
Ohio State Jury Compensation Data

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Juror Compensation Explicitly Addressed State Law

Ohio Rev. Code § 2313.22 Compensation of jurors.

(A) The board of county commissioners by resolution shall fix the compensation of each juror payable out of the county treasury.

(B) After ten days of actual service, except as otherwise authorized by this division, the compensation of a juror shall be fixed for each additional day of actual service at an amount equal to the greater of fifteen dollars or one and one-half times the compensation fixed pursuant to division (A) of this section. The board of county commissioners by resolution may set the compensation at a greater amount that shall not exceed two times the compensation fixed pursuant to division (A) of this section.

(C) Residents of townships that are composed entirely of islands shall be reimbursed for the additional transportation costs they incur to serve as a juror, in the amount certified to be due by a judge of the court in which the jury service is performed.


Except as provided in a contract entered into under division (A) of section 3125.141 of the Revised Code, for the services specified in this section, the sheriff shall charge the following fees, which the court or its clerk shall tax in the bill of costs against the judgment debtor or those legally liable therefor for the judgment:

(A) For the service and return of the following writs and orders:...(9) Summoning each juror, six dollars; (

ORC Ann. 311.17)

Ohio Rev. Code § 2311.42 Jury may be drawn from adjoining county.

In any civil case pending in the court of common pleas of any county in which the parties are entitled to a trial by jury, if it appears that the board of county commissioners of the county in which the action is pending is a party to the action, the court, upon the application of either party, shall certify that fact to the clerk of the court of common pleas in any adjoining county, together with the time fixed for the trial of the case and the number of jurors to be drawn, and shall order the clerk and commissioners of jurors of that county to draw from the annual jury list the number of names of persons certified to serve as jurors in the trial of such cases in that county. The sheriff or commissioners of jurors of the county from which the jury is drawn shall summon the jurors as provided in section 2313.10 of the Revised Code. The persons so drawn and summoned shall, in obedience to the summons, appear in the court of the county in which the action is pending to serve as jurors therein, being impaneled and subject to challenge the same as in other civil cases.

Each juror shall receive the greater of the compensation established for jurors in the adjoining county or three dollars for each day of service and mileage, and all costs, including the costs incident to the drawing, issuing, and service of the venire shall be paid from the county treasury in which the action is pending upon certificate by the clerk of that county as to the service and mileage of the jurors, and to the officers performing those services, upon the certificate of those officers.

Only State Funds Pay

State Reimburses Counties Juror Compensation Fees

County Local Funds Solely Pay

Ohio Rev. Code § 2313.22 Compensation of jurors.

(A) The board of county commissioners by resolution shall fix the compensation of each juror payable out of the county treasury.

(B) After ten days of actual service, except as otherwise authorized by this division, the compensation of a juror shall be fixed for each additional day of actual service at an amount equal to the greater of fifteen dollars or one and one-half times the compensation fixed pursuant to division (A) of this section. The board of county commissioners by resolution may set the compensation at a greater amount that shall not exceed two times the compensation fixed pursuant to division (A) of this section.

(C) Residents of townships that are composed entirely of islands shall be reimbursed for the additional transportation costs they incur to serve as a juror, in the amount certified to be due by a judge of the court in which the jury service is performed.

Amount Involves Supplement

Ohio Rev. Code § 2313.22 Compensation of jurors.

(A) The board of county commissioners by resolution shall fix the compensation of each juror payable out of the county treasury.

(B) After ten days of actual service, except as otherwise authorized by this division, the compensation of a juror shall be fixed for each additional day of actual service at an amount equal to the greater of fifteen dollars or one and one-half times the compensation fixed pursuant to division (A) of this section. The board of county commissioners by resolution may set the compensation at a greater amount that shall not exceed two times the compensation fixed pursuant to division (A) of this section.

(C) Residents of townships that are composed entirely of islands shall be reimbursed for the additional transportation costs they incur to serve as a juror, in the amount certified to be due by a judge of the court in which the jury service is performed.

Per Diem Amount

Ohio Rev. Code § 2313.22 Compensation of jurors.

(A) The board of county commissioners by resolution shall fix the compensation of each juror payable out of the county treasury.

(B) After ten days of actual service, except as otherwise authorized by this division, the compensation of a juror shall be fixed for each additional day of actual service at an amount equal to the greater of fifteen dollars or one and one-half times the compensation fixed pursuant to division (A) of this section. The board of county commissioners by resolution may set the compensation at a greater amount that shall not exceed two times the compensation fixed pursuant to division (A) of this section.

(C) Residents of townships that are composed entirely of islands shall be reimbursed for the additional transportation costs they incur to serve as a juror, in the amount certified to be due by a judge of the court in which the jury service is performed.


Except as provided in a contract entered into under division (A) of section 3125.141 of the Revised Code, for the services specified in this section, the sheriff shall charge the following fees, which the court or its clerk shall tax in the bill of costs against the judgment debtor or those legally liable therefor for the judgment:

(A) For the service and return of the following writs and orders:...(9) Summoning each juror, six dollars; (

ORC Ann. 311.17)

Per Diem Rate Increases After Certain Number of Days

Ohio Rev. Code § 2313.22 Compensation of jurors.

(A) The board of county commissioners by resolution shall fix the compensation of each juror payable out of the county treasury.

(B) After ten days of actual service, except as otherwise authorized by this division, the compensation of a juror shall be fixed for each additional day of actual service at an amount equal to the greater of fifteen dollars or one and one-half times the compensation fixed pursuant to division (A) of this section. The board of county commissioners by resolution may set the compensation at a greater amount that shall not exceed two times the compensation fixed pursuant to division (A) of this section.

(C) Residents of townships that are composed entirely of islands shall be reimbursed for the additional transportation costs they incur to serve as a juror, in the amount certified to be due by a judge of the court in which the jury service is performed.

Extended Lengthy Trial Fund Specific Fund

Are Jobs Protected

Ohio Rev. Code § 2313.19 Prohibited actions of employer of juror.

(A) No employer shall discharge, threaten to discharge, or take any disciplinary action that could lead to the discharge of any permanent employee who is summoned to serve as a juror pursuant to Chapter 2313. of the Revised Code if the employee gives reasonable notice to the employer of the summons prior to the commencement of the employee’s service as a juror and if the employee is absent from employment because of the actual jury service.

(B) No employer shall require or request an employee to use annual, vacation, or sick leave for time spent responding to a summons for jury duty, time spent participating in the jury selection process, or for time spent actually serving on a jury. Nothing in this division requires an employer to provide annual, vacation, or sick leave to employees under the provisions of this section who otherwise are not entitled to those benefits under the employer’s policies.

Jurors Entitled to Both Juror Compensation

Juror Either Paid by Employer or by State

Transportation Transit Reimbursement

**Only if live on island** Ohio Rev. Code § 2313.22 Compensation of jurors.

(A) The board of county commissioners by resolution shall fix the compensation of each juror payable out of the county treasury.

(B) After ten days of actual service, except as otherwise authorized by this division, the compensation of a juror shall be fixed for each additional day of actual service at an amount equal to the greater of fifteen dollars or one and one-half times the compensation fixed pursuant to division (A) of this section. The board of county commissioners by resolution may set the compensation at a greater amount that shall not exceed two times the compensation fixed pursuant to division (A) of this section.

(C) Residents of townships that are composed entirely of islands shall be reimbursed for the additional transportation costs they incur to serve as a juror, in the amount certified to be due by a judge of the court in which the jury service is performed.

Parking Provided Full

Childcare Provided Full

Juror can Return Juror Fees


Explicit Rule


Only state funds to pay for jury compensation


State reimburses county


Only county/local funds to pay for jury compensation


County/local funds can supplement state compensation


Extent of Payment

Explicit employer protections


Juror entitled to both juror compensation and regular employment wages


Juror can only receive one: Juror compensation or regular employment wages


Per diem amount


Per diem rate increases after certain number of days


Extended/Lengthy Trial Fund: Specific Funding Source for this additional, extended funding


Other Provisions

Transportation/Transit reimbursement


Parking provided


Child care provided/reimbursed


Juror can return juror fees, or waive per diem



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