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2025 Forensic Science & Technology Seminar

Sahara Las Vegas Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas, NV - 16.0 Credits

Agenda Faculty CLE Hotel Exhibitor/Sponsor Scholarships Pricing Register Online Register by PDF

NACDL’s 18th Annual Forensics Seminar, “Making Sense of Science: Forensic Science, Technology & the Law” will be held at the Sahara Las Vegas Hotel & Casino, April 24-26, 2025. 


Don’t miss this great opportunity for a no-nonsense, national networking CLE featuring the leading faculty in their respective fields.



The program agenda and faculty are subject to change.

Thursday, April 24, 2025
3:30 pm Early Registration & Exhibit Hall Open
Friday, April 25, 2025
7:00 am Registration, Exhibits & Continental Breakfast
8:00 am Welcoming Remarks and Morning Announcements – NACDL President Christopher Wellborn (Rock Hill, SC) & Program Co-Chairs Angelica Cogliano (Austin, TX), Jacqueline Goodman (Fullerton, CA), and Tamar Lerer (Newark, NJ)
8:15 am How to Best Utilize (and Treat) Your Experts – Laura Schile (Sun City, AZ); Christopher Angles (Kansas City, MO); Tara Godoy (Grants Pass, OR); and Jonathan Laurans (Carefree, AZ)  The Future of Advocacy: Innovative AI Solutions for Criminal Defense Inside and Beyond the Courtroom – Patrick T. Barone (Birmingham, MI)
9:15 am Your Case is Raining Gems: How to Impeach Deviations from the Standards of Evidence – Dr. Jennifer L. Johnson (Mission, KS) AI: Artificial Intelligence Roadmap for Practicing Attorneys – Elizabeth Daniel Vasquez (New York, NY)
10:15 am Exhibits, Networking & Refreshment Break
10:30 am The Principles of Reliable Fire Investigation: Application of the Scientific Method to Forensic Investigations – Doug Carpenter (Columbia, MD) Challenging Automated Suspicion: Litigating 4th Amendment & Technology Issues – Maneka Sinha (Baltimore, MD)
11:30 am Too Close for Comfort: AFIS Searches, Close Non-Matches, and Quality Assurance in Latent Print Comparisons – Heidi Eldridge (Silver Spring, MD) Cellular Location Data: How Did the Great Lie Get Accepted by the Courts? – Andrew Garrett (Orlando, FL)
12:30 pm Lunch break on your own
2:00 pm STRmix Elizabeth Daniel Vasquez (New York, NY) Biometrics: Facial Recognition – Sidney Thaxter, NACDL's 4th Amendment Center (Washington, DC)
3:00 pm Serology Testing and DNA Transfer: What the Lab Reports Really Mean – Lisa Desire (High Bridge, NJ) Electronic Data Recorders: The Value and How They are Misused – Daniel Billington (Beaver Dam, WI)
4:00 pm Exhibits, Networking & Refreshment Break
4:15 pm The Science of Cannabis and THC Daniel Mehler (San Antonio, TX) Justice by Algorithm: AI, Bias, and and Ethical Challenges – Prof. Sonia M. Gipson Rankin (Albuquerque, NM)
5:15 pm Bloodstain Pattern Analysis: Genuine or Junk? – Amy Santoro (Kansas City, MO) Beating a Stacked Deck: Attacking Electronic Evidence in Digital Searches – Tim Zerillo (Portland, ME)
6:15 pm Adjourn for the Day
7:00 pm Welcoming Reception
CASBAR Lounge, Sahara Las Vegas Hotel & Casino
Co-Sponsored by:

Saturday, April 26, 2025
7:15 am Registration, Exhibits & Continental Breakfast
8:00 am Morning Announcements – Program Co-Chairs
8:10 am Challenging the "Science" of Shaken Baby Syndrome Danica Rue (Newark, NJ)
9:10 am Forensic Pathology: Determining Manner and Cause of Death – Dr. Martha J. Burt, MD (Clackamas, OR)
10:10 am Exhibits, Networking & Refreshment Break
10:25 am Forensic DNA Interpretation, Human Factors & Cognitive Bias: Improving the Practice Through a Systems Approach – Melissa K. Taylor (Gaithersburg, MD) 
11:25 am Cognitive Bias in Forensic Science  Adele Quigley-McBride (Burnaby, BC, Canada)
12:25 pm Lunch break on your own
12:30 - 12:50 pm

20-Minute Lunchtime Training: Making the Most of Video Evidence in Criminal Defense

Sponsored by:

Body-worn cameras can be a great tool for criminal justice, promising transparency and greater police accountability. But there’s a problem, and a big one: they generate sooo much footage.

See how new AI-based tools are helping criminal defense attorneys and public defenders save time and achieve better case outcomes. We’ll show you how you can:
•    Transcribe and manage hours of audio and video evidence,
•    Review, search, and analyze your evidence to narrow down to the important moments.
•    Translate footage from one language to another
•    Create video exhibits to bring evidence to life in court
•    Redact unwanted content

All using tools that are as simple as Google Docs to use.

1:55 pm Let’s Go to the Tape: Science-Based Standards for Non-Eyewitness Identification in a Surveillance World Kathy Pezdek (Claremont, CA) and Tamar Lerer (Newark, NJ)
2:55 pm Do You Really See What You Think You Do? Visibility Analysis & Technological Advances  Daniel Billington (Beaver Dam, WI)
3:55 pm Exhibits, Networking & Refreshment Break
4:10 pm Analyzing Authenticity: Decoding Video EvidenceBrian Cummings (Albany, NY)
5:10 pm Challenging Carceral Forensic Software – Dr. Marc Canellas (Baltimore, MD)
6:10 pm Seminar Adjourns until 2026!


CLE Information

NACDL is an accredited provider of CLE in all states requiring mandatory CLE Training. NACDL will apply for at least 16.00 credit hours in every state requiring pre-approval. Approved hours for each state will be identified at the seminar. Some states, IL, GA, NE, NM, PA, SC, TN and UT require additional fees by the attendee in order to receive credit.


Sahara Las Vegas Hotel & Casino
2535 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Las Vegas, NV 89109

All reservations within NACDL room block must be booked using the online reservations link below. Reservations over the phone are not available. 
Online Reservations: 
Group rate: $99 + tax Thursday / $303 + tax Friday / $349 + tax Saturday - SOLD OUT (expires April 2, 2025).
Rooms/discounted group rates are not guaranteed once the block has been filled.  


Stratosphere Las Vegas
2000 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Las Vegas, NV 89104
(0.7 miles)

Fontainebleau Las Vegas
2777 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Las Vegas, NV 89109
(0.7 miles)

Hilton Grand Vacations Club Paradise Las Vegas
455 Karen Avenue
Las Vegas, NV, 89109
(0.8 miles)

Sponsorship and Exhibits

Disclaimer: NACDL does not necessarily endorse or guarantee the quality, applicability, or discounts of the products and/or services of its exhibitors. Users of these products and/or services do so at their sole discretion and NACDL assumes no responsibility for them.

For information on exhibiting or sponsorships, please contact NACDL's Sales and Marketing Manager Jason Petty at or call (202) 465-7637.

Sponsorship Prospectus

NACDL would like to thank the following sponsors, exhibitors, and affinity partners for their support and contributions:


still available...

GOLD Sponsor:

still available...

SILVER Sponsor:

still available...

BRONZE Sponsor:

Welcoming Reception:

Co-Sponsored by:

Wi-Fi Sponsor:

still available...

Seminar Materials Sponsor:

still available...

Lanyards Sponsor:

Tote Bag Sponsor:

still available...

Exhibitors:  SOLD OUT

California Attorneys for Criminal Justice
Counterpoint-The Journal of Science and the Law
Defense Forensic
DNA Mavens LLC
Envista Forensics
Evidence Solutions, Inc.
Fat Pencil Studio
Forensic Analytical Crime Lab
Forensic Pathology Services (FPS)
Garrett Discovery
Godoy Medical Forensics, Inc. 
Know Your Rights Camp Autopsy Initiative
LawPay & MyCase
Metadata Forensics LLC
Reduct Video
RizeUp Media
Second Look Training and Forensic Consulting LLC
Sorenson Forensics
Veriscene Forensics Inc.
Virtual Networking Solutions LLC
ZK Services


Needs-Based Scholarships

Based on need, scholarships are available to NACDL members for up to 50% off the standard seminar fee of $429. Approved recipients are responsible for the remainder of the tuition fee, which is $215 (all other expenses are not included). The reduced scholarship fee includes seminar tuition, admission to all evening social events, and downloadable seminar materials. Travel, hotel, and other costs are not included.

To Apply: Prepare and e-mail a letter of no more than two pages explaining the reason why you believe you should receive the grant to: NACDL Senior Director of Events Akvile Athanason, at
All applications must be submitted before registering for the seminar and received by March 28, 2025.



Register Online Register by PDF

Members of NACDL enjoy exclusive registration rates for our seminars along with all the benefits from joining.

Registration Fees
NACDL MEMBERS: Regular, Life, President's Club and Sustaining Members $429
NACDL MEMBERS: Public Defender, Associate, Investigator, Professor, New Lawyer, International and Military  $309
Non-Members: Private Practitioners (includes 1-year membership)  $758
Non-Member Public Defenders $349
Regional Affiliate Lawyer Discount: All Nevada and California Lawyers (Residents Only)  $339
Groups of 4 or more PDs (must register at the same time; 1 payment; no changes or cancellations allowed). To register a group, please visit: $289
Non-Attendee Materials / Recordings
Audio Recording of Seminar (pre-sale) $225
Video Recording of Seminar (pre-sale) $299

CANCELLATIONS: There is a $75 cancellation fee. Cancellations must be received in writing via e-mail  to by 5:30 pm E.T. Friday, April 18, 2025, to receive a refund, less the cancellation fee. No refunds can be issued after the cancellation deadline.

Code of Conduct

NACDL endeavors to foster a working, learning, and social environment free of harassment, discrimination, intimidation, and insult. To that end, NACDL has adopted a Code of Conduct for Affiliated Persons that applies to all attendees and participants of any kind at all NACDL sponsored events.

Learn More