courts shall receive reimbursement for mileage expenses at the rate specified by the supreme court for each mile traveled each day to and from the residence of the juror to the place of service or attendance, and shall receive reimbursement for actual expenses of parking, as determined by the clerk of the district court. A juror who is a person with a disability may receive reimbursement for the costs of alternate transportation from the residence of the juror to the place of service or attendance. A juror shall not receive reimbursement for mileage expenses or actual expenses of parking when the juror travels in a vehicle for which another juror is receiving reimbursement for mileage and parking expenses." (Iowa Code § 607A.8)

Iowa Code 815.12 Trial jury expenses.

The clerk of the district court shall pay fees and mileage due petit jurors, and the costs of food, lodging, and transportation when provided for petit jurors.

Childcare Provided Full

Juror can Return Juror Fees


Explicit Rule


Only state funds to pay for jury compensation


State reimburses county


Only county/local funds to pay for jury compensation


County/local funds can supplement state compensation


Extent of Payment

Explicit employer protections


Juror entitled to both juror compensation and regular employment wages


Juror can only receive one: Juror compensation or regular employment wages


Per diem amount


Per diem rate increases after certain number of days


Extended/Lengthy Trial Fund: Specific Funding Source for this additional, extended funding


Other Provisions

Transportation/Transit reimbursement


Parking provided


Child care provided/reimbursed


Juror can return juror fees, or waive per diem



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