
Pennsylvania State Jury Compensation Data

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Juror Compensation Explicitly Addressed State Law

42 Pa. Consol. Stat. § 4561. Compensation of and travel allowance for jurors.

(a) Compensation. — A person summoned to serve as a juror shall receive compensation at the rate of $ 9 a day for the first three days in any calendar year he shall be required to report for service and $ 25 a day for each day thereafter in such calendar year that such person is required to report. In addition, persons so summoned shall be paid a travel allowance at the rate of 17 cent(s) per mile circular except that no travel allowance shall be paid in the first judicial district.

(b) State reimbursement. — The Commonwealth shall reimburse each county 80% of the amount expended by the county for such compensation and travel allowance beyond the first three days of service if the juror is participating in a trial or in grand jury proceedings. Application for reimbursement shall be made by the county to the State Treasurer through the Administrative Office pursuant to procedures prescribed by said office. As used in this section, trial participation shall include voir dire examination only if such examination shall have commenced prior to the juror’s fourth day of service.

(c) Definition. — As used in this section, the term “jurors” does not apply to those persons summoned to serve on a multicounty investigating grand jury who are reimbursed under section 4553(b) (relating to expenses of investigating grand juries and trials resulting therefrom).

Only State Funds Pay

**State reimburses county for 80% of jury compensation fees**

42 Pa. Consol. Stat. § 4561. Compensation of and travel allowance for jurors.

(a) Compensation. — A person summoned to serve as a juror shall receive compensation at the rate of $ 9 a day for the first three days in any calendar year he shall be required to report for service and $ 25 a day for each day thereafter in such calendar year that such person is required to report. In addition, persons so summoned shall be paid a travel allowance at the rate of 17 cent(s) per mile circular except that no travel allowance shall be paid in the first judicial district.

(b) State reimbursement. — The Commonwealth shall reimburse each county 80% of the amount expended by the county for such compensation and travel allowance beyond the first three days of service if the juror is participating in a trial or in grand jury proceedings. Application for reimbursement shall be made by the county to the State Treasurer through the Administrative Office pursuant to procedures prescribed by said office. As used in this section, trial participation shall include voir dire examination only if such examination shall have commenced prior to the juror’s fourth day of service.

(c) Definition. — As used in this section, the term “jurors” does not apply to those persons summoned to serve on a multicounty investigating grand jury who are reimbursed under section 4553(b) (relating to expenses of investigating grand juries and trials resulting therefrom).

State Reimburses Counties Juror Compensation Fees

**State reimburses county for 80% of jury compensation fees**

42 Pa. Consol. Stat. § 4561. Compensation of and travel allowance for jurors.

(a) Compensation. — A person summoned to serve as a juror shall receive compensation at the rate of $ 9 a day for the first three days in any calendar year he shall be required to report for service and $ 25 a day for each day thereafter in such calendar year that such person is required to report. In addition, persons so summoned shall be paid a travel allowance at the rate of 17 cent(s) per mile circular except that no travel allowance shall be paid in the first judicial district.

(b) State reimbursement. — The Commonwealth shall reimburse each county 80% of the amount expended by the county for such compensation and travel allowance beyond the first three days of service if the juror is participating in a trial or in grand jury proceedings. Application for reimbursement shall be made by the county to the State Treasurer through the Administrative Office pursuant to procedures prescribed by said office. As used in this section, trial participation shall include voir dire examination only if such examination shall have commenced prior to the juror’s fourth day of service.

(c) Definition. — As used in this section, the term “jurors” does not apply to those persons summoned to serve on a multicounty investigating grand jury who are reimbursed under section 4553(b) (relating to expenses of investigating grand juries and trials resulting therefrom).

County Local Funds Solely Pay

Amount Involves Supplement

Per Diem Amount

42 Pa. Consol. Stat. § 4561. Compensation of and travel allowance for jurors.

(a) Compensation. — A person summoned to serve as a juror shall receive compensation at the rate of $ 9 a day for the first three days in any calendar year he shall be required to report for service and $ 25 a day for each day thereafter in such calendar year that such person is required to report. In addition, persons so summoned shall be paid a travel allowance at the rate of 17 cent(s) per mile circular except that no travel allowance shall be paid in the first judicial district.

(b) State reimbursement. — The Commonwealth shall reimburse each county 80% of the amount expended by the county for such compensation and travel allowance beyond the first three days of service if the juror is participating in a trial or in grand jury proceedings. Application for reimbursement shall be made by the county to the State Treasurer through the Administrative Office pursuant to procedures prescribed by said office. As used in this section, trial participation shall include voir dire examination only if such examination shall have commenced prior to the juror’s fourth day of service.

(c) Definition. — As used in this section, the term “jurors” does not apply to those persons summoned to serve on a multicounty investigating grand jury who are reimbursed under section 4553(b) (relating to expenses of investigating grand juries and trials resulting therefrom).

Per Diem Rate Increases After Certain Number of Days

42 Pa. Consol. Stat. § 4561. Compensation of and travel allowance for jurors.

(a) Compensation. — A person summoned to serve as a juror shall receive compensation at the rate of $ 9 a day for the first three days in any calendar year he shall be required to report for service and $ 25 a day for each day thereafter in such calendar year that such person is required to report. In addition, persons so summoned shall be paid a travel allowance at the rate of 17 cent(s) per mile circular except that no travel allowance shall be paid in the first judicial district.

(b) State reimbursement. — The Commonwealth shall reimburse each county 80% of the amount expended by the county for such compensation and travel allowance beyond the first three days of service if the juror is participating in a trial or in grand jury proceedings. Application for reimbursement shall be made by the county to the State Treasurer through the Administrative Office pursuant to procedures prescribed by said office. As used in this section, trial participation shall include voir dire examination only if such examination shall have commenced prior to the juror’s fourth day of service.

(c) Definition. — As used in this section, the term “jurors” does not apply to those persons summoned to serve on a multicounty investigating grand jury who are reimbursed under section 4553(b) (relating to expenses of investigating grand juries and trials resulting therefrom).

Extended Lengthy Trial Fund Specific Fund

Are Jobs Protected

42 Pa. CS § 4563. Protection of employment of petit and grand jurors.

(a) General rule. — An employer shall not deprive an employee of his employment, seniority position or benefits, or threaten or otherwise coerce him with respect thereto, because the employee receives a summons, responds thereto, serves as a juror or attends court for prospective jury service. Nothing in this section shall be construed to require the employer to compensate the employee for employment time lost because of such jury service.

(b) Penalty. — Any employer who violates subsection (a) commits a summary offense.

(c) Civil remedy available. — If an employer penalizes an employee in violation of subsection (a) the employee may bring a civil action for recovery of wages and benefits lost as a result of the violation and for an order requiring the reinstatement of the employee. Damages recoverable shall not exceed wages and benefits actually lost. If he prevails, the employee shall be allowed a reasonable attorney’s fee fixed by the court.

(d) Exception. — Subsection (a) shall not apply to any employer in any retail or service industry employing fewer than 15 persons or any employer in any manufacturing industry employing fewer than 40 persons.

(e) Right to excuse. — Any individual not entitled to reemployment under subsection (a) shall, upon request to the court, be excused from jury service.

Jurors Entitled to Both Juror Compensation

Juror Either Paid by Employer or by State

42 Pa. CS § 4563. Protection of employment of petit and grand jurors.

(a) General rule. — An employer shall not deprive an employee of his employment, seniority position or benefits, or threaten or otherwise coerce him with respect thereto, because the employee receives a summons, responds thereto, serves as a juror or attends court for prospective jury service. Nothing in this section shall be construed to require the employer to compensate the employee for employment time lost because of such jury service.

(b) Penalty. — Any employer who violates subsection (a) commits a summary offense.

(c) Civil remedy available. — If an employer penalizes an employee in violation of subsection (a) the employee may bring a civil action for recovery of wages and benefits lost as a result of the violation and for an order requiring the reinstatement of the employee. Damages recoverable shall not exceed wages and benefits actually lost. If he prevails, the employee shall be allowed a reasonable attorney’s fee fixed by the court.

(d) Exception. — Subsection (a) shall not apply to any employer in any retail or service industry employing fewer than 15 persons or any employer in any manufacturing industry employing fewer than 40 persons.

(e) Right to excuse. — Any individual not entitled to reemployment under subsection (a) shall, upon request to the court, be excused from jury service.

Transportation Transit Reimbursement

42 Pa. CS § 4553. Expenses of investigating grand juries and trials resulting therefrom.

(a) County. — The expenses of a county investigating grand jury shall be borne by the county in which it is impaneled.

(b) Multicounty. — The expenses of any multicounty investigating grand jury shall be borne by the Commonwealth.

(1) Multicounty investigating grand jurors shall be compensated at the rate of $ 40 for each day that they report for service. Jurors shall be paid a travel allowance at the rate that an employee of the Office of Attorney General on official business would be reimbursed. Jurors shall receive payment of per diem meal expenses in the amounts of $ 6 for breakfast, $ 10 for lunch and $ 25 for dinner for any day or portion thereof that the person is serving as a juror. Only those persons who are required, because of the distance from their residence, to obtain overnight accommodations at the site of the multicounty investigating grand jury shall receive payment of a per diem for breakfast and dinner.

(2) The costs and expenses resulting from any trial of a person against whom a presentment has been issued by a multicounty investigating grand jury shall be borne by the Commonwealth. Costs and expenses under this subsection include, but are not limited to, all reasonable costs incurred by the county for the services of the courts, the trial jury, the sheriff, the clerk of courts, the county prison, the district attorney and any public defender appointed by the court, and related costs and expenses incurred by the county in the course of the trial.

(3) Counties shall be reimbursed from the General Fund of the Commonwealth upon application to the State Treasurer through the Office of Attorney General pursuant to procedures prescribed by that office.`

16 Pa Stat § 11101. Jury commissioners; compensation and mileage

Hereafter the compensation of the jury commissioners in counties of the sixth class shall be six dollars per diem for each and every day, not exceeding sixty-five days in any year, necessarily employed in the discharge of their duties, together with six cents per mile circular from and to their homes once each and every week so employed.

Parking Provided Full

Childcare Provided Full

Juror can Return Juror Fees


Explicit Rule


Only state funds to pay for jury compensation


State reimburses county


Only county/local funds to pay for jury compensation


County/local funds can supplement state compensation


Extent of Payment

Explicit employer protections


Juror entitled to both juror compensation and regular employment wages


Juror can only receive one: Juror compensation or regular employment wages


Per diem amount


Per diem rate increases after certain number of days


Extended/Lengthy Trial Fund: Specific Funding Source for this additional, extended funding


Other Provisions

Transportation/Transit reimbursement


Parking provided


Child care provided/reimbursed


Juror can return juror fees, or waive per diem



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