
Virginia State Jury Compensation Data

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Juror Compensation Explicitly Addressed State Law

Va Code § 17.1-619. How jurors paid

A. The compensation and allowances of persons attending the court as jurors in all felony cases shall be paid by the Commonwealth. Jurors in misdemeanor cases shall be paid by the Commonwealth unless the charge is written on a local warrant or summons, in which case the jurors shall be paid by the political subdivision in which the summons is issued. Jurors in all civil cases shall be paid by the political subdivision in which the summons is issued. Payment in all cases shall be by negotiable check, warrant, cash, credit to a prepaid debit card or card account from which the juror is able to withdraw or transfer funds, or electronic transfer upon the Commonwealth, or the political subdivision, as the case may be. If payment is made by credit to a prepaid debit card or card account from which the juror is able to withdraw or transfer funds, such card or card account shall permit the juror to withdraw or transfer funds without incurring any fee for such withdrawal or transfer.

When, during the same day any juror is entitled to compensation from both the Commonwealth and from the political subdivision in which he has served, the court shall divide the pay for such day between the Commonwealth and the political subdivision. It shall be the duty of the sheriff at the term of the court during which an allowance is made or has been made under this section, to furnish the clerk of the court with a statement showing the number and names of the jurors in attendance upon the court.

B. A county or city may provide by local ordinance that a juror may direct in writing that compensation due him be paid to the court service unit or to any other agency, authority or organization which is ancillary to and provides services to the courts of the county or city.

Only State Funds Pay

Va Code § 17.1-619. How jurors paid

A. The compensation and allowances of persons attending the court as jurors in all felony cases shall be paid by the Commonwealth. Jurors in misdemeanor cases shall be paid by the Commonwealth unless the charge is written on a local warrant or summons, in which case the jurors shall be paid by the political subdivision in which the summons is issued. Jurors in all civil cases shall be paid by the political subdivision in which the summons is issued. Payment in all cases shall be by negotiable check, warrant, cash, credit to a prepaid debit card or card account from which the juror is able to withdraw or transfer funds, or electronic transfer upon the Commonwealth, or the political subdivision, as the case may be. If payment is made by credit to a prepaid debit card or card account from which the juror is able to withdraw or transfer funds, such card or card account shall permit the juror to withdraw or transfer funds without incurring any fee for such withdrawal or transfer.

When, during the same day any juror is entitled to compensation from both the Commonwealth and from the political subdivision in which he has served, the court shall divide the pay for such day between the Commonwealth and the political subdivision. It shall be the duty of the sheriff at the term of the court during which an allowance is made or has been made under this section, to furnish the clerk of the court with a statement showing the number and names of the jurors in attendance upon the court.

B. A county or city may provide by local ordinance that a juror may direct in writing that compensation due him be paid to the court service unit or to any other agency, authority or organization which is ancillary to and provides services to the courts of the county or city.

State Reimburses Counties Juror Compensation Fees

County Local Funds Solely Pay

Amount Involves Supplement

Va. Code § 17.1-618. Allowances for jurors; expenses of keeping jury together; fees of jury commissioners and commissioner in chancery for drawing of juries

Every person summoned as a juror in a civil or criminal case shall be entitled to thirty dollars for each day of attendance upon the court for expenses of travel incident to jury service and other necessary and reasonable costs as the court may direct. Jurors summoned from another political subdivision pursuant to § 8.01-363 may be allowed by the court, in addition to the above allowance, their actual expenses. When kept together overnight under the supervision of the court, the jurors and the sheriff or his deputies keeping the jury shall be furnished suitable board and lodging. Reimbursement for board and lodging shall be set by the judge in an amount not to exceed the amount authorized by travel regulations promulgated pursuant to § 2.2-2823. Allowances and other costs will be allowed a juror in only one case the same day.

Every person serving as a jury commissioner and every person serving as a commissioner in chancery for the drawing of juries for a circuit court of this Commonwealth may be allowed, by the court appointing him, a fee not exceeding thirty dollars per day for the time actually engaged in such work and such other necessary and reasonable costs as the court may direct.

Per Diem Amount

Va Code § 17.1-619. How jurors paid

A. The compensation and allowances of persons attending the court as jurors in all felony cases shall be paid by the Commonwealth. Jurors in misdemeanor cases shall be paid by the Commonwealth unless the charge is written on a local warrant or summons, in which case the jurors shall be paid by the political subdivision in which the summons is issued. Jurors in all civil cases shall be paid by the political subdivision in which the summons is issued. Payment in all cases shall be by negotiable check, warrant, cash, credit to a prepaid debit card or card account from which the juror is able to withdraw or transfer funds, or electronic transfer upon the Commonwealth, or the political subdivision, as the case may be. If payment is made by credit to a prepaid debit card or card account from which the juror is able to withdraw or transfer funds, such card or card account shall permit the juror to withdraw or transfer funds without incurring any fee for such withdrawal or transfer.

When, during the same day any juror is entitled to compensation from both the Commonwealth and from the political subdivision in which he has served, the court shall divide the pay for such day between the Commonwealth and the political subdivision. It shall be the duty of the sheriff at the term of the court during which an allowance is made or has been made under this section, to furnish the clerk of the court with a statement showing the number and names of the jurors in attendance upon the court.

B. A county or city may provide by local ordinance that a juror may direct in writing that compensation due him be paid to the court service unit or to any other agency, authority or organization which is ancillary to and provides services to the courts of the county or city.

Per Diem Rate Increases After Certain Number of Days

Extended Lengthy Trial Fund Specific Fund

Are Jobs Protected

Va. Code § 18.2-465.1. Penalizing employee for court appearance or service on jury panel

Any person who is summoned to serve on jury duty or any person, except a defendant in a criminal case, who is summoned or subpoenaed to appear in any court of law or equity when a case is to be heard or who, having appeared, is required in writing by the court to appear at any future hearing, shall neither be discharged from employment, nor have any adverse personnel action taken against him, nor shall he be required to use sick leave or vacation time, as a result of his absence from employment due to such jury duty or court appearance, upon giving reasonable notice to his employer of such court appearance or summons. No person who is summoned and appears for jury duty for four or more hours, including travel time, in one day shall be required to start any work shift that begins on or after 5:00 p.m. on the day of his appearance for jury duty or begins before 3:00 a.m. on the day following the day of his appearance for jury duty. Any employer violating the provisions of this section is guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor.

Jurors Entitled to Both Juror Compensation

Juror Either Paid by Employer or by State

Transportation Transit Reimbursement

Va Code § 17.1-618. Allowances for jurors; expenses of keeping jury together; fees of jury commissioners and commissioner in chancery for drawing of juries

Every person summoned as a juror in a civil or criminal case shall be entitled to thirty dollars for each day of attendance upon the court for expenses of travel incident to jury service and other necessary and reasonable costs as the court may direct.

Parking Provided Full

Childcare Provided Full

Juror can Return Juror Fees


Explicit Rule


Only state funds to pay for jury compensation


State reimburses county


Only county/local funds to pay for jury compensation


County/local funds can supplement state compensation


Extent of Payment

Explicit employer protections


Juror entitled to both juror compensation and regular employment wages


Juror can only receive one: Juror compensation or regular employment wages


Per diem amount


Per diem rate increases after certain number of days


Extended/Lengthy Trial Fund: Specific Funding Source for this additional, extended funding


Other Provisions

Transportation/Transit reimbursement


Parking provided


Child care provided/reimbursed


Juror can return juror fees, or waive per diem



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