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The Power of Presence: Elevating Your Courtroom Credibility


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In the high-stakes environment of the courtroom, a lawyer’s presence can significantly influence the perception of credibility and authority. "The Power of Presence: Elevating Your Courtroom Credibility" is a specialized workshop designed for defense attorneys seeking to enhance their courtroom effectiveness. This interactive workshop will explore the essential elements of a commanding presence, including body language, vocal delivery, and psychological strategies for maintaining composure under pressure. Participants will learn how to project confidence and competence, qualities that build trust and credibility with judges, juries, and clients.

Participants are encouraged to bring a 1-2 minute sample of your own writing (opening statement, closing statement or other speech) and receive a hands-on, skill-based critique of your work. 

You will walk away with proven, tangible and practical techniques to enhance your courtroom credibility and deliver strong performances, including:
-    Body Language and Non-Verbal Communication
-    Posture and stance, and effective use of gestures and movements
-    Vocal Delivery and Speech
-    Voice projection and clarity, as well as tone and pacing
-    Psychological Strategies for Composure
-    Stress management techniques
-    Maintaining composure under pressure
-    Active listening and empathy

Where: Online at 2:00 pm ET 
Pricing: NACDL Members: $29 / Non-Members: $39
CLE Credit: This training is approved for 1 hour of self-study CLE credit, depending on the state, where applicable. Approval is not guaranteed for all states and jurisdictions. 

This training is eligible for credit in the following states: Alabama (1), Arizona (1), Arkansas (1), California (1), Colorado (pending), Florida (1), Georgia (1), Idaho (pending), Iowa (pending), Kansas (pending), Kentucky (pending), Minnesota (pending), Mississippi (pending), Missouri (pending), Montana (pending), Nebraska (pending), New Mexico (pending), New Jersey (1), New York (1), North Carolina (pending), North Dakota (pending), Oklahoma (pending), Pennsylvania (1), Tennessee (pending), Texas (pending), Utah (pending), Vermont (1), Virgin Islands (1), Washington (pending), West Virginia (pending), Wisconsin (pending), Wyoming (pending).

ACCESS: A link to access the online training will be provided after registration.

About the Presenter:
John Staley
CEO, Co-founder, Presenting U

With over two decades of experience as a professional coach and trained stage actor, John supports leaders at all levels to elevate their mental, physical, and vocal presence for greater influence and impact. As the founding director of The Lawyers Performance Lab, John has facilitated workshops at law firms, guest lectured at law schools, delivered keynote presentations at American Inns of Courts, and coached hundreds of attorneys on best practices for courtroom presentations. Currently serving as the CEO of Presenting U., John extends his expertise to executives at major organizations including Experian, Kaiser Permanente, and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, along with Fortune 500 companies such as Biogen, Amgen, and Starbucks.
John offers a range of services including personalized executive presence coaching, comprehensive presentation skills training, and team development programs.


Code of Conduct

NACDL endeavors to foster a working, learning, and social environment free of harassment, discrimination, intimidation, and insult. To that end, NACDL has adopted a Code of Conduct for Affiliated Persons that applies to all attendees and participants of any kind at all NACDL sponsored events.

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