1997 Board of Directors Resolutions

Resolutions adopted by NACDL's Board of Directors or Membership are posted online. Resolutions adopted prior to the year 2000 are posted as they are available. For more information on resolutions adopted prior to 2000, please contact NACDL.

Commending the ABA for its Call for an Immediate Moratorium on the Use of Death Penalty

National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, while reiterating and reinforcing its vigorous opposition to the infliction of death as punishment for crime, commends the American Bar Association for its call for an immediate moratorium on the use of the Death Penalty. ............

Authorizing NACDL's FOIA Request to the DOJ OIG Regarding the FBI Laboratory

The Executive Committee of NACDL is authorized to proceed with all deliberate speed in commencing a lawsuit under the Freedom of Information Act to compel public disclosure of the OIG's report on the FBI Laboratory;

NACDL will prepare and make available to its members, and to other lawyers and interested persons, a motion for timely access to the OIG report in any and all criminal prosecutions in which evidence has been analyzed by the FBI Laboratory.

Reaffirming NACDL's Support for the Legal Aid Society

NACDL supports the Legal Aid Society and its unions in reversing Mayor Giuliani's attacks and reaffirm our long-held position that indigent defendants are entitled to the highest quality legal defense that our society can provide. 

Extending Funding of the Death Penalty Attorney Position

NACDL agrees to budget the death penalty attorney's position for an additional period of three years;

AND FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board authorizes the position be filled, and the attorney placed with the Southern Center for Human Rights on the terms and conditions previously agreed upon; ......