
Oregon State Jury Compensation Data

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Juror Compensation Explicitly Addressed State Law

Or. Rev. Stat. 10.075 Payment of per diem and mileage fees by state; payment of other expenses.

(1) The per diem fees, mileage and expenses due to each juror in the circuit court shall be paid by the state from funds available for the purpose. Payment shall be made upon a certified statement, prepared by the clerk of court, showing the number of days each juror has served and the amount due each juror for mileage and other expenses.

(2) If a jury in the circuit court is provided food, drink, lodging or transportation by order of the circuit court, the cost thereof shall be paid by the state from funds available for the purpose.

(3) Each circuit court shall offer each juror the opportunity to waive receipt of the per diem and mileage expenses otherwise payable to the juror for the purpose of funding Judicial Department programs and activities identified by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. All amounts waived by a juror under the provisions of this subsection are continuously appropriated to the Judicial Department programs and activities that are identified by the Chief Justice for receipt of the waived amounts, and may be used only for the purposes of those programs and activities.

(4) This section does not apply to mileage and other expenses of jurors reimbursed by a county as provided in ORS 10.061 (4).

Only State Funds Pay

Or. Rev. Stat. 10.075 Payment of per diem and mileage fees by state; payment of other expenses.

(1) The per diem fees, mileage and expenses due to each juror in the circuit court shall be paid by the state from funds available for the purpose. Payment shall be made upon a certified statement, prepared by the clerk of court, showing the number of days each juror has served and the amount due each juror for mileage and other expenses.

(2) If a jury in the circuit court is provided food, drink, lodging or transportation by order of the circuit court, the cost thereof shall be paid by the state from funds available for the purpose.

(3) Each circuit court shall offer each juror the opportunity to waive receipt of the per diem and mileage expenses otherwise payable to the juror for the purpose of funding Judicial Department programs and activities identified by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. All amounts waived by a juror under the provisions of this subsection are continuously appropriated to the Judicial Department programs and activities that are identified by the Chief Justice for receipt of the waived amounts, and may be used only for the purposes of those programs and activities.

(4) This section does not apply to mileage and other expenses of jurors reimbursed by a county as provided in ORS 10.061 (4).

State Reimburses Counties Juror Compensation Fees

County Local Funds Solely Pay

Amount Involves Supplement

(4) In addition to the fees and mileage prescribed in subsection (1) of this section and ORS 10.065 for service in a court other than a circuit court, the governing body of a city or county may provide by ordinance for an additional juror fee and for city or county reimbursement of jurors for mileage and other expenses incurred in serving as jurors in courts other than circuit courts. (ORS ยง 10.061)

Per Diem Amount

ORS 10.061 Fees payable to jurors; required waiver.

(1) The fee of jurors in courts other than circuit courts is $ 10 for each day that a juror is required to attend.


(a) The fee of jurors for the first two days of required attendance in circuit court during a term of service is $ 10 for each day that a juror is required to attend.

(b) The fee of jurors for the third and subsequent days of required attendance in circuit court during a term of service is $ 25 for each day that a juror is required to attend.

(3) Unless otherwise provided by the terms of an employment agreement, a juror must waive the jurorโ€™s fee provided for in subsection (1), (2) or (4) of this section if the juror is paid a wage or salary by the jurorโ€™s employer for the days that the juror is required to attend a court, including a municipal or justice court. The provisions of this subsection do not affect any claim a juror may have for mileage reimbursement under ORS 10.065.

(4) In addition to the fees and mileage prescribed in subsection (1) of this section and ORS 10.065 for service in a court other than a circuit court, the governing body of a city or county may provide by ordinance for an additional juror fee and for city or county reimbursement of jurors for mileage and other expenses incurred in serving as jurors in courts other than circuit courts.

Per Diem Rate Increases After Certain Number of Days

ORS 10.061 Fees payable to jurors; required waiver.

(1) The fee of jurors in courts other than circuit courts is $ 10 for each day that a juror is required to attend.


(a) The fee of jurors for the first two days of required attendance in circuit court during a term of service is $ 10 for each day that a juror is required to attend.

(b) The fee of jurors for the third and subsequent days of required attendance in circuit court during a term of service is $ 25 for each day that a juror is required to attend.

(3) Unless otherwise provided by the terms of an employment agreement, a juror must waive the jurorโ€™s fee provided for in subsection (1), (2) or (4) of this section if the juror is paid a wage or salary by the jurorโ€™s employer for the days that the juror is required to attend a court, including a municipal or justice court. The provisions of this subsection do not affect any claim a juror may have for mileage reimbursement under ORS 10.065.

(4) In addition to the fees and mileage prescribed in subsection (1) of this section and ORS 10.065 for service in a court other than a circuit court, the governing body of a city or county may provide by ordinance for an additional juror fee and for city or county reimbursement of jurors for mileage and other expenses incurred in serving as jurors in courts other than circuit courts.

Extended Lengthy Trial Fund Specific Fund

Are Jobs Protected

ORS 10.090 Prohibited acts by employers against jurors; notice to jurors; remedy for violations.

(1) An employer commits an unlawful employment practice under ORS chapter 659A if the employer discharges, threatens to discharge, intimidates or coerces any employee by reason of the employeeโ€™s service or scheduled service as a juror on a grand jury, trial jury or jury of inquest.

(2) An employer may not require that an employee use vacation leave, sick leave or annual leave for time spent by the employee in responding to a summons for jury duty, and the employer shall allow the employee to take leave without pay for time spent by the employee in responding to a summons for jury duty.

(3) This section may not be construed to alter or affect an employerโ€™s policies or agreements with employees concerning employeesโ€™ wages during times when an employee serves or is scheduled to serve as a juror.

(4) When summoning jurors, the person whose duty it is under the law to summon shall notify each juror of the jurorโ€™s rights under this section.

(5) An employee who alleges a violation of subsection (1) of this section may bring a civil action under ORS 659A.885 or may file a complaint with the Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor and Industries in the manner provided by ORS 659A.820.

Jurors Entitled to Both Juror Compensation

Juror Either Paid by Employer or by State

ORS 10.061 Fees payable to jurors; required waiver.

(1) The fee of jurors in courts other than circuit courts is $ 10 for each day that a juror is required to attend.


(a) The fee of jurors for the first two days of required attendance in circuit court during a term of service is $ 10 for each day that a juror is required to attend.

(b) The fee of jurors for the third and subsequent days of required attendance in circuit court during a term of service is $ 25 for each day that a juror is required to attend.

(3) Unless otherwise provided by the terms of an employment agreement, a juror must waive the jurorโ€™s fee provided for in subsection (1), (2) or (4) of this section if the juror is paid a wage or salary by the jurorโ€™s employer for the days that the juror is required to attend a court, including a municipal or justice court. The provisions of this subsection do not affect any claim a juror may have for mileage reimbursement under ORS 10.065.

ORS 10.090 Prohibited acts by employers against jurors; notice to jurors; remedy for violations.

(1) An employer commits an unlawful employment practice under ORS chapter 659A if the employer discharges, threatens to discharge, intimidates or coerces any employee by reason of the employeeโ€™s service or scheduled service as a juror on a grand jury, trial jury or jury of inquest.

(2) An employer may not require that an employee use vacation leave, sick leave or annual leave for time spent by the employee in responding to a summons for jury duty, and the employer shall allow the employee to take leave without pay for time spent by the employee in responding to a summons for jury duty.

(3) This section may not be construed to alter or affect an employerโ€™s policies or agreements with employees concerning employeesโ€™ wages during times when an employee serves or is scheduled to serve as a juror.

(4) When summoning jurors, the person whose duty it is under the law to summon shall notify each juror of the jurorโ€™s rights under this section.

(5) An employee who alleges a violation of subsection (1) of this section may bring a civil action under ORS 659A.885 or may file a complaint with the Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor and Industries in the manner provided by ORS 659A.820.

Transportation Transit Reimbursement

Or. Rev. Stat. 10.075 Payment of per diem and mileage fees by state; payment of other expenses.

(1) The per diem fees, mileage and expenses due to each juror in the circuit court shall be paid by the state from funds available for the purpose. Payment shall be made upon a certified statement, prepared by the clerk of court, showing the number of days each juror has served and the amount due each juror for mileage and other expenses.

(2) If a jury in the circuit court is provided food, drink, lodging or transportation by order of the circuit court, the cost thereof shall be paid by the state from funds available for the purpose.

(3) Each circuit court shall offer each juror the opportunity to waive receipt of the per diem and mileage expenses otherwise payable to the juror for the purpose of funding Judicial Department programs and activities identified by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. All amounts waived by a juror under the provisions of this subsection are continuously appropriated to the Judicial Department programs and activities that are identified by the Chief Justice for receipt of the waived amounts, and may be used only for the purposes of those programs and activities.

(4) This section does not apply to mileage and other expenses of jurors reimbursed by a county as provided in ORS 10.061 (4).

Parking Provided Full

Childcare Provided Full

(4) In addition to the fees prescribed in ORS 10.061, a juror serving in circuit court may be paid for lodging expenses, dependent care expenses and other reasonable expenses that arise by reason of jury service. Expenses under this subsection may be paid only upon written request of the juror, made in such form and containing such information as may be required by the State Court Administrator. The State Court Administrator shall establish policies and procedures on eligibility, authorization and payment of expenses under this subsection. Payment of expenses under this subsection is subject to availability of funds for the payment. (ORS 10.065 )

Juror can Return Juror Fees


Explicit Rule


Only state funds to pay for jury compensation


State reimburses county


Only county/local funds to pay for jury compensation


County/local funds can supplement state compensation


Extent of Payment

Explicit employer protections


Juror entitled to both juror compensation and regular employment wages


Juror can only receive one: Juror compensation or regular employment wages


Per diem amount


Per diem rate increases after certain number of days


Extended/Lengthy Trial Fund: Specific Funding Source for this additional, extended funding


Other Provisions

Transportation/Transit reimbursement


Parking provided


Child care provided/reimbursed


Juror can return juror fees, or waive per diem



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