Ep.28 - Gideon at 50: New Indigent Defense System Research

In this episode of The Criminal Docket, we'll hear about two important indigent defense reports recently issued by NACDL.

Ep.28 - Gideon at 50: New Indigent Defense System Research +

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Ep.28 - Gideon at 50: New Indigent Defense System Research -- In this episode of The Criminal Docket, we'll hear about two important indigent defense reports recently issued by NACDL. First, we hear from NACDL's Indigent Defense Counsel John Gross about the report he authored entitled Rationing Justice: The Underfunding of Assigned Counsel SystemsThis report was released to coincide with today's 50th anniversary of the Supreme Court's decision in Gideon v. Wainwright. We also hear from NACDL Executive Director Norman Reimer and Indiana Law Professor Joel Schumm about a report released jointly with the ABA/SCLAID earlier this year -- National Indigent Defense Reform: The Solution is MultifacetedLearn more about NACDLIvan Dominguez, host. Steven Logan, production supervisor. Isaac Kramer, production assistant. Music West Bank (Lezet) / CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 and Walkabout (Digital Primitives) / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0.

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