DDIC - New Jersey

New Jersey

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Enacted Laws

S 3370 - This bill regulates and prohibits the operation of unmanned aircraft systems under certain circumstances. It is unlawful to operate a drone knowingly and intentionally in a manner that endangers the life or property of another; to take or assist in the taking of wildlife; while under the influence of alcohol or drugs; in proximity to a correctional facility; and to interfere with a first responder who is actively engaged in response.   View the Bill

S 2419 - This bill concerns perimeter fence intrusion protection systems, including unmanned aerial drones used to protect a premise, building, or complex and any artificial intelligence used for physical security applications designed to discourage crime or warn of potential threats using unmanned aerial drones, robots, or computer technology with minimal human intervention. View the Bill

Active Legislation

S 2598 – Permits public utilities and cable television companies to operate unmanned aircraft systems to inspect storm or other damage. View the Bill

A 3555 – Prohibits the use of drones by law enforcement entities. View the Bill

A 334 – Permits public utilities and cable television companies to operate unmanned aircraft systems to inspect storm or other damage. View the Bill

A 1667 – Creates fourth degree crime of operating drone equipped with weapon. View the Bill

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S 451 – Sets forth certain standards to be followed by law enforcement agencies and fire departments when utilizing drones. View the Bill

S 2296 – Requires certain retailers to provide notice of FAA safety guidelines for flying drones to consumers. View the Bill

S 2297 – Requires certain drones to contain geo-fencing technology that prevents the drone from flying above 500 feet and within two miles of an airport or protected airspace; makes violation a fourth degree crime. View the Bill

A 4731 – Permits certain entities to operate unmanned aircraft systems to inspect damage to critical infrastructure. View the Bill

Previously Introduced Legislation (2020)

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A 4761 - Permits public utilities and cable television companies to operate unmanned aircraft systems to inspect storm or other damage. View the Bill

A 3833 - This bill prohibits the use of drones by law enforcement entities and provides that any evidence illegally derived from the use of a drone is not to be used as evidence in a criminal prosecution. View the Bill

A 3103 - This bill would require certain unmanned aircraft systems to contain geo-fencing and makes a violation of this provision a fourth degree crime. View the Bill

S 1995 - Clarifies that crimes of trespassing and invasion of privacy also include us of unmanned aircraft systems. View the Bill

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A 3104 - This bill would require certain retailers to provide notice of FAA safety guidelines for flying drones to its customers. View the Bill

A 2469 - This bill sets forth certain standards to be followed by law enforcement agencies and fire departments when utilizing drones. View the Bill

S 475 - This bill sets forth certain standards to be followed by law enforcement agencies and fire departments when utilizing drones. View the Bill

AR 76 - Urges the FAA to expand restrictions on flights on unmanned aerial vehicles. View the Bill

A 2219 - Expands definition of "qualified offshore wind project" to include "open access offshore wind transmission facility. View the Bill

A 1645 - This bill creates a fourth degree crime of operating a drone equipped with a weapon. View the Bill

A 3143 - This bill concerns local government regulation of installation, maintenance and repair of perimeter fence intrusion protection systems including unmanned aerial drones. View the Bill

Previously Introduced Legislation (2019)

A 5850 - Establishes a Drone Education Task Force. View the Bill

A 4989 - Clarifies that crimes of trespassing and invasion of privacy also includes use of unmanned aircraft systems. View the Bill

S 3318 - Clarifies that crimes of trespassing and invasion of privacy also include use of unmanned aircraft systems. View the Bill

Previously Introduced Legislation (2018)

A 873 - Creates fourth degree crime of operating drone equipped with weapon. View the Bill

A 1463 - Sets forth certain standards to be followed by law enforcement agencies and fire departments when utilizing drones. View the Bill

A 1739 - Creates fourth degree crime of operating drone equipped with a weapon. View the Bill

A 1765 - Regulates and prohibits certain operation of drones. View the Bill

A 2301 - Prohibits the use of drones by law enforcement entities. View the Bill

A 2880 - Require certain drones to contain geo-fencing technology. View the Bill

A 2881 - Requires certain retailers to provide notice of FAA safety guidelines for flying drones to consumers. View the Bill

A 3526 - Permits municipalities to enact ordinance prohibiting operation of drones under certain circumstances. View the Bill

AR 103 - Urges FAA to expand restrictions on flights of unmanned aerial vehicles. View the Bill

SR 41 - Urges FAA to expand restrictions on flights of unmanned aerial vehicles. View the Bill

S 577 - Sets forth certain standards to be followed by law enforcement agencies and fire departments when utilizing drones. View the Bill

S 797 - Requires certain drones to contain geo-fencing technology; makes violation a fourth degree crime. View the Bill

S 1741 - Requires certain retailers to provide notice of FAA safety guidelines for flying drones to consumers. View the Bill

S 2942- Clarifies that using unmanned aircraft system to obstruct crime scene is a fourth degree crime. View the Bill

Previously Introduced Legislation (2017)

AR 267 - Urges FAA to expand restrictions on flights of unmanned aerial vehicles. View the Bill

S 1566 - Criminalizes using drones to conduct surveillance of or fly over critical infrastructures; requires certain drones to be registered and insured. View the Bill

A 4807 - Permits municipalities to enact ordinance prohibiting operation of drones under certain circumstances. View the Bill

A 4837 - Requires certain drones to contact geo-fencing technology; makes violation a fourth degree crime. View the Bill

A 4838 - Requires certain retailers to provide notice of FAA safety guidelines for flying drones to consumers. View the Bill

A 5205 - Regulates and prohibits certain operation of drones. View the Bill

Previously Introduced Legislation (2016)

A 2381 - Requires certain retailers to provide notice of FAA safety guidelines for flying drones to consumers. View the Bill

A 2383 - Requires certain drones to contain geo-fencing technology; makes violation a fourth degree crime. View the Bill

A 2946 - This bill establishes a fourth degree crime of conducting surveillance of or flying over a critical infrastructure using a privately owned drone. The bill also requires certain drones to registered and insured. View the Bill

A 3389 - This bill sets forth certain standards to be followed by law enforcement agencies and fire departments when utilizing drones. View the Bill

A 4806 - Creates fourth degree crime of operating drone equipped with weapon. View the Bill

AR 78 - Urges FAA to expand restrictions on flights of unmanned aerial vehicles. View the Bill

SR 35 - This bill urges the FAA to expand restrictions on flights of unmanned aerial vehicles. View the Bill

Previously Introduced Legislation (2015) 

A 1039 - Sets forth certain standards to be followed by law enforcement agencies and fire departments utilizing drones. View the Bill

NJ[R] A 4344 - Establishes fourth degree crime of conducting surveillance of critical infrastructures using drones and requires certain drones to be registered and insured. View the Bill

S 3174 - Requires certain retailers to provide notice of FAA safety guidelines for flying drones to consumers.  View the Bill

S 3175 - Requires certain drones to contain geo-fencing technology; makes violation a fourth degree crime. View the Bill

S 3183 - Criminalizes using drones to conduct surveillance of or fly over critical infrastructures; requires certain drones to be registered and insured. View the Bill

SR 141 - Urges FAA to expand restrictions on flights of unmanned aerial vehicles. View the Bill

Previously Introduced Legislation (2014) 

A 534 - Prohibits use of drones by law enforcement entities. View the Bill

A 1164 - Establishes certain warrant requirements for law enforcement agencies that utilize drones. View the Bill

A 2147 - Sets forth certain restrictions regarding use of drones by law enforcement entities, forest fire departments, and entertainment venues. View the Bill

S 2310 - Sets forth certain standards to be followed by law enforcement agencies and fire departments when utilizing drones. View the Bill