
Washington State Jury Compensation Data

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Juror Compensation Explicitly Addressed State Law

Wash Rev. Code 36.01.060. County liable for certain court costs.

Each county shall be liable to pay the per diem and mileage, or other compensation in lieu thereof, to jurors of the county attending the superior court; the fees of the sheriff for maintaining prisoners charged with crimes, and the sheriff’s costs in conveying them to and from the court, as well as their board while there; the per diem and mileage, or such other compensation as is allowed in lieu thereof, of the sheriff of the county, when in criminal cases the sheriff is required to attend or travel to the superior court out of the limits of the sheriff’s county; the costs in criminal cases taken from the courts of limited jurisdiction to the superior court; but no such claims shall be paid by the treasurer unless the particular items are approved by the judge and certified by the clerk under the seal of the court. For the time or travel which may be paid by the parties or United States, no payment from the county shall be allowed, and no officer, juror, or witness shall receive from the county double pay as a per diem for the same time, or as traveling expenses or mileage for the same travel, in however many different capacities or in however many different causes they may be summoned, notified, or called upon to testify or attend in.

Only State Funds Pay

"Wash. Rev. Code 2.36.150. Juror expense payments — Reimbursement by state — Pilot projects.

Jurors shall receive for each day’s attendance, besides mileage at the rate determined under RCW 43.03.060, the following expense payments:

(1)Grand jurors may receive up to twenty-five dollars but in no case less than ten dollars;

(2)Petit jurors may receive up to twenty-five dollars but in no case less than ten dollars;

(3)Coroner’s jurors may receive up to twenty-five dollars but in no case less than ten dollars;

(4)District court jurors may receive up to twenty-five dollars but in no case less than ten dollars:

PROVIDED, That a person excused from jury service at his or her own request shall be allowed not more

than a per diem and such mileage, if any, as to the court shall seem just and equitable under all

circumstances: PROVIDED FURTHER, That the state shall fully reimburse the county in which trial is held

for all jury fees and witness fees related to criminal cases which result from incidents occurring within an

adult or juvenile correctional institution: PROVIDED FURTHER, That the expense payments paid to jurors

shall be determined by the county legislative authority and shall be uniformly applied within the county.

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007, jurors participating in pilot projects in superior, district, and

municipal courts may receive juror fees of up to sixty-two dollars for each day of attendance in addition to

mileage reimbursement at the rate determined under RCW 43.03.060."

State Reimburses Counties Juror Compensation Fees

"Wash. Rev. Code 2.36.150. Juror expense payments — Reimbursement by state — Pilot projects.

Jurors shall receive for each day’s attendance, besides mileage at the rate determined under RCW 43.03.060, the following expense payments:

(1)Grand jurors may receive up to twenty-five dollars but in no case less than ten dollars;

(2)Petit jurors may receive up to twenty-five dollars but in no case less than ten dollars;

(3)Coroner’s jurors may receive up to twenty-five dollars but in no case less than ten dollars;

(4)District court jurors may receive up to twenty-five dollars but in no case less than ten dollars:

PROVIDED, That a person excused from jury service at his or her own request shall be allowed not more

than a per diem and such mileage, if any, as to the court shall seem just and equitable under all

circumstances: PROVIDED FURTHER, That the state shall fully reimburse the county in which trial is held

for all jury fees and witness fees related to criminal cases which result from incidents occurring within an

adult or juvenile correctional institution: PROVIDED FURTHER, That the expense payments paid to jurors

shall be determined by the county legislative authority and shall be uniformly applied within the county.

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007, jurors participating in pilot projects in superior, district, and

municipal courts may receive juror fees of up to sixty-two dollars for each day of attendance in addition to

mileage reimbursement at the rate determined under RCW 43.03.060."

County Local Funds Solely Pay

Wash. Rev. Code 36.01.060. County liable for certain court costs.

Each county shall be liable to pay the per diem and mileage, or other compensation in lieu thereof, to jurors of the county attending the superior court; the fees of the sheriff for maintaining prisoners charged with crimes, and the sheriff’s costs in conveying them to and from the court, as well as their board while there; the per diem and mileage, or such other compensation as is allowed in lieu thereof, of the sheriff of the county, when in criminal cases the sheriff is required to attend or travel to the superior court out of the limits of the sheriff’s county; the costs in criminal cases taken from the courts of limited jurisdiction to the superior court; but no such claims shall be paid by the treasurer unless the particular items are approved by the judge and certified by the clerk under the seal of the court. For the time or travel which may be paid by the parties or United States, no payment from the county shall be allowed, and no officer, juror, or witness shall receive from the county double pay as a per diem for the same time, or as traveling expenses or mileage for the same travel, in however many different capacities or in however many different causes they may be summoned, notified, or called upon to testify or attend in.

Amount Involves Supplement

Per Diem Amount

"Wash. Rev. Code 2.36.150. Juror expense payments — Reimbursement by state — Pilot projects.

Jurors shall receive for each day’s attendance, besides mileage at the rate determined under RCW 43.03.060, the following expense payments:

(1)Grand jurors may receive up to twenty-five dollars but in no case less than ten dollars;

(2)Petit jurors may receive up to twenty-five dollars but in no case less than ten dollars;

(3)Coroner’s jurors may receive up to twenty-five dollars but in no case less than ten dollars;

(4)District court jurors may receive up to twenty-five dollars but in no case less than ten dollars:

PROVIDED, That a person excused from jury service at his or her own request shall be allowed not more

than a per diem and such mileage, if any, as to the court shall seem just and equitable under all

circumstances: PROVIDED FURTHER, That the state shall fully reimburse the county in which trial is held

for all jury fees and witness fees related to criminal cases which result from incidents occurring within an

adult or juvenile correctional institution: PROVIDED FURTHER, That the expense payments paid to jurors

shall be determined by the county legislative authority and shall be uniformly applied within the county.

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007, jurors participating in pilot projects in superior, district, and

municipal courts may receive juror fees of up to sixty-two dollars for each day of attendance in addition to

mileage reimbursement at the rate determined under RCW 43.03.060."

Per Diem Rate Increases After Certain Number of Days

Extended Lengthy Trial Fund Specific Fund

Are Jobs Protected

Wash. Rev. Code 2.36.165. Leave of absence from employment to be provided — Denial of promotional opportunities prohibited — Penalty — Civil action.

(1) An employer shall provide an employee with a sufficient leave of absence from employment to serve as a juror when that employee is summoned pursuant to chapter 2.36 RCW.

(2) An employer shall not deprive an employee of employment or threaten, coerce, or harass an employee, or deny an employee promotional opportunities because the employee receives a summons, responds to the summons, serves as a juror, or attends court for prospective jury service.

(3) An employer who intentionally violates subsection (1) or (2) of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

(4) If an employer commits an act in violation of subsection (2) of this section the employee may bring a civil action for damages as a result of the violation and for an order requiring the reinstatement of the employee. If the employee prevails, the employee shall be allowed a reasonable attorney’s fee as determined by the court.

(5) For purposes of this section employer means any person, association, partnership, or private or public corporation who employs or exercises control over wages, hours, or working conditions of one or more employees.

Jurors Entitled to Both Juror Compensation

Juror Either Paid by Employer or by State

Transportation Transit Reimbursement

Wash. Rev. Code 2.36.150. Juror expense payments — Reimbursement by state — Pilot projects.

Jurors shall receive for each day’s attendance, besides mileage at the rate determined under RCW 43.03.060, the following expense payments:

(1) Grand jurors may receive up to twenty-five dollars but in no case less than ten dollars;

(2) Petit jurors may receive up to twenty-five dollars but in no case less than ten dollars;

(3) Coroner’s jurors may receive up to twenty-five dollars but in no case less than ten dollars;

(4) District court jurors may receive up to twenty-five dollars but in no case less than ten dollars:

PROVIDED, That a person excused from jury service at his or her own request shall be allowed not more than a per diem and such mileage, if any, as to the court shall seem just and equitable under all circumstances: PROVIDED FURTHER, That the state shall fully reimburse the county in which trial is held for all jury fees and witness fees related to criminal cases which result from incidents occurring within an adult or juvenile correctional institution: PROVIDED FURTHER, That the expense payments paid to jurors shall be determined by the county legislative authority and shall be uniformly applied within the county.

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007, jurors participating in pilot projects in superior, district, and municipal courts may receive juror fees of up to sixty-two dollars for each day of attendance in addition to mileage reimbursement at the rate determined under RCW 43.03.060.

Wash. Rev. COde 2.40.030. Travel expense in lieu of mileage in certain cases.

Whenever a juror, witness, or officer is required to attend a court, or travel on official business out of the limits of his or her own county, and entitled to mileage, in lieu thereof he or she may at his or her option receive his or her actual and necessary traveling expenses by the usually traveled route in going to and returning from the place where the court is held, or where the business is discharged. At the close of each term of the district court, the clerk shall ascertain the amount due each juror for his or her mileage and per diem; and he or she shall also certify the amount of fees that may be due to the sheriff of any other county than that in which the court is held, who may have attended the term, having a prisoner in custody charged with or convicted of a crime, or for the purpose of conveying such prisoner to or from the county, which, when approved by the court or judge, shall be a charge upon the county to which the prisoner belongs; and he or she shall also certify the amount which may be due witnesses attending from another county in a criminal case for their fees, which, when approved by the court or judge, shall be a charge upon the county to which the case belongs.

Parking Provided Full

Childcare Provided Full

Juror can Return Juror Fees


Explicit Rule


Only state funds to pay for jury compensation


State reimburses county


Only county/local funds to pay for jury compensation


County/local funds can supplement state compensation


Extent of Payment

Explicit employer protections


Juror entitled to both juror compensation and regular employment wages


Juror can only receive one: Juror compensation or regular employment wages


Per diem amount


Per diem rate increases after certain number of days


Extended/Lengthy Trial Fund: Specific Funding Source for this additional, extended funding


Other Provisions

Transportation/Transit reimbursement


Parking provided


Child care provided/reimbursed


Juror can return juror fees, or waive per diem



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