WHEREAS, the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers previously agreed to fund a death penalty attorney's position for the Association, for a one year period, and further agreed to place the attorney with the Southern Center for Human Rights; and
WHEREAS, that one year period is soon to expire; NOW THEREFORE IT IS
RESOLVED, that NACDL agrees to budget the death penalty attorney's position for an additional period of three years;
AND FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board authorizes the position be filled, and the attorney placed with the Southern Center for Human Rights on the terms and conditions previously agreed upon;
AND FURTHER RESOLVED, that the President appoint a committee to report to the Board on the effectiveness of this expenditure and on alternate ways in which NACDL can use its resources in the defense of persons facing execution in the United States. The Board requests that the report be presented by the Spring 1998 Board meeting;
AND FURTHER RESOLVED, that the death penalty position shall remain placed at the Southern Center for Human Rights until further action by the Board, following its receipt of and deliberation upon the committee's report;
AND FURTHER RESOLVED, that NACDL thanks Renee McDonald for her services and wishes her success and happiness as she leaves us.
Boston, MA