
Nevada State Jury Compensation Data

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Juror Compensation Explicitly Addressed State Law

Nev. Rev. stat. 6.150. Grand jurors and trial jurors in district and justice court.

1. Each person summoned to attend as a grand juror or a trial juror in the district court or justice court is entitled to a fee of $40 for each day after the second day of jury selection that the person is in attendance in response to the venire or summons, including Sundays and holidays.

2. Each grand juror and trial juror in the district court or justice court actually sworn and serving is entitled to a fee of $40 a day as compensation for each day of service.

3. In addition to the fees specified in subsections 1 and 2, a board of county commissioners may provide that, for each day of such attendance or service, each person is entitled to be paid the per diem allowance and travel expenses provided for state officers and employees generally.

4. Each person summoned to attend as a grand juror or a trial juror in the district court or justice court and each grand juror and trial juror in the district court or justice court is entitled to receive 36.5 cents a mile for each mile necessarily and actually traveled if the home of the person summoned or serving as a juror is 30 miles or more from the place of trial.

5. If the home of a person summoned or serving as such a juror is 65 miles or more from the place of trial and the selection, inquiry or trial lasts more than 1 day, the person is entitled to receive an allowance for lodging at the rate established for state employees, in addition to his or her daily compensation for attendance or service, for each day on which the person does not return to his or her home.

6. In civil cases, any fee, per diem allowance, travel expense or other compensation due each juror engaged in the trial of the cause must be paid each day in advance to the clerk of the court, or the justice of the peace, by the party who has demanded the jury. If the party paying this money is the prevailing party, the money is recoverable as costs from the losing party. If the jury from any cause is discharged in a civil action without finding a verdict and the party who demands the jury subsequently obtains judgment, the money so paid is recoverable as costs from the losing party.

7. The money paid by the clerk of the court to jurors for their services in a civil action or proceeding, which the clerk of the court has received from the party demanding the jury, must be deducted from the total amount due them for attendance as such jurors, and any balance is a charge against the county.

Only State Funds Pay

NRS 6.150. Grand jurors and trial jurors in district and justice court.

1. Each person summoned to attend as a grand juror or a trial juror in the district court or justice court is entitled to a fee of $40 for each day after the second day of jury selection that the person is in attendance in response to the venire or summons, including Sundays and holidays.

2. Each grand juror and trial juror in the district court or justice court actually sworn and serving is entitled to a fee of $40 a day as compensation for each day of service.

3. In addition to the fees specified in subsections 1 and 2, a board of county commissioners may provide that, for each day of such attendance or service, each person is entitled to be paid the per diem allowance and travel expenses provided for state officers and employees generally.

4. Each person summoned to attend as a grand juror or a trial juror in the district court or justice court and each grand juror and trial juror in the district court or justice court is entitled to receive 36.5 cents a mile for each mile necessarily and actually traveled if the home of the person summoned or serving as a juror is 30 miles or more from the place of trial.

5. If the home of a person summoned or serving as such a juror is 65 miles or more from the place of trial and the selection, inquiry or trial lasts more than 1 day, the person is entitled to receive an allowance for lodging at the rate established for state employees, in addition to his or her daily compensation for attendance or service, for each day on which the person does not return to his or her home.

6. In civil cases, any fee, per diem allowance, travel expense or other compensation due each juror engaged in the trial of the cause must be paid each day in advance to the clerk of the court, or the justice of the peace, by the party who has demanded the jury. If the party paying this money is the prevailing party, the money is recoverable as costs from the losing party. If the jury from any cause is discharged in a civil action without finding a verdict and the party who demands the jury subsequently obtains judgment, the money so paid is recoverable as costs from the losing party.

7. The money paid by the clerk of the court to jurors for their services in a civil action or proceeding, which the clerk of the court has received from the party demanding the jury, must be deducted from the total amount due them for attendance as such jurors, and any balance is a charge against the county.


State Reimburses Counties Juror Compensation Fees

County Local Funds Solely Pay

Amount Involves Supplement

"3. In addition to the fees specified in subsections 1 and 2, a board of county commissioners may provide that, for each day of such attendance or service, each person is entitled to be paid the per diem allowance and travel expenses provided for state officers and employees generally" (Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 6.150)

Per Diem Amount

Nev. Rev. stat. 6.150. Grand jurors and trial jurors in district and justice court.

1. Each person summoned to attend as a grand juror or a trial juror in the district court or justice court is entitled to a fee of $40 for each day after the second day of jury selection that the person is in attendance in response to the venire or summons, including Sundays and holidays.

2. Each grand juror and trial juror in the district court or justice court actually sworn and serving is entitled to a fee of $40 a day as compensation for each day of service.

3. In addition to the fees specified in subsections 1 and 2, a board of county commissioners may provide that, for each day of such attendance or service, each person is entitled to be paid the per diem allowance and travel expenses provided for state officers and employees generally.

4. Each person summoned to attend as a grand juror or a trial juror in the district court or justice court and each grand juror and trial juror in the district court or justice court is entitled to receive 36.5 cents a mile for each mile necessarily and actually traveled if the home of the person summoned or serving as a juror is 30 miles or more from the place of trial.

5. If the home of a person summoned or serving as such a juror is 65 miles or more from the place of trial and the selection, inquiry or trial lasts more than 1 day, the person is entitled to receive an allowance for lodging at the rate established for state employees, in addition to his or her daily compensation for attendance or service, for each day on which the person does not return to his or her home.

6. In civil cases, any fee, per diem allowance, travel expense or other compensation due each juror engaged in the trial of the cause must be paid each day in advance to the clerk of the court, or the justice of the peace, by the party who has demanded the jury. If the party paying this money is the prevailing party, the money is recoverable as costs from the losing party. If the jury from any cause is discharged in a civil action without finding a verdict and the party who demands the jury subsequently obtains judgment, the money so paid is recoverable as costs from the losing party.

7. The money paid by the clerk of the court to jurors for their services in a civil action or proceeding, which the clerk of the court has received from the party demanding the jury, must be deducted from the total amount due them for attendance as such jurors, and any balance is a charge against the county.

Per Diem Rate Increases After Certain Number of Days

Extended Lengthy Trial Fund Specific Fund

Are Jobs Protected

NRS 6.190. Terminating or threatening to terminate employment because of jury duty prohibited; civil action for unlawful termination; requiring employee to use sick leave or vacation time or to work certain hours prohibited; notice to employer; dissuasion from service as juror.

1. Any person, corporation, partnership, association or other entity who is:

(a) An employer; or

(b) The employee, agent or officer of an employer, vested with the power to terminate or recommend termination of employment,

of a person who is a juror or who has received a summons to appear for jury duty, and who deprives the juror or person summoned of his or her employment, as a consequence of the person’s service as a juror or prospective juror, or who asserts to the juror or person summoned that his or her service as a juror or prospective juror will result in termination of his or her employment, is guilty of a gross misdemeanor.

2. A person discharged from employment in violation of subsection 1 may commence a civil action against his or her employer and obtain:

(a) Wages and benefits lost as a result of the violation;

(b) An order of reinstatement without loss of position, seniority or benefits;

(c) Damages equal to the amount of the lost wages and benefits;

(d) Reasonable attorney's fees fixed by the court; and

(e) Punitive or exemplary damages in an amount not to exceed $50,000.

3. If a person is summoned to appear for jury duty, the employer and any employee, agent or officer of the employer shall not, as a consequence of the person's service as a juror or prospective juror:

(a) Require the person to use sick leave or vacation time; or

(b) Require the person to work:

(1) Within 8 hours before the time at which the person is to appear for jury duty; or

(2) If the person’s service has lasted for 4 hours or more on the day of his or her appearance for jury duty, including the person’s time going to and returning from the place where the court is held, between 5 p.m. on the day of his or her appearance for jury duty and 3 a.m. the following day.

Any person who violates the provisions of this subsection is guilty of a misdemeanor.

4. Each summons to appear for jury duty must be accompanied by a notice to the employer of the person summoned. The notice must inform the employer that the person has been summoned for jury duty and must include a copy of the provisions of subsections 1, 2 and 3. The person summoned, if the person is employed, shall give the notice to his or her employer at least 3 days before the person is to appear for jury duty.

5. Except as otherwise provided in this section, any person who in any manner dissuades or attempts to dissuade a person who has received a summons to appear for jury duty from serving as a juror is guilty of a misdemeanor.


Jurors Entitled to Both Juror Compensation

Juror Either Paid by Employer or by State

Transportation Transit Reimbursement

Nev. Rev. stat. 6.150. Grand jurors and trial jurors in district and justice court.

1. Each person summoned to attend as a grand juror or a trial juror in the district court or justice court is entitled to a fee of $40 for each day after the second day of jury selection that the person is in attendance in response to the venire or summons, including Sundays and holidays.

2. Each grand juror and trial juror in the district court or justice court actually sworn and serving is entitled to a fee of $40 a day as compensation for each day of service.

3. In addition to the fees specified in subsections 1 and 2, a board of county commissioners may provide that, for each day of such attendance or service, each person is entitled to be paid the per diem allowance and travel expenses provided for state officers and employees generally.

4. Each person summoned to attend as a grand juror or a trial juror in the district court or justice court and each grand juror and trial juror in the district court or justice court is entitled to receive 36.5 cents a mile for each mile necessarily and actually traveled if the home of the person summoned or serving as a juror is 30 miles or more from the place of trial.

5. If the home of a person summoned or serving as such a juror is 65 miles or more from the place of trial and the selection, inquiry or trial lasts more than 1 day, the person is entitled to receive an allowance for lodging at the rate established for state employees, in addition to his or her daily compensation for attendance or service, for each day on which the person does not return to his or her home.

6. In civil cases, any fee, per diem allowance, travel expense or other compensation due each juror engaged in the trial of the cause must be paid each day in advance to the clerk of the court, or the justice of the peace, by the party who has demanded the jury. If the party paying this money is the prevailing party, the money is recoverable as costs from the losing party. If the jury from any cause is discharged in a civil action without finding a verdict and the party who demands the jury subsequently obtains judgment, the money so paid is recoverable as costs from the losing party.

7. The money paid by the clerk of the court to jurors for their services in a civil action or proceeding, which the clerk of the court has received from the party demanding the jury, must be deducted from the total amount due them for attendance as such jurors, and any balance is a charge against the county.

Parking Provided Full

Childcare Provided Full

Juror can Return Juror Fees


Explicit Rule


Only state funds to pay for jury compensation


State reimburses county


Only county/local funds to pay for jury compensation


County/local funds can supplement state compensation


Extent of Payment

Explicit employer protections


Juror entitled to both juror compensation and regular employment wages


Juror can only receive one: Juror compensation or regular employment wages


Per diem amount


Per diem rate increases after certain number of days


Extended/Lengthy Trial Fund: Specific Funding Source for this additional, extended funding


Other Provisions

Transportation/Transit reimbursement


Parking provided


Child care provided/reimbursed


Juror can return juror fees, or waive per diem



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