
Wyoming State Jury Compensation Data

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Juror Compensation Explicitly Addressed State Law

Wyo Stat § 1-11-119. Number of jurors; fees and mileage.

Trial juries in circuit courts shall be composed of six (6) persons. Trial juries in civil cases and all other proceedings in the district courts except criminal cases shall be composed of six (6) jurors unless one (1) of the parties to the action files a written demand for twelve (12) jurors within the time a demand for jury may be filed, in which event the number of jurors shall be twelve (12). Jurors in all courts shall be allowed the same fees and mileage as jurors in district court.

Only State Funds Pay



Wyo. Stat. § 1-11-301. Fees in district court generally.



All persons summoned as jurors in the district courts of this state shall receive the fees hereinafter provided and none other.

State Reimburses Counties Juror Compensation Fees

County Local Funds Solely Pay

Amount Involves Supplement

Per Diem Amount

Wyo Stat § 1-11-119. Number of jurors; fees and mileage.

Trial juries in circuit courts shall be composed of six (6) persons. Trial juries in civil cases and all other proceedings in the district courts except criminal cases shall be composed of six (6) jurors unless one (1) of the parties to the action files a written demand for twelve (12) jurors within the time a demand for jury may be filed, in which event the number of jurors shall be twelve (12). Jurors in all courts shall be allowed the same fees and mileage as jurors in district court.


Wis. Stat. § 1-11-304. Certificate issued to jurors.

The clerk of the court shall note the time of the discharge of each juror summoned and issue to the juror a certificate under seal of the court for the amount due him for mileage and juror fees.


Wis. Stat. § 1-11-302. Mileage rate.

Jurors shall receive mileage at the rate set in W.S. 9-3-103 when the distance required to be traveled by the juror from the juror’s place of residence to the place of trial exceeds five (5) miles one (1) way.

Per Diem Rate Increases After Certain Number of Days

Wyo. Stat. § 1-11-303. Amount of fees.



Jurors shall receive thirty dollars ($30.00) for each full or part day of actual attendance. A juror in attendance for more than five (5) consecutive days, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, may, in the discretion of the court, be allowed an additional twenty dollars ($20.00) per day for each day actually in attendance

Extended Lengthy Trial Fund Specific Fund

Are Jobs Protected

Wyo. Stat. § 1-11-401. Protection of jurors' employment.

(a) No employer shall discharge, threaten to discharge, intimidate or coerce any employee by reason of the employee’s jury service, for the attendance or scheduled attendance in connection with jury service, in any court in the state of Wyoming.

(b) Any employer who violates the provisions of this section:

(i) May be enjoined from further violations of this section in order to provide other appropriate relief, including but not limited to reinstatement; and


(ii) Is liable for exemplary damages to the employee in an amount set by the court, but not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) for each violation as to each employee; and


(iii) Is liable for the employee’s reasonable costs and attorney’s fees, as set by the court, in enforcing his rights hereunder.


(c) Any individual who is reinstated to a position of employment in accordance with this section shall be considered as having been on furlough or leave of absence during his period of jury service, shall be reinstated to his position of employment without loss of seniority and is entitled to participate in insurance or other benefits offered by the employer pursuant to established rules and practices relating to employees on furlough or on leave of absence in effect with the employer at the time the individual entered upon jury service.

(d) No action by an employee aggrieved hereunder shall be brought more than six (6) months after the alleged violation.

(e) The court may award a prevailing employer a reasonable attorney’s fee as part of the cost if the court determines that any action brought by an employee is frivolous, vexatious or brought in bad faith.

Jurors Entitled to Both Juror Compensation

Juror Either Paid by Employer or by State

Transportation Transit Reimbursement

Wyo Stat.

§ 1-11-302. Mileage rate.



Jurors shall receive mileage at the rate set in W.S. 9-3-103 when the distance required to be traveled by the juror from the juror’s place of residence to the place of trial exceeds five (5) miles one (1) way.

Parking Provided Full

Childcare Provided Full

Juror can Return Juror Fees


Explicit Rule


Only state funds to pay for jury compensation


State reimburses county


Only county/local funds to pay for jury compensation


County/local funds can supplement state compensation


Extent of Payment

Explicit employer protections


Juror entitled to both juror compensation and regular employment wages


Juror can only receive one: Juror compensation or regular employment wages


Per diem amount


Per diem rate increases after certain number of days


Extended/Lengthy Trial Fund: Specific Funding Source for this additional, extended funding


Other Provisions

Transportation/Transit reimbursement


Parking provided


Child care provided/reimbursed


Juror can return juror fees, or waive per diem



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