
Louisiana State Jury Compensation Data

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Juror Compensation Explicitly Addressed State Law

"(1) The compensation of all persons attending pursuant to summons for jury service as well as selected jurors in criminal matters shall be paid from the criminal court fund as provided in Subsection D of this Section." (La. R.S. § 13:3049.1)

"§ 13:3049. Cash deposit; bond; duty to attend; compensation; procedure; filing fees. [Effective until January 1, 2021]

A. Every person selected and summoned shall attend as a juror or talesman punctually and for the time for which he is selected. The district judge may enforce the attendance of any juror by imposing a fine of not more than fifty dollars or by imprisonment in the parish jail for not more than three days, or both, in his discretion, for each violation.



(a) The jurors in criminal cases who attend may demand and receive from the parish treasury compensation and an allowance for mileage necessarily traveled going to and from the courthouse to be fixed by the district judges of each judicial district, sitting en banc, subject to approval by the parish governing authority.

(b) The compensation shall be twenty-five dollars for each day of attendance in court, and the mileage allowance shall be not less than sixteen cents per mile nor more than the rate in effect for state officials.

(c) Only one charge shall be made for mileage each way.

(d) Notice of any intention to change juror compensation by the court shall be given to the district attorney, the parish treasurer, and the clerk of court. No such change shall be effective unless approved by the parish governing authority.


(i) The compensation of jurors in criminal matters provided for by this Subsection shall be paid from costs of court collected from every criminal defendant who is convicted after trial or who pleads guilty or no contest, or who forfeits bond in each district or parish court or in any court exercising juvenile jurisdiction, which shall be assessed as a part of the costs of court to be collected in such cases. The judge or judges for the judicial district wherein the parish, or city of New Orleans is situated shall adopt a schedule of costs that shall be applicable in each criminal case before that court to which such costs are applicable. All of such costs shall be placed, as they are collected, in a special fund that shall be maintained and be administered by the governing authority and the governing authority shall pay out of said fund the compensation for jurors in criminal matters herein provided for.

(ii) The judge or judges shall, as the needs of the special fund require, adjust the schedule of costs to insure that the proceeds are adequate to fully pay the juror compensation herein provided.


(aa) In the Sixteenth Judicial District, each parish governing authority may adopt an ordinance which provides that surplus monies in the juror compensation fund in their respective parish that exceeds fifty thousand dollars at the end of each calendar year may be used to defray the costs of providing courthouse security and all expenses associated with the trial of a capital case.

(bb) As used in this Item, “special fund” means the special fund provided for in this Subparagraph, and “surplus monies” means the amount of money that is in each special fund at the end of each calendar year and that is in excess of the total amount paid from costs of court collected as provided in Item (i) of this Subparagraph in that calendar year. No money obligated to be paid to any juror shall be considered surplus money pursuant to this Item.

(cc) For the purposes of this Item, the balance of fifty thousand dollars required to be maintained in the juror compensation fund shall mean fifty thousand dollars in unexpended and unencumbered funds, and under no circumstances shall the balance in the fund be reduced below fifty thousand dollars as a result of an expenditure made under the provisions of this Item.


(aa) In the First Judicial District, the parish governing authority may adopt an ordinance which provides that surplus monies in the juror compensation fund in the parish that exceeds fifty thousand dollars at the end of each calendar year may be used to defray the costs of providing courthouse security and all expenses associated with the trial of a capital case.

(bb) As used in this Item, “special fund” means the special fund provided for in this Subparagraph, and “surplus monies” means the amount of money that is in the special fund at the end of each calendar year and that is in excess of the total amount paid from costs of court collected as provided in Item (i) of this Subparagraph in that calendar year. No money obligated to be paid to any juror shall be considered surplus money pursuant to this Item.

(cc) For the purposes of this Item, the balance of fifty thousand dollars required to be maintained in the juror compensation fund shall mean fifty thousand dollars in unexpended and unencumbered funds, and under no circumstances shall the balance in the fund be reduced below fifty thousand dollars as a result of an expenditure made under the provisions of this Item.


(aa) Notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary, all surplus monies in the special fund of each parish within the Twenty-First Judicial District at the end of each calendar year shall be transmitted by the governing authority of each parish to the Twenty-First Judicial District Court for deposit into the court’s criminal court fund.

(bb) As used in this Item, “special fund” means the special fund provided for in this Subparagraph, and “surplus monies” means the amount of money that is in each special fund at the end of each calendar year and that is in excess of the total amount paid for jury fees in that calendar year. No money obligated to be paid to any juror as a fee or cost for attendance for jury duty shall be considered surplus money pursuant to this Item.

(cc) All surplus monies shall be transferred pursuant to this Item no later than January thirty-first of each calendar year. All surplus monies transferred to the Twenty-First Judicial District Court’s criminal court fund may be used for the same purposes as the existing funds in the criminal court fund.


(aa) In the Thirty-Ninth Judicial District, the parish governing authority may adopt an ordinance which provides that surplus monies in the juror compensation fund that exceed fifty thousand dollars at the end of each calendar year may be used to defray the expenses of the criminal court system. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, all surplus monies in the special fund at the end of each calendar year shall be transmitted by the governing authority to the Thirty-Ninth Judicial District Court for deposit into the court’s criminal court fund no later than January thirty-first of each calendar year.

(bb) As used in this Item, “special fund” means the special fund provided for in this Subparagraph, and “surplus monies” means the amount of money that is in each special fund at the end of each calendar year and that is in excess of the total amount paid from costs of court collected as provided in Item (i) of this Subparagraph in that calendar year. No money obligated to be paid to any juror shall be considered surplus money pursuant to this Item.

(cc) For the purposes of this Item, the balance of fifty thousand dollars required to be maintained in the juror compensation fund shall mean fifty thousand dollars in unexpended and unencumbered funds, and under no circumstances shall the balance in the fund be reduced below fifty thousand dollars as a result of an expenditure made under the provisions of this Item.


(aa) Notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary, surplus monies in the special fund of each parish within the Fourth Judicial District shall upon request, be transmitted by the governing authority of each parish to the Fourth Judicial District Court for deposit into the judicial expense fund.

(bb) As used in this Item, “special fund” means the special fund provided for in this Subparagraph, and “surplus monies” means the amount of money that is in each special fund at the end of each calendar year and that is in excess of the total amount paid for jury fees and costs during that calendar year. No money obligated to be paid to any juror as a fee or cost for attendance for jury duty shall be considered surplus money pursuant to this Item.

(cc) Surplus monies transferred to the Fourth Judicial District Court’s judicial expense fund shall be transferred at any time upon request by the court, and may be used for the same purposes as the existing funds in the judicial expense fund.


(a) Except as provided by special law, the jurors in civil cases who attend may demand and receive twenty-five dollars for each day of attendance in court and sixteen cents for each mile necessarily traveled in going to and returning from the courthouse. Only one charge shall be made for mileage each way. At the time of posting bond, the party praying for the jury shall pay to the clerk of court the sum of one hundred fifty dollars as jury filing fees. In addition, prior to the commencement of the trial, the party praying for the jury shall post a bond pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure Article 1734 or deposit the amount ordered by the court pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure Article 1734.1. If the trial exceeds the estimated number of days, the party praying for the jury shall post an additional bond or make an additional deposit as ordered by the court. However, no party praying for a jury trial under the provisions of this Subsection shall be required to pay any costs or advance deposit imposed under the provisions of this Subsection if such has been waived or an order is rendered, pursuant to Chapter 5 of Title I of Book IX of the Code of Civil Procedure, permitting the applicant to litigate or continue to litigate without payment of such costs or furnishing security therefor.

(b) The clerk of court shall collect the deposits required herein. This amount shall be expended solely for the expenses of civil juries.

(c) The judge before whom a case is to be tried by a jury shall have the right to waive the depositing of such security for jury costs entirely or in part, upon proper showing to his satisfaction that the party praying for such trial by jury is financially unable to deposit such sum. The judge may also determine whether such deposit for jury costs shall be deposited in whole prior to the commencement of trial or by partial payments at intervals during the progress of the trial should such party be financially able to provide such deposit.

(d) Any deposit made as herein provided shall be returned to the party making such deposit and any bond filed shall be cancelled in the event that the matter in which trial by jury has been requested has been tried, settled, determined, or otherwise disposed of for any reason, without having been tried by a jury.

(e) Any juror who is called and actually reports for jury service shall be paid his compensation, mileage allowance, and other costs, by the clerk of court out of the funds on deposit upon completion of his duty to attend. If the jury costs exceed the amount on deposit, or if the judge has waived the deposit, or if a bond was posted, the deficiency shall be paid out of any judicial expense fund or, in parishes comprising the Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Judicial Districts and in parishes where no judicial expense fund exists, the deficiency shall be paid out of the parish treasury. The administrator of the judicial expense fund, the clerk of court or the parish shall have the right to seek recovery of such amount immediately from the party or parties cast in judgment, or from the surety on any bond furnished for jury costs, notwithstanding that the judgment may be suspensively appealed or that the bond was furnished by a party not cast in judgment. With respect to those courts in the parish of Orleans, such recovery shall only be done within one year after the closure date of the case.

C. Grand jurors in criminal cases are entitled to the same mileage and compensation for each day’s attendance at sessions of the grand jury as that allowed petit jurors in the same judicial district. The several clerks of the district court, upon demand by each such juror at the close of his term of service, shall issue to him a certificate of attendance, countersigned by the district judge, for the amount to which he is entitled. The district judge may direct the payment of the accrued mileage and per diem of grand jurors at any time during the term of service as grand jurors." (La. R.S. § 13:3049)

**Police juries** La Rev. Stat. § 33:1233. Compensation.


(1) Every parish governing authority in Louisiana organized under the police jury system of government shall, by ordinance approved by a majority of the elected members of the governing authority in open public meeting, after public hearing which has been advertised in the official journal of the parish on at least two separate occasions within a period of fifteen days preceding the open meeting, provide for the method and amount of compensation and mileage to and from the meeting place to be paid the member of the police jury of that parish.


(a) Members of the police juries are authorized to receive compensation not to exceed fifty dollars per day and the same mileage allowance as provided to state elected officials going to and from the courthouses in their respective parishes for every day they are actually employed in the service of the parish and for travel outside of the parish on parish business. Mileage shall be charged for each day of attendance at each session of the police jury to be paid out of funds of the several parishes on the warrant of the president, provided however, that if a juror has use of a parish owned vehicle for the conduct of official business, the mileage compensation shall not be paid.


(i) Police jurors shall not be paid for more than one hundred forty-four days in any one year.

(ii) No police juror shall be compensated for more than twelve meetings per month, or, in lieu of such per diem, the police jury may elect, by a vote of a majority of the elected members, to be paid on a salary basis, in which event the maximum salary allowable shall be one thousand six hundred dollars per month for each member of the police jury. A police jury may provide for an increase in the salary of the police juror serving as president of the police jury in an amount not to exceed four hundred dollars per month more than the salary established for members of the police jury. Such additional salary shall only be payable while a police juror is holding the position of president of the police jury.

(iii) In the event that the police jury elects to go on a salary basis, a police juror who does not attend regular, special, or committee meetings of the police jury may be required to forfeit the sum of twenty-five dollars of said salary for each nonattendance without reasonable excuse.

(iv) The police jury, by majority vote in open session, may determine on an individual basis whether a member had a reasonable excuse for nonattendance at any regular, special or committee meeting of the police jury.

(3) In addition to any other compensation or expense allowance provided by law, each parish governing authority which does not operate under a home rule charter may pay a monthly, itemized expense allowance, not to exceed two hundred dollars per month, to the members of the governing authority as payment for actual expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. Such expense allowance shall be provided upon approval of a majority of the members of the governing authority after public hearing.

B. In lieu of the provisions of Subsection A of this Section, each member of the governing authority of East Baton Rouge Parish may be empowered to receive a travel allowance for in-parish travel which includes payment for a combination of travel and car allowance of a maximum of eight hundred dollars per month for each member. Such allowance shall be provided upon approval of a majority of the members of the local governing body after public hearing.

La Rev. Stat. 33:103 "(f) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section to the contrary, the police jury of Acadia Parish may pay members of the planning commission of Acadia Parish per diem of twenty-five dollars for attending meetings of said commission for a maximum of twenty-four meetings per year."

La Rev. Stat § 13:794. St. Landry Parish; jury commission fees; per diem and expenses of commissioners.

The clerk of court of St. Landry Parish shall, from fees collected for the jury commission fund, pay to the members of the jury commission their monthly per diem and expenses on their own warrant. The clerk shall deposit any balance remaining from such fees after the payment of per diem and expenses into the jury commission fund at such intervals as he deems proper based upon funds required to make such payments.

Only State Funds Pay

State Reimburses Counties Juror Compensation Fees

County Local Funds Solely Pay

La. Rev. Code § 15:304. Expenses to be paid by parishes; juror’s fee in city of New Orleans.

All expenses incurred in the different parishes of the state or in the city of New Orleans by the arrest, confinement, and prosecution of persons accused or convicted of crimes, their removal to prison, the pay of witnesses specifically provided for by law, jurors and all prosecutorial expenses whatever attending criminal proceedings shall be paid by the respective parishes in which the offense charged may have been committed or by the city of New Orleans, as the case may be. The expenses shall be paid by the parish treasurer or by the city of New Orleans after an account of the expenses shall be duly certified to be correct by the presiding judge and the clerk of court. The fees, salaries, and expenses to be paid shall be fixed and regulated by the parish or city authority unless otherwise provided by law; however, those persons serving as jurors in the trial of criminal cases in the city of New Orleans shall be entitled to compensation of sixteen dollars for each and every day or part of a day on which they serve as jurors in any criminal case to be paid by the city of New Orleans; provided further that this shall not become effective until the council of the city of New Orleans will have appropriated sufficient funds for this purpose. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section, the city of New Orleans shall only pay the above expenses after the special account created pursuant to R.S. 15:571.11(D), and to the extent authorized thereby, shall have been depleted. Nothing in this Section shall be construed to make the parishes or the city of New Orleans responsible for the expenses associated with the costs, expert fees, or attorney fees of a defendant in a criminal proceeding.

"L. Additionally, in civil and criminal cases the Webster Parish Police Jury shall be paid two dollars and fifty cents per thirty-one-line legal size page and fifty cents per page for copies for all testimony transcribed by the court reporters. This charge shall be taxable as court costs and shall be advanced to the court reporter assigned to the case for delivery to the Webster Parish Police Jury for deposit in the clerk of court reporter’s fund." (La. R.S. § 13:970)

"J. In addition to the authority heretofore granted and authorized by any other provision, the Criminal Court Fund of the Seventeenth Judicial District, parish of Lafourche, may be used to pay for the office expenses, operating expenses, equipment costs, and salaries of juvenile officers, employees of the offices of the district judges, district attorney, indigent defender, and juvenile officers of the Seventeenth Judicial District, parish of Lafourche. The fund shall not be used to pay the salaries of the district judges. The fund may be used to pay the salaries of law clerks for the judicial district and to provide for transportation and the cost of maintaining and operating the transportation for the grand jury and petit juries of the judicial district. The fund may also be used to provide for planning, maintenance, and operating expenses for the juvenile justice facility for the parish of Lafourche." (La. R.S. § 15:571.110)

Amount Involves Supplement

"(1) The compensation of all persons attending pursuant to summons for jury service as well as selected jurors in criminal matters shall be paid from the criminal court fund as provided in Subsection D of this Section." (La. R.S. § 13:3049.1)

§ 15:304. Expenses to be paid by parishes; juror’s fee in city of New Orleans.

All expenses incurred in the different parishes of the state or in the city of New Orleans by the arrest, confinement, and prosecution of persons accused or convicted of crimes, their removal to prison, the pay of witnesses specifically provided for by law, jurors and all prosecutorial expenses whatever attending criminal proceedings shall be paid by the respective parishes in which the offense charged may have been committed or by the city of New Orleans, as the case may be. The expenses shall be paid by the parish treasurer or by the city of New Orleans after an account of the expenses shall be duly certified to be correct by the presiding judge and the clerk of court. The fees, salaries, and expenses to be paid shall be fixed and regulated by the parish or city authority unless otherwise provided by law; however, those persons serving as jurors in the trial of criminal cases in the city of New Orleans shall be entitled to compensation of sixteen dollars for each and every day or part of a day on which they serve as jurors in any criminal case to be paid by the city of New Orleans; provided further that this shall not become effective until the council of the city of New Orleans will have appropriated sufficient funds for this purpose. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section, the city of New Orleans shall only pay the above expenses after the special account created pursuant to R.S. 15:571.11(D), and to the extent authorized thereby, shall have been depleted. Nothing in this Section shall be construed to make the parishes or the city of New Orleans responsible for the expenses associated with the costs, expert fees, or attorney fees of a defendant in a criminal proceeding.

"§ 13:3049. Cash deposit; bond; duty to attend; compensation; procedure; filing fees. [Effective until January 1, 2021]

A. Every person selected and summoned shall attend as a juror or talesman punctually and for the time for which he is selected. The district judge may enforce the attendance of any juror by imposing a fine of not more than fifty dollars or by imprisonment in the parish jail for not more than three days, or both, in his discretion, for each violation.



(a) The jurors in criminal cases who attend may demand and receive from the parish treasury compensation and an allowance for mileage necessarily traveled going to and from the courthouse to be fixed by the district judges of each judicial district, sitting en banc, subject to approval by the parish governing authority.

(b) The compensation shall be twenty-five dollars for each day of attendance in court, and the mileage allowance shall be not less than sixteen cents per mile nor more than the rate in effect for state officials.

(c) Only one charge shall be made for mileage each way.

(d) Notice of any intention to change juror compensation by the court shall be given to the district attorney, the parish treasurer, and the clerk of court. No such change shall be effective unless approved by the parish governing authority.


(i) The compensation of jurors in criminal matters provided for by this Subsection shall be paid from costs of court collected from every criminal defendant who is convicted after trial or who pleads guilty or no contest, or who forfeits bond in each district or parish court or in any court exercising juvenile jurisdiction, which shall be assessed as a part of the costs of court to be collected in such cases. The judge or judges for the judicial district wherein the parish, or city of New Orleans is situated shall adopt a schedule of costs that shall be applicable in each criminal case before that court to which such costs are applicable. All of such costs shall be placed, as they are collected, in a special fund that shall be maintained and be administered by the governing authority and the governing authority shall pay out of said fund the compensation for jurors in criminal matters herein provided for.

(ii) The judge or judges shall, as the needs of the special fund require, adjust the schedule of costs to insure that the proceeds are adequate to fully pay the juror compensation herein provided.


(aa) In the Sixteenth Judicial District, each parish governing authority may adopt an ordinance which provides that surplus monies in the juror compensation fund in their respective parish that exceeds fifty thousand dollars at the end of each calendar year may be used to defray the costs of providing courthouse security and all expenses associated with the trial of a capital case.

(bb) As used in this Item, “special fund” means the special fund provided for in this Subparagraph, and “surplus monies” means the amount of money that is in each special fund at the end of each calendar year and that is in excess of the total amount paid from costs of court collected as provided in Item (i) of this Subparagraph in that calendar year. No money obligated to be paid to any juror shall be considered surplus money pursuant to this Item.

(cc) For the purposes of this Item, the balance of fifty thousand dollars required to be maintained in the juror compensation fund shall mean fifty thousand dollars in unexpended and unencumbered funds, and under no circumstances shall the balance in the fund be reduced below fifty thousand dollars as a result of an expenditure made under the provisions of this Item.


(aa) In the First Judicial District, the parish governing authority may adopt an ordinance which provides that surplus monies in the juror compensation fund in the parish that exceeds fifty thousand dollars at the end of each calendar year may be used to defray the costs of providing courthouse security and all expenses associated with the trial of a capital case.

(bb) As used in this Item, “special fund” means the special fund provided for in this Subparagraph, and “surplus monies” means the amount of money that is in the special fund at the end of each calendar year and that is in excess of the total amount paid from costs of court collected as provided in Item (i) of this Subparagraph in that calendar year. No money obligated to be paid to any juror shall be considered surplus money pursuant to this Item.

(cc) For the purposes of this Item, the balance of fifty thousand dollars required to be maintained in the juror compensation fund shall mean fifty thousand dollars in unexpended and unencumbered funds, and under no circumstances shall the balance in the fund be reduced below fifty thousand dollars as a result of an expenditure made under the provisions of this Item.


(aa) Notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary, all surplus monies in the special fund of each parish within the Twenty-First Judicial District at the end of each calendar year shall be transmitted by the governing authority of each parish to the Twenty-First Judicial District Court for deposit into the court’s criminal court fund.

(bb) As used in this Item, “special fund” means the special fund provided for in this Subparagraph, and “surplus monies” means the amount of money that is in each special fund at the end of each calendar year and that is in excess of the total amount paid for jury fees in that calendar year. No money obligated to be paid to any juror as a fee or cost for attendance for jury duty shall be considered surplus money pursuant to this Item.

(cc) All surplus monies shall be transferred pursuant to this Item no later than January thirty-first of each calendar year. All surplus monies transferred to the Twenty-First Judicial District Court’s criminal court fund may be used for the same purposes as the existing funds in the criminal court fund.


(aa) In the Thirty-Ninth Judicial District, the parish governing authority may adopt an ordinance which provides that surplus monies in the juror compensation fund that exceed fifty thousand dollars at the end of each calendar year may be used to defray the expenses of the criminal court system. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, all surplus monies in the special fund at the end of each calendar year shall be transmitted by the governing authority to the Thirty-Ninth Judicial District Court for deposit into the court’s criminal court fund no later than January thirty-first of each calendar year.

(bb) As used in this Item, “special fund” means the special fund provided for in this Subparagraph, and “surplus monies” means the amount of money that is in each special fund at the end of each calendar year and that is in excess of the total amount paid from costs of court collected as provided in Item (i) of this Subparagraph in that calendar year. No money obligated to be paid to any juror shall be considered surplus money pursuant to this Item.

(cc) For the purposes of this Item, the balance of fifty thousand dollars required to be maintained in the juror compensation fund shall mean fifty thousand dollars in unexpended and unencumbered funds, and under no circumstances shall the balance in the fund be reduced below fifty thousand dollars as a result of an expenditure made under the provisions of this Item.


(aa) Notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary, surplus monies in the special fund of each parish within the Fourth Judicial District shall upon request, be transmitted by the governing authority of each parish to the Fourth Judicial District Court for deposit into the judicial expense fund.

(bb) As used in this Item, “special fund” means the special fund provided for in this Subparagraph, and “surplus monies” means the amount of money that is in each special fund at the end of each calendar year and that is in excess of the total amount paid for jury fees and costs during that calendar year. No money obligated to be paid to any juror as a fee or cost for attendance for jury duty shall be considered surplus money pursuant to this Item.

(cc) Surplus monies transferred to the Fourth Judicial District Court’s judicial expense fund shall be transferred at any time upon request by the court, and may be used for the same purposes as the existing funds in the judicial expense fund.


(a) Except as provided by special law, the jurors in civil cases who attend may demand and receive twenty-five dollars for each day of attendance in court and sixteen cents for each mile necessarily traveled in going to and returning from the courthouse. Only one charge shall be made for mileage each way. At the time of posting bond, the party praying for the jury shall pay to the clerk of court the sum of one hundred fifty dollars as jury filing fees. In addition, prior to the commencement of the trial, the party praying for the jury shall post a bond pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure Article 1734 or deposit the amount ordered by the court pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure Article 1734.1. If the trial exceeds the estimated number of days, the party praying for the jury shall post an additional bond or make an additional deposit as ordered by the court. However, no party praying for a jury trial under the provisions of this Subsection shall be required to pay any costs or advance deposit imposed under the provisions of this Subsection if such has been waived or an order is rendered, pursuant to Chapter 5 of Title I of Book IX of the Code of Civil Procedure, permitting the applicant to litigate or continue to litigate without payment of such costs or furnishing security therefor.

(b) The clerk of court shall collect the deposits required herein. This amount shall be expended solely for the expenses of civil juries.

(c) The judge before whom a case is to be tried by a jury shall have the right to waive the depositing of such security for jury costs entirely or in part, upon proper showing to his satisfaction that the party praying for such trial by jury is financially unable to deposit such sum. The judge may also determine whether such deposit for jury costs shall be deposited in whole prior to the commencement of trial or by partial payments at intervals during the progress of the trial should such party be financially able to provide such deposit.

(d) Any deposit made as herein provided shall be returned to the party making such deposit and any bond filed shall be cancelled in the event that the matter in which trial by jury has been requested has been tried, settled, determined, or otherwise disposed of for any reason, without having been tried by a jury.

(e) Any juror who is called and actually reports for jury service shall be paid his compensation, mileage allowance, and other costs, by the clerk of court out of the funds on deposit upon completion of his duty to attend. If the jury costs exceed the amount on deposit, or if the judge has waived the deposit, or if a bond was posted, the deficiency shall be paid out of any judicial expense fund or, in parishes comprising the Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Judicial Districts and in parishes where no judicial expense fund exists, the deficiency shall be paid out of the parish treasury. The administrator of the judicial expense fund, the clerk of court or the parish shall have the right to seek recovery of such amount immediately from the party or parties cast in judgment, or from the surety on any bond furnished for jury costs, notwithstanding that the judgment may be suspensively appealed or that the bond was furnished by a party not cast in judgment. With respect to those courts in the parish of Orleans, such recovery shall only be done within one year after the closure date of the case.

C. Grand jurors in criminal cases are entitled to the same mileage and compensation for each day’s attendance at sessions of the grand jury as that allowed petit jurors in the same judicial district. The several clerks of the district court, upon demand by each such juror at the close of his term of service, shall issue to him a certificate of attendance, countersigned by the district judge, for the amount to which he is entitled. The district judge may direct the payment of the accrued mileage and per diem of grand jurors at any time during the term of service as grand jurors." (La. R.S. § 13:3049)

**Police juries** La Rev. Stat. § 33:1233. Compensation.


(1) Every parish governing authority in Louisiana organized under the police jury system of government shall, by ordinance approved by a majority of the elected members of the governing authority in open public meeting, after public hearing which has been advertised in the official journal of the parish on at least two separate occasions within a period of fifteen days preceding the open meeting, provide for the method and amount of compensation and mileage to and from the meeting place to be paid the member of the police jury of that parish.


(a) Members of the police juries are authorized to receive compensation not to exceed fifty dollars per day and the same mileage allowance as provided to state elected officials going to and from the courthouses in their respective parishes for every day they are actually employed in the service of the parish and for travel outside of the parish on parish business. Mileage shall be charged for each day of attendance at each session of the police jury to be paid out of funds of the several parishes on the warrant of the president, provided however, that if a juror has use of a parish owned vehicle for the conduct of official business, the mileage compensation shall not be paid.


(i) Police jurors shall not be paid for more than one hundred forty-four days in any one year.

(ii) No police juror shall be compensated for more than twelve meetings per month, or, in lieu of such per diem, the police jury may elect, by a vote of a majority of the elected members, to be paid on a salary basis, in which event the maximum salary allowable shall be one thousand six hundred dollars per month for each member of the police jury. A police jury may provide for an increase in the salary of the police juror serving as president of the police jury in an amount not to exceed four hundred dollars per month more than the salary established for members of the police jury. Such additional salary shall only be payable while a police juror is holding the position of president of the police jury.

(iii) In the event that the police jury elects to go on a salary basis, a police juror who does not attend regular, special, or committee meetings of the police jury may be required to forfeit the sum of twenty-five dollars of said salary for each nonattendance without reasonable excuse.

(iv) The police jury, by majority vote in open session, may determine on an individual basis whether a member had a reasonable excuse for nonattendance at any regular, special or committee meeting of the police jury.

(3) In addition to any other compensation or expense allowance provided by law, each parish governing authority which does not operate under a home rule charter may pay a monthly, itemized expense allowance, not to exceed two hundred dollars per month, to the members of the governing authority as payment for actual expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. Such expense allowance shall be provided upon approval of a majority of the members of the governing authority after public hearing.

B. In lieu of the provisions of Subsection A of this Section, each member of the governing authority of East Baton Rouge Parish may be empowered to receive a travel allowance for in-parish travel which includes payment for a combination of travel and car allowance of a maximum of eight hundred dollars per month for each member. Such allowance shall be provided upon approval of a majority of the members of the local governing body after public hearing.

La Rev. Stat. 33:103 "(f) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section to the contrary, the police jury of Acadia Parish may pay members of the planning commission of Acadia Parish per diem of twenty-five dollars for attending meetings of said commission for a maximum of twenty-four meetings per year."

La Rev. Stat § 13:794. St. Landry Parish; jury commission fees; per diem and expenses of commissioners.

The clerk of court of St. Landry Parish shall, from fees collected for the jury commission fund, pay to the members of the jury commission their monthly per diem and expenses on their own warrant. The clerk shall deposit any balance remaining from such fees after the payment of per diem and expenses into the jury commission fund at such intervals as he deems proper based upon funds required to make such payments.

Per Diem Amount

**Fee determined by each parish**

§ 15:304. Expenses to be paid by parishes; juror’s fee in city of New Orleans.

All expenses incurred in the different parishes of the state or in the city of New Orleans by the arrest, confinement, and prosecution of persons accused or convicted of crimes, their removal to prison, the pay of witnesses specifically provided for by law, jurors and all prosecutorial expenses whatever attending criminal proceedings shall be paid by the respective parishes in which the offense charged may have been committed or by the city of New Orleans, as the case may be. The expenses shall be paid by the parish treasurer or by the city of New Orleans after an account of the expenses shall be duly certified to be correct by the presiding judge and the clerk of court. The fees, salaries, and expenses to be paid shall be fixed and regulated by the parish or city authority unless otherwise provided by law; however, those persons serving as jurors in the trial of criminal cases in the city of New Orleans shall be entitled to compensation of sixteen dollars for each and every day or part of a day on which they serve as jurors in any criminal case to be paid by the city of New Orleans; provided further that this shall not become effective until the council of the city of New Orleans will have appropriated sufficient funds for this purpose. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section, the city of New Orleans shall only pay the above expenses after the special account created pursuant to R.S. 15:571.11(D), and to the extent authorized thereby, shall have been depleted. Nothing in this Section shall be construed to make the parishes or the city of New Orleans responsible for the expenses associated with the costs, expert fees, or attorney fees of a defendant in a criminal proceeding.

Per Diem Rate Increases After Certain Number of Days

La Rev. Stat § 13:3050. Lengthy Trial Fund.

A. The Judicial Council shall promulgate rules to establish a Lengthy Trial Fund that shall be used to provide full or partial wage replacement or wage supplementation to jurors who serve for more than ten days on civil petit juries and criminal petit juries if conviction of the alleged crime carries a sentence of twenty years or more at hard labor.

B. The court rules shall provide for the following:

(1) The selection and appointment of an administrator for the fund.

(2) Procedures for the administration of the fund, including payments of salaries of the administrator and other necessary personnel.

(3) Procedures for the accounting, auditing, and investment of money in the fund.

(4) A report by the Judicial Council on the administration of the fund in its annual report on the judicial branch, setting forth the money collected for and disbursed from the fund.

C. The administrator shall use the fees deposited in the Lengthy Trial Fund to pay full or partial wage replacement or supplementation to jurors whose employers pay less than full regular wages when the period of jury service lasts more than ten days.

D. The court may pay replacement or supplemental wages of up to three hundred dollars per day per juror beginning on the eleventh day of jury service. In addition, for any jurors who qualify for payment by virtue of having served on a jury for more than ten days, the court may, upon finding that such service posed a significant financial hardship to a juror, even in light of payments made with respect to jury service after the tenth day, award replacement or supplemental wages of up to one hundred dollars per day from the fourth to the tenth day of jury service.

E. The form for payment shall disclose the juror’s regular wages, the amount the employer will pay during the term of jury service starting on the eleventh day and thereafter, the amount of replacement or supplemental wages requested, and any other information the administrator deems necessary for proper payment.

F. The juror also shall be required to submit verification from the employer as to the wage information provided to the administrator, for example, the employee’s most recent earnings statement or similar document, prior to initiation of payment from the fund.

G. If an individual is self-employed or receives compensation other than wages, the individual may provide a sworn affidavit attesting to his or her approximate gross weekly income, together with such other information as the administrator may require, in order to verify weekly income.

Extended Lengthy Trial Fund Specific Fund


Are Jobs Protected

La Rev. Stat. § 23:965. Jury duty; dismissal forbidden; uninterrupted compensation; penalties.


(1) No employer shall discharge or otherwise subject to any adverse employment action, without cause, any employee called to serve or presently serving any jury duty and no employer shall make, adopt, or enforce any rule, regulation, or policy providing for the discharge of any employee who has been called to serve, or who is presently serving on, any grand jury or on any jury at any criminal or civil trial, provided the employee notifies his or her employer of such summons within a reasonable period of time after receipt of a summons and prior to his or her appearance for jury duty.

(2) Any employer violating the provisions of this Subsection shall be required to reinstate all discharged employees at the same employment, wages, salary, benefits, and other conditions of employment enjoyed by said employees before their discharge. The employer shall additionally be fined not less than one hundred nor more than one thousand dollars for each employee discharged.


(1) Any person who is regularly employed in the state of Louisiana shall, upon call or subpoena to serve on a state petit or grand jury, or central jury pool, be granted a leave of absence by his employer, of up to one day, for that period of time required for such jury duty. Such leave of absence shall be granted without loss of wages, or sick, emergency, or personal leave or any other benefit.

(2) Any employer who violates the provisions of this Subsection shall be required to pay the claimant employee his full wages for one day of that period required for jury duty, without reduction in sick, emergency, or personal leave or any other benefit. The employer shall additionally be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars for each offense.

Jurors Entitled to Both Juror Compensation

Juror Either Paid by Employer or by State

"C. The administrator shall use the fees deposited in the Lengthy Trial Fund to pay full or partial wage replacement or supplementation to jurors whose employers pay less than full regular wages when the period of jury service lasts more than ten days. D. The court may pay replacement or supplemental wages of up to three hundred dollars per day per juror beginning on the eleventh day of jury service. In addition, for any jurors who qualify for payment by virtue of having served on a jury for more than ten days, the court may, upon finding that such service posed a significant financial hardship to a juror, even in light of payments made with respect to jury service after the tenth day, award replacement or supplemental wages of up to one hundred dollars per day from the fourth to the tenth day of jury service.

E. The form for payment shall disclose the juror’s regular wages, the amount the employer will pay during the term of jury service starting on the eleventh day and thereafter, the amount of replacement or supplemental wages requested, and any other information the administrator deems necessary for proper payment.

F. The juror also shall be required to submit verification from the employer as to the wage information provided to the administrator, for example, the employee’s most recent earnings statement or similar document, prior to initiation of payment from the fund.

G. If an individual is self-employed or receives compensation other than wages, the individual may provide a sworn affidavit attesting to his or her approximate gross weekly income, together with such other information as the administrator may require, in order to verify weekly income. (La. R.S. § 13:3050)

Transportation Transit Reimbursement

"A. Every person selected and summoned shall attend as a juror or talesman punctually and for the time for which he is selected. The district judge may enforce the attendance of any juror by imposing a fine of not more than fifty dollars or by imprisonment in the parish jail for not more than three days, or both, in his discretion, for each violation.



(a) The jurors in criminal cases who attend may demand and receive from the parish treasury compensation and an allowance for mileage necessarily traveled going to and from the courthouse to be fixed by the district judges of each judicial district, sitting en banc, subject to approval by the parish governing authority.

(b) The compensation shall be twenty-five dollars for each day of attendance in court, and the mileage allowance shall be not less than sixteen cents per mile nor more than the rate in effect for state officials." (La. Rev. Stat. § 13:3049. Cash deposit; bond; duty to attend; compensation; procedure; filing fees. [Effective until January 1, 2021]

"A. Every person selected and summoned shall attend as a juror or talesman punctually and for the time for which he is selected. The district judge may enforce the attendance of any juror by imposing a fine of not more than fifty dollars or by imprisonment in the parish jail for not more than three days, or both, in his discretion, for each violation.



(a) The jurors in criminal cases who attend may demand and receive from the parish treasury compensation and an allowance for mileage necessarily traveled going to and from the courthouse to be fixed by the district judges of each judicial district, sitting en banc, subject to approval by the parish governing authority.

(b) The compensation shall be twenty-five dollars for each day of attendance in court, and the mileage allowance shall be not less than sixteen cents per mile nor more than the rate in effect for state officials." (La. Rev. Stat. § 13:3049. Cash deposit; bond; duty to attend; compensation; procedure; filing fees. [Effective until January 1, 2021]

Parking Provided Full

Childcare Provided Full

Juror can Return Juror Fees


Explicit Rule


Only state funds to pay for jury compensation


State reimburses county


Only county/local funds to pay for jury compensation


County/local funds can supplement state compensation


Extent of Payment

Explicit employer protections


Juror entitled to both juror compensation and regular employment wages


Juror can only receive one: Juror compensation or regular employment wages


Per diem amount


Per diem rate increases after certain number of days


Extended/Lengthy Trial Fund: Specific Funding Source for this additional, extended funding


Other Provisions

Transportation/Transit reimbursement


Parking provided


Child care provided/reimbursed


Juror can return juror fees, or waive per diem



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