North Carolina

North Carolina State Jury Compensation Data

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Juror Compensation Explicitly Addressed State Law

NC Gen Stat § 7A-312. Uniform fees for jurors; meals

(a) A juror in the General Court of Justice including a petit juror, or a coroner's juror, but excluding a grand juror, shall receive twelve dollars ($ 12.00) for the first day of service and twenty dollars ($ 20.00) per day afterwards, except that if any person serves as a juror for more than five days in any 24-month period, the juror shall receive forty dollars ($ 40.00) per day for each day of service in excess of five days. A grand juror shall receive twenty dollars ($ 20.00) per day. A juror required to remain overnight at the site of the trial shall be furnished adequate accommodations and subsistence. If required by the presiding judge to remain in a body during the trial of a case, meals shall be furnished the jurors during the period of sequestration. Jurors from out of the county summoned to sit on a special venire shall receive mileage at the same rate as State employees. Persons summoned as jurors shall be exempt during their period of service from paying a ferry toll required under G.S. 136-82 to travel to and from their homes and the site of that service.

Only State Funds Pay


§ 7A-312. Uniform fees for jurors; meals

(a) A juror in the General Court of Justice including a petit juror, or a coroner's juror, but excluding a grand juror, shall receive twelve dollars ($ 12.00) for the first day of service and twenty dollars ($ 20.00) per day afterwards, except that if any person serves as a juror for more than five days in any 24-month period, the juror shall receive forty dollars ($ 40.00) per day for each day of service in excess of five days. A grand juror shall receive twenty dollars ($ 20.00) per day. A juror required to remain overnight at the site of the trial shall be furnished adequate accommodations and subsistence. If required by the presiding judge to remain in a body during the trial of a case, meals shall be furnished the jurors during the period of sequestration. Jurors from out of the county summoned to sit on a special venire shall receive mileage at the same rate as State employees. Persons summoned as jurors shall be exempt during their period of service from paying a ferry toll required under G.S. 136-82 to travel to and from their homes and the site of that service.

(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section, the Administrative Office of the Courts may select a judicial district to operate a pilot program in which a juror may waive payment of the per diem fees provided for in that subsection. A juror waiving the fee may designate that the fee be used for any of the following services, if such services are provided in the district: (i) client treatment and service programs associated with a drug treatment or DWI treatment court program; (ii) courthouse self-help centers; (iii) courthouse child care centers; (iv) legal aid programs operated by a nonprofit corporation operating within the district; and (v) the Crime Victims Compensation Fund. If no such services are provided within the district, then waived fees are transferred to the Crime Victims Compensation Fund.


State Reimburses Counties Juror Compensation Fees

County Local Funds Solely Pay

Amount Involves Supplement

Per Diem Amount

NC Gen Stat § 7A-312. Uniform fees for jurors; meals

(a) A juror in the General Court of Justice including a petit juror, or a coroner's juror, but excluding a grand juror, shall receive twelve dollars ($ 12.00) for the first day of service and twenty dollars ($ 20.00) per day afterwards, except that if any person serves as a juror for more than five days in any 24-month period, the juror shall receive forty dollars ($ 40.00) per day for each day of service in excess of five days. A grand juror shall receive twenty dollars ($ 20.00) per day. A juror required to remain overnight at the site of the trial shall be furnished adequate accommodations and subsistence. If required by the presiding judge to remain in a body during the trial of a case, meals shall be furnished the jurors during the period of sequestration. Jurors from out of the county summoned to sit on a special venire shall receive mileage at the same rate as State employees. Persons summoned as jurors shall be exempt during their period of service from paying a ferry toll required under G.S. 136-82 to travel to and from their homes and the site of that service.

Per Diem Rate Increases After Certain Number of Days

NC Gen Stat

§ 7A-312. Uniform fees for jurors; meals

(a) A juror in the General Court of Justice including a petit juror, or a coroner's juror, but excluding a grand juror, shall receive twelve dollars ($ 12.00) for the first day of service and twenty dollars ($ 20.00) per day afterwards, except that if any person serves as a juror for more than five days in any 24-month period, the juror shall receive forty dollars ($ 40.00) per day for each day of service in excess of five days.

Extended Lengthy Trial Fund Specific Fund

Are Jobs Protected

NC Gen Stat § 9-32. Discharge of juror unlawful

(a) No employer may discharge or demote any employee because the employee has been called for jury duty, or is serving as a grand juror or petit juror.

(b) Any employer who violates any provision of this section shall be liable in a civil action for reasonable damages suffered by an employee as a result of the violation, and an employee discharged or demoted in violation of this section shall be entitled to be reinstated to his former position. The burden of proof shall be upon the employee.

(c) The statute of limitations for actions under this section shall be one year pursuant to G.S. 1-54.

Jurors Entitled to Both Juror Compensation

Juror Either Paid by Employer or by State

Transportation Transit Reimbursement

NC Gen Stat § 7A-312. Uniform fees for jurors; meals

(a) A juror in the General Court of Justice including a petit juror, or a coroner's juror, but excluding a grand juror, shall receive twelve dollars ($ 12.00) for the first day of service and twenty dollars ($ 20.00) per day afterwards, except that if any person serves as a juror for more than five days in any 24-month period, the juror shall receive forty dollars ($ 40.00) per day for each day of service in excess of five days. A grand juror shall receive twenty dollars ($ 20.00) per day. A juror required to remain overnight at the site of the trial shall be furnished adequate accommodations and subsistence. If required by the presiding judge to remain in a body during the trial of a case, meals shall be furnished the jurors during the period of sequestration. Jurors from out of the county summoned to sit on a special venire shall receive mileage at the same rate as State employees. Persons summoned as jurors shall be exempt during their period of service from paying a ferry toll required under G.S. 136-82 to travel to and from their homes and the site of that service.

Parking Provided Full

**NOT SURE WHETHER COUNT** NC Gen. Stat. § 7A-304. (Effective until December 1, 2020) Costs in criminal actions

(a) In every criminal case in the superior or district court, wherein the defendant is convicted, or enters a plea of guilty or nolo contendere, or when costs are assessed against the prosecuting witness, the following costs shall be assessed and collected. No costs may be assessed when a case is parking for jurors"

Childcare Provided Full

Juror can Return Juror Fees


Explicit Rule


Only state funds to pay for jury compensation


State reimburses county


Only county/local funds to pay for jury compensation


County/local funds can supplement state compensation


Extent of Payment

Explicit employer protections


Juror entitled to both juror compensation and regular employment wages


Juror can only receive one: Juror compensation or regular employment wages


Per diem amount


Per diem rate increases after certain number of days


Extended/Lengthy Trial Fund: Specific Funding Source for this additional, extended funding


Other Provisions

Transportation/Transit reimbursement


Parking provided


Child care provided/reimbursed


Juror can return juror fees, or waive per diem



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