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Showing 1 - 15 of 317 results

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    Combatting the Substantiation Requirement

    Redacted substantiation section from a b4 compassionate release/RIS motion; note that this example focuses on the civil class action lawsuit against FCI Dublin (which is only available to incarcerated individuals still housed at FCI Dublin)

    Another redacted substantiation section from a b4 compassionate release/RIS motion; this client was not part of the civil class action lawsuit against FCI Dublin, and was instead pursuing their own FTCA lawsuit. 


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    BOP Contact Info

    BOP Contact Information Based on BOP Facility (Nov. 2023)

    Regional Counsel Contact Information (Nov. 2023)

    • Note, if any of the contact information changes, please let resource counsel know (  BOP personnel changes often, but BOP does not let us know.  The best way to find out personnel changes is from our attorneys. 

    • Content Page

    Template Replies for (b)(6)/Unusually Long Sentence Cases

    Template Reply Brief on b6 validity- from Federal Defenders (Nov. 2023)

    • For b6 cases focusing on First Step Act Changes (sections 401 and 403).
    • Initially drafted for a case in a district within the Eleventh Circuit. Sections are highlighted where non-Eleventh Circuit attorneys will want to add their own circuit law; fortunately, there is not much law to add as the government’s argument is not really circuit-specific, so the reply is not really circuit-specific either.
    • The reply has highlighted references to section 401 of the First Step Act; if your case is a 403 case, you’ll need to swap that out.
    • Also, there is a footnote highlighted that references an argument that we have seen in just one case so far (related to exhaustion); the government’s responses in other cases have not included this argument, so we don’t know yet whether it will be repeated elsewhere.
    • This is ONLY the validity argument! Don’t forget to add good material about your client and their case!

    Redacted reply from district in 6th Circuit - from Federal Defenders (b5 and b6 arguments) (Nov. 16, 2023)

    • This reply includes a section about how Sixth Circuit law (McCall) does not foreclose the validity of 1B1.13(b)(6). This section could be modified for people in other circuits with similar pre-amendment caselaw (i.e. CA3, CA5, CA7, CA8, CA11, and DC). 
    • Here the (b)(5) argument precedes the (b)(6) argument, which is a good strategy as the government is not claiming that b5 is not facially invalid. If, the client can get a win on that the b5 ground, or on both b5 and b6 grounds, it could make that win more secure. Similarly, if you have health claims/family-based claims, etc., you’ll want to elevate those.

    • Brief

    Criminal Cases of Corrections Officers from FCI Dublin

    John Russell Bellhouse Goverment Sentencing Memo (Nov. 17, 2023)

    Nakie Nunley Plea Agreement (Sept. 5, 2023)

    Andrew Jones Plea Agreement (July 13, 2023)


    Garcia (Warden) Trial Transcript and Sentencing Transcripts

    Garcia (Gov) Sentencing Memo (Mar. 8, 2022)

    Garcia (Def) Sentencing Memo (Mar. 8, 2022) 

    Garcia Sentencing Transcript (Mar. 22, 2023)

    Garcia Trial Transcript (Nov. 28, 2022)

    Garcia Trial Transcript (Nov. 29, 2022)

    Garcia Trial Transcript (Nov. 30, 2022)

    Garcia Trial Transcript (Dec. 1, 2022)

    Garcia Trial Transcript (Dec. 2, 2022)

    Garcia Trial Transcript (Dec. 5, 2022)

    Garcia Trial Transcript (Dec. 6, 2022)

    Garcia Trial Transcript (Dec. 8, 2022)